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Jaina-Literature : 6th Century
Swāmī Kārttikeyā Yativrşabha
Kārttikeyā nupreksā Cūrņi on Kaşāya-pähuda Tiloya-pannatti
दर्शन (Philosophy) Philosophy Cosmology (Karanānuyoga) |
Dharmadāsa-gani Jinabhadra-gaņi
Upadeśa-mala Bhāşya on Jiyakappa Cūrņi on Aņuogaddāra Viseşāvasyaka-bhāşya (with self-comm.) Bșhatkşetra-samāsa Sarngrahaņi Visesanavati Dhyāna-sataka Bhayahara-stotra Bhāşya on Kappa Bhāşya on Niśīha Bhāşya on Vavahāra Vasudevahindi (including Majjhima-khanda)
Didactics Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Cosmology (Karaņānuyoga) Cosmology (Karaņānuyoga) Philosophy Philosophy (Spiritual) Eulogy (Stotra) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.)
Manatunga Samghadāsa-gani
Samghadāsa-gani & Dharmasena-gaņi
Narratives (Prose)
Mallavādi Manatunga
Dvādaśāra-naya-cakra (incomplete) Bhaktāmara-stotra
Logic (Nyāya) Eulogy (Stotra)
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Observations on 6th century - Jaina-Literature
* From the viewpoint of Logic, we can say that this century is the beginning of Anekāntayuga, in Jaina fields.
* An often quoted 'Nayacakra' or 'Dvādaśāranayacakra' of Mallavādin is the oldest work on Nayavāda. It is incomplete and published with the comm. of Simhasenagaņi. There are lot of differences about the exact date of Mallavādin. Some are of the opinion that there are two Mallavādins.
* Vasudevahiņdi, the prose narrative is jointly written by Samghadāsagani and Dharmasenagaņi is a unique narrative, based on the wanderings of Vasudeva and a peculiar specimen of ancient JM. or Arsa Prakrit. The language of Majjhimakhanda contains few Śauraseni characters. The influence of Bhāgavatapurāņa is evidently seen with the inclusion of the mythological figures like Nārada etc. Its lucid prose style is full of rich cultural data. In the history of Prakrit literature, Vasudevahindi is a landmark treatise.
* We find Karaṇānuyoga literature of this century is written by both the sects, viz. Svetāmbara and Digambara. Kasāyapāhuda is found with its Cūrņi. The word 'Cūrņi' is very rarely used in Digambara tradition. Yativrşabha's Cūrņi-sūtras are written in JŚ.
* The period of canonical commentaries starts from this century in Svetāmbara tradition. The Bhāṣyās are written by Samghadāsa on the three prominent Chedasūtras, viz. Kalpa, Nisītha and Vyavahāra. Jinabhadragani wrote the Bhāşyas on Jītakalpa and Višeşāvaśyaka. Both the Ācāryas might have felt it necessary to codify the strict rules of conduct and atonements prescribed for Svetāmbara monks.
* Višeşāvasyakabhāșya had attained a unique position in scholarly field due to - (i) its philosophical attitude, (ii) inclusion of important historical details, (iii) cultural data and specially Ganadharavāda.
* The most popular and revered Skt. Stotra 'Bhaktāmara' is composed by Acārya Manatunga. Both Svetāmbara and Digambara devotees recite this stotra with great faith.
* Dharmadāsagani had laid down the foundation of didactic poems by writing Upadeśamālā. The tradition of didactic poems is continued in the later centuries.
* Dhyānašataka of Jinabhadragani is the dawn of Yoga literature on the Jaina horizon. Haribhadra (8th cen.) had included Dhyānaśataka in his comm. on Avaśyaka.
* In short, we may conclude that each and every work of this century is original and important.
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Jaina-Literature : 7th Century
Swami Karttikeyā
Kārttikeyā nupreksā Cūrni on Dasaveyāliya
दर्शन (Philosophy) Canonical Comm. (Sve.)
Anonymous Jinadāsagani-mahattara
Pañca-sutta Cūrni on Aņuogaddāra Cūrņi on Avassaya Cūrni on Ayāra Cūrņi on Dasaveyāliya Cūrņi on Dasāsuyakkhandha Cūrņi on Jiyakappa Cūrni on Kammapayadi Cūrņi on Nandi Cūrņi on Nisīha Cūrņi on Sūyagada Cūrņi on Uttarajjhayaņa
Ethics (Monastic Conduct) Canonical Comm. (Śve.) Canonical Comm. (Šve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Śve.) Canonical Comm. (Śve.) Canonical Comm. (Śve.) Canonical Comm. (Śve.) Canonical Comm. (Śve.) Canonical Comm. (Śve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.)
Varānga-carita Ravişeņa
Padma-carita Samantabhadra
Ratna-karanda-śrāvakācāra BỊhatsvayambhū-stotra Stuti-vidyā Prāksta-vyakaraņa (not available) Apta-mimamsa Yuktyanuśāsana
Kevalajñāna-praśna-cūdāmani Sarvavarman & Katyāyana Kātantra-vyākarana
Biography (Carita) Biography (Carita) Ethics (Householders' Conduct) Eulogy + Logic Eulogy + Logic Grammar Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Prognostics Grammar
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Observations on 7th century - Jaina-Literature
* Due to containing the sacred words of Lord Mahāvīra, AMg. became sacred language for Jainas. So after the finalization of Amg. canonical literature, its usage was stopped and Śve. Jaina writers started writing in JM. which was of course influenced by Ardhamāgadhī.
