Book Title: Brief Survey of Phonetics and Grammar as Found)in the Bhagawati Sutra
Author(s): J C Sikdar
Publisher: Z_Mahavir_Jain_Vidyalay_Suvarna_Mahotsav_Granth_Part_1_012002.pdf and Mahavir_Jain_Vidyalay_Suvarna_
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Brief Survey of Phonetics and Grammar as found in the Bhagavati Sutra J. C. SIKDAR Phonetics : Here an attempt will be made to give a short structure of phonetics with their various changes as found in the language of the Bhagavati-Sutra by furnishing examples in brief. Sonants : (1) An initial p changes into a, i, u, e.g., accha (11-11-428)= sksa, iddhi (3-1-137) = sddhi, isi (9-33-382) = ssi, uu (9-33-383) = stu, usaha (9-33-380) = rsabha. (2) Optionally the initial s becomes ri, e.g. risaha (1-1-7) = rsabha, rayarisi (11-9-417) = rajarsi. (3) a develops for l, e.g., ghaya (11-9-407) = gheta, tana (15-1-551) = trna. (4) i represents r, e.g., kivana (1-9-77) = krpana, giddha (2-1-91) = grddha. (5) u stands for r in the case of some syllables, e.g., pudhavi (2-3-98) = prthivi, muimga (9-33-383) = mrdanga. (6) The vowel changes in the same word, e.g., miu (1-6-53) = madu, kinha (15-1-557) = krsna. (7) The r is changed into u and also in the case of a noun, being the first member of a compound, e.g., mau-oya (1-7-1) = matroja, piu-sukka (1-7-61) = pitrsukra. Vowels : The Dipthongs ai and au. (1) e represents ai, e.g., mehuna Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 : SHRI MAHAVIRA JAINA VIDYALAYA GOLDEN JUBILEE VOLUME (2-5-105) = maithuna, ceiya (9-33-383) = caitya, vejja (16-3-572) = vaidya. (2) au changes into o, e.g., osaha (2-5-107) = ausadha, kosambi (12-2-441) = kausambi. Lengthening and shortening of vowels : There are found the occasional lengthening and shortening of vowels. (1) A short vowel for ra + consonant is lengthened as compensation, when a conjunct consonant occurs immediately after it and one of the members is dropped and the remaining member is not doubled, e.g., kaum (2-1-92) = kartum, phasa (1-1-15) = sparsa, vasa (15-1-541) = varsa, vagala (11-9-417) = valkala. (a) Sibilant + ya - pasai (3-1-134) = pasyati. (b) sibilant + ravisasa (8-1-309) = visrasa. (c) sibilant + va - asa (9-33-385) = asva. (d) In place of am before eva there becomes the lengthening of a, e.g., evameva (2-1-91), khippameva (9-33-385), jameva (9-33-385), tameva (9-33-385). Besides these, there are found many cases of the lengthening of short vowels, e.g., in the case of the final vowel of the prefixes, especially of pra, pavayana (9-33-384) - pravacana and in that of the final vowel used in the vocative singular, e.g., Ananda (15-1-547), Goyama (1-1-8). Elevation of vowels : There is found the elevation of vowels in some cases, such as, the first vowel of a prefix, e.g., paliekka (15-1-540) = pratyeka, the final vowel of a prefix, e.g., ahevacca (18-10-647) = adhipatya, and in other cases, e.g., cauramta (1-1-5) = caturanta, caugghamta (9-33-383) = caturghanta. Shortening of vowels : Long vowels are frequently shortened in many words. (1) A vowel is shortened (a) in the case of the accent falling on the following syllables : ayariya (15-1-547) = acarya, pajjava (8-2-323) = paryaya, (b) in that of the stress accent, e.g., suhuma (6-3-337) = suksma, (c) in a case when it comes before a conjunct consonant, e.g., puvva (15-1-539) = purva, gimha (9-33-383) = grisma, majjara (15-1-557) = marjara, kattha (2-1-92) = kastha. (d) in that of all syllables accompanied by a nasal vowel or anusvara, e.g., mamsa (15-1-557) = mamsa. Dropping of initial vowels : There are found several cases of the dropping of vowels in the language of the Bhagavati Sutra, e.g., vahanao (2-1-90) = upanaha, lauya (1-1-19) = alavuka, etc. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PHONETICS & GRAMMAR AS FOUND IN THE BHAGAVATI SUTRA: 235 Assimilation of vowels: There takes place sometimes the assimilation of the vowels of the neighbouring syllables to one another in certain cases, e. g., usu (7-9-303) isu, puhutta (1-2-20) = prthaktva, etc. Anuspara: Anusvara is of common use in the language of the Bhagavati Sutra. Anusvara is frequently added to the adverb after the final vowels, e. g., uppim (1-6-54), uvarillam (1-6-54) and it is also added to the final a in the case of instrumental singular of the masculine and neuter a stems, e. g., tenam, kalenam (1-6-53), etc., and in that of the nominative and accusative plural of the neuter, & in the genitive plural of all stems of masculine and neuter gender and in other cases, e. g., neraiyanam (1-1-10)= nairatikanam. Consonants: (1) Vocalization of sounds: There takes place the vocalization of intervocal consonants. Intervocal consonant ka becomes vocalized and forms ga, e.g., asogavana (1-1-19) asokavana, agasa (2-10-118) = akasa. (2) Dropping of intervocal consonants: In many cases there is found the tendency of dropping the intervocal weak consonants, e.g., nayare (1-1-4)= nagaram, loe (1-6-53) lokah, aure (25-7-801) = aturah. (3) But the intervocal ga often remains, e.g., agara (15-1-541), anagara (15-1-541). (4) Intervocal ca and ja are dropped and ya is added as ya sruti in order to make the pronunciation easy, e.g. pavayapa (9-33-384) = pravacana, ayariya (15-1-547) acarya, attaya (9-33-381) atmaja, (5) ta between two vowels remain, e. g., bhavati (14-6-520), viharati (15-1-540), namamsati (15-1-544). (6) Intervocal da' remains in most cases, e. g., padesa (2-10-119) pradesa, vadamanassa (7-2-271). (7) In place of intervocal pa it is dropped and va is added to the udvrtta vowel in place of pa, e. g., pava (1-4-40) papa, uvaniya (11-11-430) upanita, ahevacca (18-10-647) adhipatya. (8) Intervocal ya remains often, e. g., piya (9-33-383) = priya, samayiya (2-1-93)= samayika. Change of initial consonant: (1) In the initial syllable the consonant 'ka' especially becomes kha in the word 'khujjahim' (9-33-380) for Skt. kubjaih'. (2) The Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 : SHRI MAHAVIRA JAINA VIDYALAYA GOLDEN JUBILEE VOLUME initial 'pa' appears as pha, while the medial in some cases becomes bha or va through pha, e.g., phanasa (22-3-692) = panasa, kacchabha (7-6-288) = kacchapa, thuva (9-33-383) = stupa. (3) For the medial ga there occurs gha in rare cases of aspiration, e.g., simghadaga (9-33-383)= sringataka. (4) There takes place the aspiration of nasals and semivowels, e.g., nhaviyao (11-11-430) = snapika. (5) Aspiration also appears in other cases in a syllable of the word, e.g., dhuya (12-2-441) = duhita. (6) Sometimes there is found the loss of aspiration, e.g., khambha (11-11-429) = stambha. (7) In a number of cases the palatals occur in place of dentals, e.g., citthai (2-1-93) = tisthati. (8) There is found the transition from ta to da, e. g., padaga (9-33-385) = pataka. (9) Cerebralization is found in many cases, e.g., samvuda (1-1-18) = samvrta, kada (1-3-27) = keta. Assimilation of conjunct consonants : Assimilation takes place as a result of dropping of one of the members of a conjunct consonant and doubling of the remaining consonant, e.g., cakkavatti (1-1-5) = cakravartin, sappa (15-1-547) = sarpa, appa (1-2-21) = alpa, etc. In the case of any consonant of the ta class standing in conjunction with ya there becomes the substitution of the corresponding number of the ca class, e.g., saccam (1-3-30) = satyam, miccha (15-1-544) = mithya, vejja (10-3-30) = vaidya, etc., uvajjhaya (9-33-389) = upadhyaya. Besides these, there are found many instances of doubling