* Among the JM. works, Cūrņis are important. Cūrņis are short explanatory notes in prose form written on AMg. canons, Niryuktis and Bhāșyas. The Cūrņis consist both Prakrit and Sanskrit. The famous Cūrņikāra Jinadāsagani selected the important canons containing monastic conduct and wrote Cūrņis. Agastyasimha's Cūrņi on Daśavaikālika is also found in this century.
* Anonymous JM. work Pañcasutta is important because Haribhadra (8th cen.A.D.)wrote comm. on this work. Due to this reason, the work is put in this century.
* In the 7th and 8th century, JŚ. works are not found. Digambara writers started writing Comentarial literature on JŚ. canons from the 9th century and onwards.
* Among the Skt. writers of this century, Samantabhadra is very prominent. His Nyāya works are honoured in the field of Indian logic. Nyāya works in the 6th century are written by Svetāmbara writers. In this century, Digambara logician Samantabhadra is very active. Through his works Āptamīmāṁsā and Yuktyanuśāsana, Samantabhadra prepared grounds for the writings of Akalanka and Haribhadra. A huge commentarial literature is produced on these two important works of Samantabhadra from 8th century A.D. up to 18th century A.D.
* Samantabhadra systematized the Srāvakācāra according to Digambara norms in Sanskrit. His Ratnakaranda-śrāvakācāra inspired many Digambara authors in writing Śrāvakācāras in Sanskrit.
* The eulogies of Samantabhadra are presented in Nyāya style and very rich in Poetic values. Vasunandi wrote an extensive comm. on Stutividyā.
* Kevalajñānapraśnacūdāmaņi, a work on Prognostics is written by Samantabhadra. According to some scholars there are two Samantabhadras. Logician Samantabhadra is different from the author of Kevalajñāna-praśna-cūdāmaņi.
* It is told that Samantabhadra has written Prākrta Vyakarana, but the work is extinct.
* The tradition of Kātantra Vyākaraņa started in the 3rd century A.D. and completed in the 7th century A.D. The authorship of this grammar is dubious. It is noted that this grammar is written by Sarvavarmāan or Kātyāyana or Andhrabhrtya Sātavāhana.
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* Ravişeņa's Padmacarita is the first Jaina Rāmāyaṇa written in Sanskrit. It is the exact Sanskritization of Vimala sūri's Paumacariya.
* Jațāsimhanandi's Skt. Varāngacarita is a biography of Varānga, still it includes philosophy, ethics as well as conduct of monk and layman. It inspired further Varāngacaritas in Skt., Apa., Hindi and Kannad.
* Samantabhadra and Jinadāsagani-mahattara are the impressive authors of this century.
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Jaina-Literature : 8th Century
Swami Kārttikeya | Kārttikeyā nuprekṣā
दर्शन (Philosophy)
Anonymous Kārttikeya (Svāmī)
Panca-samgraha Kārttikeyānupreksā
Philosophy (Karma) Philosophy (Spiritual)
Candrarşi Haribhadra (Yakini-mahattarā-sūnu
Pañcasamgraha Lagga-suddhi Sumiņa-sattari Devendra-narakendra-prakarana Jambūdīva-samgahani Uvaesa-paya Sammatta-sattari Sāvaya-paņņatti Sāvaya-dhamma-vihi Tīkā on Panca-sūtta
Panca-vatthuga Pancāsaka (with self-comm.) Visavisio
Philosophy (Karma) Astronomy Astronomy Cosmology (Karanānuyoga) Cosmology (Karaņānuyoga) Didactics Ethics (Householders' Conduct) Ethics (Householders' Conduct) Ethics (Householders' Conduct) Ethics (Monastic Conduct)
(Comm.) Ethics (Monastic Conduct) Ethics (Monastic Conduct) Ethics (Monastic and
Householders' Conduct) Eulogy (Stotra) Narratives Poetical Composition
(Prakarana) Poetical Composition
(Prakaraña) Secular (Satirical) Yoga Yoga Narratives (Prose + Poetry)
Vīra-tthava Samarāicca-kahā Samboha-payaraņa (Tatta-payasaga)
Dhuttakkhāņa Yoga-vimśikā (Yoga-vimsati) Yoga-śataka Kuvalayamala
Abhayanandi Akalanka
Aparajita-sūri Dhanesvarasuri Haribhadra
Tīkā on Jainendra-vyākarana Tīkā on Apta-mimamsa Laghiya-straya (with self-comm.) Nyāya-viniscaya Pramāņa-sangraha Siddhi-viniscaya (with self-comm.) Tīkā on Tattvartha-sūtra Tativārtha-rāja-vārtika) Tīkā on Bhagavati Arādhanā (Vijayodaya) Satruñjayamāhātmya Avacūri on Dasaveyāliya Țīkā on Aņuogaddāra Tīkā on Avassaya Tīkā on Dasaveyaliya Tīkā on Jīvābhigama Tīkā on Pannavanā sīkā on Nandi Vrtti on Pindanijjutti (incomplete)
Grammar (Comm.) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Philosophy (Comm.) Ethics (Monastic Conduct) (Dig.) Legendary History Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.)