of conjunct consonants, e.g., pajjava (8-7-323) = paryaya, payacchitta (25--7-801) = prayascitta, rukkha (8-3-324) = vsksa. Svarabhakti (anaptyxis): Conjunct consonants are simplified by dividing the two members by a partition-vowel, e. g., arihamta (1-1-1) = arhanta, bhaviya (18-9-643) = bhavya, pauma (11-5-7) = padma,,chaumattha (15-1-553) = chadmastha, etc. A tendency is found in the language of the Bhagavati Sutra to introduce a conjunct consonant in place of the original unconjunct consonant, e.g., ekka (1-1-11) = eka, tella (10-6-580) = taila, ujju (8-2-322) (25-3-730) = sju. There occurs also a tendency of dropping the initial syllable of a word (syncope), e.g., ti (15-1-544) = iti, tti. (18-10-647), i (1-3-35), etc. The interchange of syllables in the body of the word (the phenomenon of metathesis) is found in some words, e.g., Vanarasi (15-1-550) = Varanasi. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PHONETICS & GRAMMAR AS FOUND IN THE BHAGAVATI SUTRA : 237 There occurs the phenomenon of Samprasarana, i.e., 'ya' and 'va' become 'i' and 'u' respectively in the language of this work, e.g., abbhimtara (11-11-428) = abhyantara, pasiniya (9-33-389) = pratyanika, turiyam (15-1-557) = tvaritam, suvina (11-11-428) = svapna. In some places the Varnagama, particularly of ma is found at the beginning of the uttarasabda (last word), e.g., samaiyamaiyaim (9-33-382) = Samaiyikadi. Grammar : Some ideas of the grammatical structure of the language used in the Bhagavati Sutra are given below :-Sandhi : (1) It is found in the canonical work that the single member (i.e. word) in compounds generally remains like the other member in its pure thematic form without sandhi, e.g., Ovasa-vaya-ghana-udahi (1-9-73). Here the vowels a and u stand uncontracted, but similar vowels coming together in compounds form Sandhi, e.g., Jivajiva (2-5-107). (2) In the case of the second member of a compound having i and followed by a double consonant, the final vowel of the first member is generally dropped, e.g., egimdiya (2-1-85) = ekendriya. (3) The vowels i & u of a member in compounds do not form sandhi with dissimilar vowels of the other member, e. g., pagai-uvasamta (1-6-52) = prakrtyupasanta. (4) a+u form sandhi, e.g., Samanovasaga (2-5-107) = sramanopasakas. (5) a or a followed by a long vowel i or u is dropped, e.g., raisara (9-33-385). (6) Sometimes a or a becomes contracted with udvstta vowel i, i oru, u, e.g., ke i (16-4-573), thera (2-5-108). (7) In some cases a standing at the end of the first member of a compound is omitted before a dissimilar udvitta vowel, i.e., at the beginning of the second member, e.g., devaulam (5-7-219), devauyam (1-8-64). (8) na (not) sometimes forms sandhi with the initial vowel of a verb, e.g., natthi (1-3-32), natthesi (15-1-551), nahi (15-1-552). Gender and Number : The gender and number of words which are correlated vary in many cases in their use in this canonical work. (1) The general practice is found to insert an inorganic in the middle of a compound at the end of a word, i.e., an oscillation is partly produced by the rule of the last syllable. Thus the neuter-nouns are used as masculine and they form the nominative singular in e, e.g., udagarayane (15-1-547), utthane, kamme, bale, virie (1-3-34), duvihe Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 : SHRI MAHAVIRA JAINA VIDYALAYA GOLDEN JUBILEE VOLUME uvaoge pannatte (16-7-583), etc. (2) The neuter an becomes masculine in a, e.g., kamme (1-3-34) = karman; it becomes the neuter of a stem, e.g., addha (11-11-424) = adhva which is derived from the stem adhvan. (3) The neutral forms by the similarity of the termination a are made dialectically in the nominative and accusative plurals from the masculine