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Jaina-Literature : 8th Century
Dharma-bindu Samsāra-dāvānala-stuti Anekānta-jaya-patākā (with self-comm.) Anekānta-vāda-pravesa Aştaka-prakarana Dvija-vadana-capeta Sarvajña-siddhi Şat-darśana-samuccaya Šāstra-vārtā-samuccaya Tīkā on Nyāyāvatāra Țīkā on Nyāya-praveśa (of Dināga) Loka-tattva-nirnaya Paraloka-siddhi Tattva-tarangini Tīkā on Tattvārtha-sūtra (incomplete) Vșttajāti-samucchaya Tīkā on Caitya-vandana-sūtra
(Lalita - vistară) Brahma-siddhānta-samuccaya Yoga-bindu Yoga-drșți-samuccaya Harivamsa-purāņa Tīkā on Tattvārtha-sūtra
Ethics (Householders' Conduct) Euology (Stotra) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Logic (Nyāya)(Comm.) Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy (Comm.) Metrics Religious Conduct
(Comm.) Yoga Yoga Yoga Mythology (Purāņa) Philosophy (Comm.)
Jinasena Siddhasena gani
Biography (Carita)
Pauma-cariu Harivamsa-purāņa (Ritthanemi-cariu) Svayambhū-chandas
Biography (Carita) Mythology (Purāņa) Metrics
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Observations on 8th century - Jaina-Literature
Variety of subjects, languages and literary forms is remarkable in 8th century.
Jaina authors wrote on various subjects like Philosophy, Karma, Yoga, Grammar, Metrics, Legendary history, Religious conduct, Hymns, Astrology, Karaṇānuyoga, Canonical commentaries etc. They chose suitable literary forms according to the subjects.
We find the 8th century-Jaina-literature in four languages viz. JŚ., JM., Skt. and Apabhramsa. Jaina Sauraseni and Apa. works are less than JM. and Sanskrit. JŚ. literature is less because Digambara Jaina authors prefer Sanskrit for their literary activities than Jaina Śaurasenī. Apabhramsa works are less because it is the starting period of Apa. era.
Two Digambara works retained the tendency of doctrinal and philosophical writings in Jaina Sauraseni.
Akalanka (Dig.) and Haribhadra (Šve.) wrote Nyāya works in Sanskrit. Akalanka is the first and foremost Jaina logician who started the systematic discussion of Pramāņas. In the true sense he is the 'Father of Jaina Logic.' He refuted the views of Dharmakirti who was a famous Buddhist logician.
Haribhadra lived just after Akalanka. Haribhadra was an all-rounder genius. He had equal proficiency over Sanskrit and Prakrits. Basically being a Brahmin, his contribution to Jaina Literature is unparallel. His impartial attitude and love for learning without any sectarian bias has brought him a good name in Jaina and non-Jaina circles. In his Nyāya works, Haribhadra's stress is more on Anekāntavāda. He wrote a commentary on the work of Dinnāga, who was a famous Buddhist logician.
Uddyotanasūri's Kuvalayamālā, traditionally known as a Campūkāvya is an encyclopedic lucid narrative full of historical, geographical, religious and cultural data. He mentions Haribhadra as his Guru. Kuvalayamālā is the excellent literacy masterpiece of this century.
The commentarial work on Tattvārtha is continued in this century.
Aparājitasūri wrote the first Sanskrit commentary on Digambara text Bhagavati Ārādhanā. The Sanskrit commentaries on Kundakunda were written in later centuries. This fact indicates the antiquity of Bhagavati Arādhanā than Kundakunda.
Apabhramsa era starts from Svayambhū's Paumacariu and Rittnemicariu the tradition of Apa. Caritas is continued up to 17th century. Apabhramśa Caritas are composed mostly by Digambara authors of Southern India.
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Newly started literary activities of this century 1] The first Sanskrit commentary on Digambara work is Bhagavati Ārādhanā by Aparājita. 2] The first Prathamānuyoga works written in Apabhramsa i.e. Paumacariu and Harivaṁsapurāna.
3] The first Legendary History, i.e. (Satruñjayamāhātmya) of Dhaneśvara in Sanskrit. 4] The first systematic discussions of Pramāṇas in Jaina Logic, i.e. Pramāṇasamgraha of Akalanka.
5) The first metrical work in Apabhraṁsa i.e. Svayambhū-chandas. 6] The new style developed by Haribhadra of writing Sanskrit Canonical commentaries including Prakrit (JM.) stories. 7] Dhuttakkhāņa the satirical work of Haribhadra inspired further authors to compose many such type of works titled Dharmaparīkņā. Many Dharmaparikṣās are found up till 18th century written in JM., Apa. and Sanskrit. * In short, we can conclude that alongwith Haribhadra, the contribution of Akalanka, Svayambhū and Uddyotana is quite remarkable in the 8th century.
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Jaina-Literature : 9th Century
Vīrasena | Virasena & Jinasena
Jain Literature 9th Century Nimitta-pähuda Tīkā on Satkhandāgama (Dhavala) Tikā on Kasāya-pähuda (Jayadhavala)
Astronomy Philosophy (Comm.) (Dig.) Philosophy (Comm.) (Dig.)
Anonymous Bappabhatti Dharmadāsa-gani Gargarşi Jayasimha Nandişeņa Sīlānka
Jīva-samāsa Tārāyaņa Uvaesa-mālā Kamma-vivāga Dhammovaesamālā-vivarana Ajiyasanti-tthava Cauppanna-mahāpurisa-cariya
Philosophy Anthology Didactics Philosophy (Karma) Didactics Eulogy (Stotra) Biography (Carita)
Anantavirya Bappabhatti Dhananjaya
Tīkā on Siddhi-viniscaya Sarasvati-stotra Dvi-sa/ dh¢na-kevya (Raghava-pandaviya) Vişāpahara-stotra Anekārtha-nāma-mālā Nāma-mālā Uttara-purāņa Atmānusāsana Jina-sahasra-nama-stotra Mahāpurāņa (Adipurāņa) Pārsvābhyudaya (Samasya-purti of Meghadūta) Ganita-sāra-samgraha Şaţtrimśikā Kevali-bhukti-prakarana
Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Eulogy (Stotra) Epic Eulogy (Stotra) Lexicon Lexicon Mythology (Purāņa) Philosophy (Spiritual) Eulogy (Stotra) Mythology (Purāņa) Poetry Maths (Ganitānuyoga) Maths (Ganitānuyoga) Poetical Composition (Prakarana) Poetical Composition (Prakarana) Grammar Grammar
Siläńka (Tattväditya)
Vidyānanda (Vidyānandi)
Dhặtu-patha Sabdānuśāsana (with self-comm.) (Amoghavṛtti) sīkā on Āyāra Tīkā on Sūyagada Tīkā on Jiva-samāsa Apta-pariksā Patra-parīksā Pramāņa-parīksā Satya-sāsana-parīksā Țikā on Aştaśati (Asta-sahasri) Tīkā on Yuktyanusāsana Tikā on Tattvārtha-sūtra (Tattvārtha-śloka-vārtika) Paramappayāsu Yoga-sāra
Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Philosophy (Comm.) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Philosophy (Comm.)
Yogindra (Yogindudeva)
Philosophy (Spiritual) Yoga
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Observations on 9th century - Jaina-Literature
* In comparison with the 8th century, more authors are involved in the literary activities of 9th century, but total number of works is less.
* Literature of this century pertains to JŚ, JM., Skt. and Apabhramsa. JŚ. works are only two but they are huge and monumental. Satkhandāgama and Kaşāyaprābhrta are the sourcebooks (ākara-grantha) of Digambara writers. Víasena and Jinasena wrote huge Jaina Sauraseni commentaries on these most revered works in this century. These commentaries attained venerable position due to the important discourses on various philosophical and doctrinal subjects, especially on Karma-doctrine.
* Sanskrit works are ample in number and variety of subjects is notable. Bappabhatti is an important historical personality of this century. His relationship with king Yasovarman of Kānyakubja and Vākpatirāja (Bappairāya) of Gauda-deśa is discussed elaborately by the historians. We can get valuable information about Bappabhatti in Jaina legendary histories.
* Vidyānanda and Anantavīrya continued the tradition of Nyāya works, started by Akalanka in 8th century. Commentary on Tattvārtha is written by Vidyānanda in Nyāya style. In scholarly field, Tattvārthaślokavārtika is much revered. Original and commentarial Sanskrit works on Nyāya written by Vidyānanda is the speciality of this century.
* Sīlānka started a new tradition of writing Ardhamāgadhi Canonical commentaries in Sanskrit. For the better understanding of Ācārānga and Sūtrakstānga, these commentaries are very helpful. Later on, this tradition was continued by Navāngi Tīkākāra Abhayadeva.
* Dhananjaya's Sanskrit lexical works are important and the first of this type.
* Jinasena, the revered Digambara poet wrote on Epic and Samasyāpūrti Kāvya on Meghadūta, titled 'Pūrśvābhyudaya'. He is the pioneer of classical Sanskrit writings in Jaina field. 'Samasyāpūrti' form of literature was imitated by many Śvetāmbara and Digambara writers up to 16th century. In these Jaina works, the mastery of the authors over Sanskrit is obviously seen, but these works lack in originality and creativity of literary forms and subjects.
* Ganitasārasamgraha of Mahāvīrācārya is an often quoted remarkable work of Ganitānuyoga. This work is enumerated among the important works on Mathematics in Indian literature.
* The Sanskrit works of Jinasena, Mahāvīrācārya, Guņabhadra and Śākațāyana (all Dig. writers) were written under the patronage of Rāșțrakūța king-Amoghavarşa. During 9th century Mānyakheța was a prominent centre of literary activity under the reign of Rāstrakūtas.