in a, e.g., pasinaim (2-1-90), (4) Neutral plural forms of the masculine are also used in the case of u stem, e.g., heuim (2-1-90). (5) Neutral forms from the feminine are used, e.g., tayapanae (15-1-553), valiyao (8-5-325). (6) The dual number is not used except in the case of the numeral, e.g., duve kavoyasarira (15-1-557). Other grammatical features : (1) A general practice is found in the use of the particle 'o' or 'to' derived from 'ato' as mere expletive, e.g., davvao (1-1-15). (2) The so-called ya sruti used for the division of words and the dropping of ta in the case of the often occurring forms of the third person, singular number and present tense and the past perfect passive show two tendencies of the grammatical rules of the early and later Middle-Indo-Aryan stages of language. Declension: (1) In the third person, singular number nominative akaranta word (i. e. stem in a) terminates in e, e.g., Samane, Mahavire, aigare (1-1-5), and the plural in a or ao, e.g., damdaga (1-2-20), tasa (2-1-9). samjaya (1-2-21), aillao (1-2-21). (2) In the accusative singular it ends in am or im or um, e.g., egam maham navam (1-6-55), Jamalim (9-33-385), usun (1-8-67), and in the plural in z or a or o, e.g.. ammapiyaro (9-33-384), te samanovasae (2-5-110), vahanao (2-1--90) (3) In the singular number of the instrumental case it terminates in ena or enam, e.g., paridahenam (1-1-19) and in the plural in hi or him, e.g., nanamtarehim (1-3-37), asavadarehim (1-6-55). (4) In the dative singular number it ends in ae or atte, e.g., vahae (1-8-68), dukkhattae (1-1-15). (5) In the singular number of the ablative case it terminates in ko, e.g., Rayagihao (2-1-90) and in the plural in himto, e.g., ehimto, (1-7-58), gehehimto (2-5-109). (6) In the singular number of the genitive it ends in ssa and in the plural in ana or nam, e.g., vigayapakkhassa (1-1-8), neraiyanam (1-1-10). (7) In the locative singular it terminates in e or msi or mmi and in the plural in esu or sum, e.g. Kalamase (1-1-19), harade (1-6-55), udagamsi (1-6-54), ekkekkammi (1-1-11), padammi (1-1-11), (plu.) sannivesesu (1-1-10). (8) In the Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PHONETICS & GRAMMAR AS FOUND IN THE BHAGAVATI SUTRA : 239 vocative singular it is a or a or o and in the plural a, etc., e.g., Goyama (1-1-9), Ananda (15-1-547). Feminine forms in a stem : (1) In the third person singular, nominative case, it ends in a e.g., Cellana (1-1-4), Devananda (9-33-380), and in the plural in ao, e.g., lessao (1-2-22). (2) In the accusative singular termination is am, e.g., Devanamdam (mahanim) (9-33-382), and in the plural it is ao, e. g., egamegao bhajjao (11-11-530). (3) In the instrumental singular it ends in ae, e.g., Ajja,Camdanae (9-33-382), and in the plural in ahi or him, e.g., Cilaiyahim (9-33-380). (4) In the dative singular it is ae, e.g., Ajja-Camdanae ajjae (9-33-382). (5) In the ablative singular it terminates in ae and in the plural in ahimto. (6) In the genitive singular it is ae and in the plural it is anam, e.g. (sing.) Devanamdae (9-33-381), (plural) asgapadiyariyanam (11-11-428) (7) In the locative singular it terminates in ae, e. g., Isiparisae (9-33-381) and in the plural asu. (8) The vocative form is a, e.g., Devanamda (9-33-380). The declension of the feminine forms in i or u are almost identical with that of the feminine a with some exception in isolated cases, e.g., Kukkuli (1-6-53) (nom.), Pabhavatie Devie (instrumental) (11-11-428), miyavittie (dative) (1-8-65). As regards pronouns it is not possible to present their complete forms out of the stray references to them in the Bhagavati Sutra. But it is found that in their declension the same general rules of the nouns, masculine, neuter and feminine