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* Apabhramsa flourished as a literary language from 10th century onwards. Apabhramsa works of this century are very few.
* In short, we can say that almost all the writers of this century produced noteworthy works in various languages and subjects.
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Jaina-Literature : 10th Century
Jain Literature 10th Century Jaya-pāhuda Laghu-naya-cakra Bhāva-samgraha Damsaņa-sāra Tattva-sāra Arāhaņā-sāra Bșhannaya-cakra Nimitta-śāstra
Astronomy Logic (Nyaya) Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy Religious Conduct Logic (Nyāya) Prognostics
Mailla-dhavala Rsiputra
Devendra-sūri Dhanapāla
Kālakācārya-kathānaka Sāvaya-vihi Rşabha-pañcāśikā Vira-thui Pāia-lacchi-nāma-mālā Găhă-lakkhana Mūlasuddhi-pagarana Bhuvana-sundari-carita
Narratives Ethics (Householders' Conduct) Eulogy (Stotra) Eulogy (Stotra) Lexicon Metrics Narratives Biography (Carita)
Nanditadhya Pradyumna-sūri Vijayasimha
Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Biography (Carita) Biography (Carita) Mythology (Purāņa) Euology (Stotra) Narratives Grammar
Harişeņa Indranandi
Jambū-kavi Jayakirti Jayadeva Jayasena
Bșhat-sarvajña-siddhi Laghu-sarvajña-siddhi Candraprabha-carita Mahāvīra-carita (Vardhamāna-carita) śāntinātha-purāņa Tīkā on Sobhana-stuti Tilakamañjari Śabdarnava (Enlarged Ed. of Jainedra-vyākarana) Bșhat-kathā-kosa Arādhana-patākā Jvālā-mālini-kalpa Manipaticarita (Munipaticarita) Chandonuśāsana Jayadeva-chandas Tīkā on Pancastikāya Tīkā on Pravacana-sāra (Tātparya-vrtti) Tīkā on Samaya-sāra Pradyumna-carita-kāvya Tikā on Arādhanā-sāra Upamiti-bhava-prapanca-kathā Sricandra-kevali-carita Tīkā on Uvaesa-mālā (Heyopādeyā) Tīkā on Nyāyāvatāra Yaśastilaka-campū Nīti-vākyāmsta Yasodhara-carita Pārsvanātha-carita Ekibhāva-stotra
Mahāsena Ratnakirti Siddharşi-gani
Collection of Narratives Religious Conduct Ritualistics Biography (Carita) Metrics Metrics Philosophy (Comm.) (Dig.) Philosophy (Comm.) (Dig.) Philosophy (Comm.) (Dig.) Epic Religious Conduct (Comm.) Narratives (Allegoric) Biography (Carita) Didactics (Comm.) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Campūkāvya Ethics Biography (Carita) Epic Eulogy (Stotra)
Vădirāja-sūri Vădirāja-sūri
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Jaina-Literature : 10th Century
Vadhamāna-sūri Devasena Dhanapāla
Didactics (Comm.) Ethics (Householders' Conduct)
Harişeņa Padmakirti Puspadanta
Tīkä on Uvaesa-paya Sāvaya-dhamma-dohā Satya-puriya-mandana-Mahāvīrotsāha Bhavisayatta-kahā Dhamma-parikkha Pāsaņāha-cariu Jasahara-cariu Ņāyakumāra-cariu Mahāpurāņa (Tisatthi-mahāpurisa-guņālankāra) Pāhuda-dohā
Narratives Secular (Satirical) Biography (Carita) Biography (Carita) Biography (Carita)
Mythology (Purāņa) Philosophy (Spiritual)
Rāmasimha (Muni)
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Observations on 10th century - Jaina-Literature
* In this century, Skt. works are ample. JM. and Apa. works are comparatively less. JŚ. works of this century are very few and mostly written by Devasena.
* The tradition of writing on astronomical subjects in JŚ. is continued in this century by the work called Jayapāhuda.
* BỊhannayacakra and Laghunayacakra are probably the only two works on logic written in Jaina Sauraseni.
* It is noticed that the focus of Digambara literature in JŚ. is always on philosophical, doctrinal and astronomical subjects. Classical literature like epics, mythologies, biographies, narratives, legendary histories etc. is not found in Jaina Sauraseni. Two reasons can be inferred in this matter (i) Digambaras were genuinely interested in philosophical and religious reflections and they never indulged in popular writings. (ii) Majority Digambara writers belonged to South India. Their mother tongues were not belonging to MIA group of languages. Though they had acquired the writing-skills in Jaina Saurasenī. It was difficult for them to produced classical literature in Jaina Saurasenī.
From fourth century onwards, we find Skt. works of Digambaras, both philosophical as well as classical. Due to the proficiency in Skt. they were more comfortable with Sanskrit. Digambaras never tried Jaina Mahārāștri as their literary language because Svetāmbaras were producing their literature in JM. right from fourth century onwards. The sectarian spirit did not allow them to write in Jaina Mahārāștri.