genders are followed in accordance with their respective genders and numbers in almost all case-endings with some exception, e.g., third person. Se (nom. sing.), te (nom. plu.), tam (accusative sing.), tenam (instrumental sing.), tao (ablative sing.), tassa (genitive sing.), tesim (plu. gen.), tamsi or tammi (locative sing.), tesu (plu.), Fem. Sa (nom. sing.), tao (plu.), etc. First personaham (nom. sing.), amhe (nom. plu.), etc. Second person--tumam (nom. sing.), tujjhe (nom. plu.), or tumhe, etc. Verbs : In the Bhagavati Sutra two classes of verbs have been used : (1) those which end in a, (2) those which end in e. Besides these there are some verbs which terminate in other vowels like tha, ni, etc. Some examples of conjugation are given below: Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240: SHRI MAHAVIRA JAINA VIDYALAYA GOLDEN JUBILEE VOLUME Present Indicative First Class (i. e. Verbs terminating in a) Singular Plural First Person : Vocchami (1-2-25) Janamo (2-1-84) Third Person : Calati (3-3-153) Parivasamti (3-2-142) Bhavati (14-6-520) Bhavamti (16-4-573) Pasai (3-1-134) Nimdamti (3-1-136) Second Class (i. e. Verbs terminating in e) Singular Plural First Person: Roemi (2-1-92) Vedemti (7-3-279) Vedemi (1-2-20) Karemti (1-1-9) Edei (1-2-20) Uvvattemti (1-1-12) Thavei (9-33-385) Imperative Singular Second Person: Vadaha (2-1-92). Palayahi (11-9-417) Third Person: Pasatu (3-2-149) Plural Sannaveha (7-9-300) Perfect Tense Singular Plural Third Person : Karettha Karimsu (1-3-28) Hottha (2-5-107) Ahamsu (1-9-75) Future Tense The future tense is formed in two ways by adding ssati and hiti to the root respectively. First Future Form Singular Plural First Person: Abhiginhissami Viharissamo (12-1-438) (3-1-134) Third Person : Vedissai (1-4-40) Pabhasissamti (9-7-363) Second Future Form Singular Plural Third Person : Gacchihiti (12-1-96) Abhisimcemhimti (15-1-559) Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PHONETICS & GRAMMAR AS FOUND IN THE BHAGAVATI SUTRA : 241 Optative : Hojja (1-5-44), avakkamejja, etc. Causative : Causative is formed by adding suffix ave to the root of the verb. e. g., aghavei (8-3-22) (indicative); parivaveha (8-7-337), karaveha (11-1--428) (imperative). Some roots change their final vowels to e and lengthen their initial a, e.g., padeti (16-5-572). Passive voice : It is formed by adding ijje to the root of the verb, e.g., avacijjai (1-10-80). Besides, there are some other forms, e.g., disai (9-33-396), muccai (9-33-386), cijjahti (1-1-12), chijjahti (6-3-233). Participles : Two kinds of participles are used, viz., present and past, the first is formed by adding mane or anta to the root and the second by adding the suffix iya, e.g., (I) dharemane (1-3-28), vemane (1-4-39), jalamta (11-9-417); (II) mae (1-4-40), jae (12-7-457), kade (1-3-27). There are also potential participles formed by adding yavva or iyavva, e.g., neyavvam (1-10-81), vattavvaya (14-8-530), etc. Gerunds or absolutes : They are used in different forms by adding itta or ittanam to the root and by adding tiu to it and also iya or aya is found to form them, e.g., vamdeitta (1-1-19), pasittanam (11-11-428), kattu (2-1-92), nisamma (3-1-134), gahaya (15-1-547). Besides these, there occur some irregular absolutes, being imported from Sanskrit by phonetic changes, e.g., kicca (1-1-19), socca (3-1-134), ahacca (6-10-257), paducca (1-1-4). Infinitives : They are formed by adding the suffix um and ittae, e.g., kaui (2-1-92), citthittae (5-4-199), uvadamsittae (6-10-255). Abstract nouns : They are formed by adding the suffix tta, e.g., devattae. Comparative degree : It is constructed by adding tara, e.g., appatarae (1-2--21). In the superlative there is found 'seyam' (3-1-134). YO 3803 G.J.V. 16