In the meantime, Apabhramsa was flourishing as a literary language. In the 8th century Svayambhū started writing Caritas and Purāņas in Apabhramśa. In the 10th century, under the patronage of Amoghavarşa, Digambara writers like Pușpadanta, Harișeņa, Padmakīrti, Devasena and Dhanapāla were engaged zealously in writing Purāņas, Caritas and also narratives in Apabhramśa, which become the Prathamānuyoga literature of Digambaras. Ancient Kannada works of this century are also found due to the royal patronage.
* Among the JM. writers of this century, Devendra, Dhanapāla, Nanditādhya and Pradyumna are important. JM. works of this century are not many in numbers but the variety of subjects is remarkable.
* Nanditādhya's Gahālakkhaņa is the first work on Metrics which is written in Jaina Mahārāstrī.
* Devendra's narrative of Kālaka became so famous that in the later centuries, whole Kālaka literature was produced in JM. and Sanskrit.
* The off-beat religious stories in Malaśuddhiprakaraņa are very remarkable in their themes and presentation. The stories are very distinct from the traditional Prakrit stories found in
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the commentaries.
* Among the ample Skt. works of this century, Dhanapāla's Tilakamañjarī, Somadeva's Yaśastilakacampū and Harişena's Brhatkathākoşa are the most revered works in Jaina and also in non-Jaina fields. These works attained venerable position in the history of Indian Sanskrit literature.
* Jayasena's Skt. commentaries on Kundakunda's important works are remarkable. It is very curious that in the 13th century, Amrtacandra had written commentaries on the same works of Kundakunda.
* It seems that the personality of Yasodhara attained popularity from this century. Digambaras wrote biographies of Yaśodhara up till 18th century in Sanskrit and Apabhraíśa.
* Skt. Nyāya works of this century are very few and mostly commentarial.
* Works on Metrics are written in JM. and Sanskrit.
* We find JM., Skt. and Apabhramsa works of Dhanapāla in this century. The available history books provide baffling information about two or three Dhanapālas. After the minute observation we have come to the conclusion that Svetāmbara Brahmin Pandita Dhanapāla, contemporary of Bhoja wrote Tilakamañjarī in Skt. and lexicon (Pāialacchināmamālā) and stotras in Jaina Mahārāstrī. The other Dhanapāla, born in Dhakkada-vamsa was a Digambara belonging to Vaisya caste and he wrote the famous Bhavisayattakahā in Apabhramsa.
* Apabhramsa Dohā works of this century are very peculiar. Dohā metre attained popularity in 15th and 16th century and the devotional songs were composed in regional languages.
* In short we may conclude that declining tendency of Religious, Philosophical and Nyāya works is seen in 10th century. On the other hand, inclination towards classical literature is increasing
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Jaina-Literature : 11th Century
Jain Literature : 11h Century Pañca-samgraha Rittha-samucchaya
| Philosophy (Karma)
Anonymous Durgadeva Nemicandra (Siddhānta-cakravarti)
Tiloya-sāra Dravya-samgraha Gommața-sāra Labdhi-sāra - Kşapaņa-sāra Jambuddīva-pannatti-samngaha Jnana-sara
Cosmology (Karaṇānuyoga) Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy Cosmology (Karaṇānuyoga) Yoga
Padmanandi Padmasimha (Muni)
Panca-niyanthi Bhāşya on Nava-tatta-gāhā-payarana
Candaprabha-mahattara Devacandra-sūri
Dhanesvara Durgadeva Gunacandra-gaņi
Vijayacanda-kevali-cariya Santinātha-carita Nammaya-sundari-kahā Nava-paya-payarana Nava-tatta-payarana Surasundarī-cariya Rittha-samuccaya Mahāvīra-cariya Kahā-rayana-kosa (JM + Apa.) Jambū-cariya Samvega-rangaśālā Chatthana-payarana
Guņapāla (Muni) Jinacandra-sūri Jineśvara-sūri
Kathā-kosa-prakarana Nirvāna-līlāvati-kathā (Not available) Pancalingī-payarana
Ethics (Monastic Conduct) Poetical Composition (Prakaraña) (Comm.) Biography (Carita) Biography (Carita) Narratives Ethics (Householders' Conduct) Philosophy Biography (Carita) Astronomy Biography (Carita) Collection of Narratives Biography (Carita) Narratives Ethics (Householders' Conduct)
(Prakaraña) Collection of Narratives Narratives Poetical Composition
(Prakarana) Ethics (Monastic Conduct) Eulogy (Stotra) Poetical Composition (Kulaka) Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy (Karma) Narratives Biography (Carita) Biography (Carita) Biography (Carita) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Poetical Composition (Kulaka) Narratives Poetical Composition
(Prakarana) Religious Conduct
Pinda-visuddhi (Abhayadeva-sūri-sişya) Ullāsikkama-thaya
Dvādaśa-kulaka Agamiya-vatthu-viyāra-sāra (Chāsii) Sārdha-śataka
Şada-śīti Maheśvara-sūri
Ņāņa-pañcami-kahā Nemicandra (Devendra-gani)| Anantanäha-cariya
Mahāvīra-cariya Rayanacüdarāya-cariya | Tīkā on Uttarajjhayana (Sukhabodha) Atmabodha-kulaka
Akkhāņaya-maņi-kosa śānti-sūri (Vādivetāla) Jiva-viyāra-payaraņa
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Jaina-Literature : 11th Century
Sumati-sūri Siddhasena Virabhadra
Tinadattākhyāna Cūrņi on Jiyakappa Arāhaņā-padāyā
Biography (Carita) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Religious Conduct
Prajnāpanā-tstiya-pada-samgrahani Vrtti on Antagadadasā Vịtti on Aņuttarovavāiya Vrtti on Nāyādhammakahā Vrtti on Paṇhāvāgaraņa Vrtti on Samavāya Vrtti on Thāna
о папа Vịtti on Uvavāiya Vștti on Uvāsagadasā Vịtti on Vivāga Vrtti on Viyahapannatti Bhāşya on Chatthaņa-payaraņa
Țīkā on Pancāsaka
Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Šve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Ethics (Householders' Conduct)
(Comm.) Ethics (Householders' Conduct)
(Comm.) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Philosophy (Karma) (Comm.) Philosophy (Spiritual) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Collection of Narratives Anthology Ethics (Householders' Conduct) Ethics (Monastic Conduct)
(Comm.) Philosophy (Karma) Religious Conduct Secular (Satirical) Yoga Grammar Ethics (Monastic Conduct)
Aştaka-prakarana Vāda-mahārņava Tīkā on Sanmati-tarka Bhāşya on Saptatikā Paramātma-prakāśa Tīkā on Pramāņa-sangraha Tīkā on Siddhi-viniscaya Kathānaka-kosa Subhāṣita-ratna-samdoha Srāvakācāra (Upāsakācāra) Tīkā on Bhagavati Arādhanā (Marana-karandikā) Panca-samgraha Sāmāyika-patha Dharma-parīkņā | Yoga-sāra Panca-granthi (Sabdalaksma) (MS.) Căritra-sāra Tīkā on Sākațāyana-vyäkarana (Rūpa-siddhi) Purāņa-sara-samgraha Tīkā on Ohanijjutti Țīkā on Aşta-prakarana Pramă-lakṣma (with self-comm.) Sangha-pattaka Nandīśvara-stavana Prabodha-candrodaya Mahāpurāņa Nāga-kumāra-kavya
Anonymous Amitagati
Buddhisāgara-sūri Cāmundarāya Dayāpāla (Muni)
Dāmanandi Dronācārya Jineśvara-sūri
Grammar (Comm.) Legendary History Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Ethics Euology (Stotra) Drama Mythology (Purāņa) Laghukāvya
Krşnamisra Mallisena
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Jaina-Literature : 11th Century
Mānikya-nandi Namisādhu
Bhairava-padmavati-kalpa Jvālini-kalpa Kāmacāņdāli-kalpa Sarasvati-mantra-kalpa Parīkņā-mukha Tikä on Kāvyālankāra Tīkā on Āvassaya (Pratikramana) Kşatra-cūdāmaņi Syādvāda-siddhi Gadya-cintāmaņi Ārādhanā-satkathā-prabandha (Ārādhana Kathā-kośa) Tikä on Ratna-karanda
Ritualistics Ritualistics Ritualistics Ritualistics Logic (Nyāya) Poetics (Comm.) Religious Conduct Biography (Carita) Logic (Nyāya) Biography (Carita) (Prose)
Odayadeva (Vādibhasimha
Collection of narratives Ethics (Householders' Conduct)
(Comm.) Ethics (Monastic Conduct)
(Comm.) (Dig.) Eulogy (Stotra) (Comm.)
Grammar (Comm.) Grammar (Comm.)
Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.)
Tīkā on Bhagavati Aradhanā (Ārādhana-panjikā) Tīkā on Dasabhakti (Kriya-kalāpa) Tīkā on Jainendra-vyākarana (Sabdambhoja-bhāskara) Sakatayana-nyāsa Tikä on Laghiya-straya (Nyāya-kumuda-candra) Țikā on Parīksā-mukha (Prameya-kamala-märtanda) Akalanka-kathā Tikā on Pravacana-sāra (Saroja-bhaskara) Tīkā on Samaya-sāra Tattvārtha-vịtti-pada-vivarana Tippaņa on Mahāpurāņa Tīkā on Samadhi-sataka Tīkā on Uttarajjhayaņa (Sisyahitā) Tīkā on Nyāyāvatāra (Vārttika) Tippaņa on Tilakamañjari Jnānārnava Tīkā on Jainendra-vyākarana (Panca-vastu) Loka-vibhāga Neminātha-carita (Nābheya-nemi-dvisandhāna) Tīkā on Sabdārnava (Sabdārņava-candrikā) Candraprabha-carita-mahākāvya
Santi-sūri (Vādivetāla)
Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Narratives Philosophy (Comm.) Philosophy (Comm.) Philosophy (Comm.) Short notes on Epic Yoga (Comm.) Canonical Comm. (Sve.) Logic (Nyāya) (Comm.) Short notes on Narratives Ethics (Monastic Conduct) Grammar (Comm.) Cosmology (Karaṇānuyoga) Biography (Carita) (Anekārthika) Grammar (Comm.)
Subhacandra Srutakirti Simha-sūri Sūrācārya
Somadeva (Muni)
Abhayadeva Dhavala Kanakamara Nayanandi
Jaya-tihuyana-stotra Harivamsa-purāņa Karakanda-cariu Sudamsaņa-cariu Sakala-vidhi-vidhāna-kahā Kaha-kosu
Eulogy (Stotra) Mythology (Purāņa) Biography (Carita) Biography (Carita) Ritualistics Collection of Narratives
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Jaina-Literature : 11th Century
Ratnakaranda-śāstra Jambū-sāmi-cariu
Narratives Biography (Carita)
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Observations on 11th century - Jaina-Literature
* 11th century - Jaina-literature pertains to JŚ., JM., Skt. and Apabhraṁsa. JŚ and Apa. works are comparatively less. JS works are dedicated to philosophical subjects, while Apa. works are mostly biographies and narratives. Svetāmbara authors continued their JM. writings enthusiastically. The number of Skt. works is very high due to the contribution of both sects, viz. Svetāmbara and Digambara. The variety of subjects found in Skt. works is remarkable.
* After a lull of 200 years, Digambara authors wrote valuable treatises in JŚ. pertaining to Philosophy and Cosmology. Digambara sect prospered in 11th and 12th century in Karnatak with the royal support of Ganga dynasty. Cāmundarāya, the chief minister of King Rācamalla (4th) took initiative in creating and consecrating the famous statute of Bāhubali Gomateśvara at Sravanabelagola in Karnatak. The first Marathi inscription is found at the foot of this statue. With the full royal support, Nemicandra (Siddhānta-cakravartin) wrote his important Philosophical works in Jaina Sauraseni. Cāmundarāya wrote a Vrtti on Gommațasāra in Kannada language. This Vilti is enumerated among one of the oldest Kannada texts.
* JM. works of 11th century mostly contain Caritas, Narratives and Prakaraņas. Philosophical works and works dedicated to Logic are almost none in Jaina Mahārāstrī.
* Svetāmbara and Digambara writers prepared the collections of Didactic Narratives in JM., Skt. and Apabhramśa.
* Prabhācandra's Ārādhanā-kathākoşa (Skt.) and Śrīcandra's Kahakosu (Apa.) were based on the stories related to Bliagavatī Ārādliană, following the footsteps of Skt. Bịhatkatlākoșa of Harişena written in the 10th century.
* Abhayadeva is a versatile literary personality of 11th century. He belongs to Kharatara Gaccha. He is very famous as 'Navāngi Tīkākāra'. Sīlānka wrote commentaries on Acārānga and Sūtrakstānga. Abhayadeva wrote commentaries on nine Anga canons and one Upānga viz. Aupapātika. Malayagiri continued Abhayadeva's tradition in the 12th century by writing commentaries on all Upāngas. Abhayadeva also wrote commentaries on the works dedicated to logic, ethics and philosophy.
* Two famous commentaries on Uttarādhyayana are written in this century. Sāntyācārya's Skt. commentary is very useful for understanding the text. Nemicandra's (Devendra's) "Sukhabodha' is distinct and popular due to various narratives written in Jaina Mahārāștrī.
* Amitagati, the well-known Digambara author wrote on Householders and Monastic conduct, Rituals, Karma theory, Yoga, Satirical work and prepared an Anthology in Sanskrit.
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________________ * Prabhacandra, the Digambara logician was a follower of Manikyanandi. The actual Pramana-yuga started from Prabhacandra's works on Logic. Though he is famous as a commentator, he acquired an important position in Indian logic and philosophy. He also wrote commentaries on the works dedicated to grammar, ethics and Yoga. * $ubhacandra's Jnanarnava attained an esteemed position in the history of Skt. literature. Jnanarnava is an encyclopedic work on Jaina philosophy, ethics and Yoga. * There are two Jinesvaras in the 11th century, both belonging to Kharatara Gaccha. The first one wrote Prakaranas and the second one was a logician. * Mallisena's ritualistic works dedicated to various deities are very peculiar of this century. It seems that in this century, Jaina's religious practices took new mode in deity-worship. * Nayanandi wrote Sakalavidhividhanakatha in Apabhramsa. In the later period Digambara Bhattarakas started their writings on various rituals, mantras and pajas. * Namisadhu wrote commentary on Rudrata's Kavyalankara. Namisadhu had given a naive etymology of the word 'Praksta' (see Introduction: Paiyasaddamahannavo p.24) * Krsnamisra's Prabhodhacandrodaya is the first Skt. drama written by a Jaina writer. * Mahesvarasuri's Jnanapancamikatha strated the tradition of Vratakathas in Jaina literature. * In short, we may conclude that Digambara authors viz. Nemicandra (Siddhantacakravartin), Amitagati and Prabhacandra are very active in this century. Among Svetambara authors, Abhayadeva and Nemicandra (Devendragaoi) had left distinctive marks on this century. The literary activities of Kharatara Gaccha started from this century and lasted up to the 18th century. *************************************************************************************************************