Book Title: Blood Donation is the Highest Development of Humanity
Author(s): Gaurav Choudhary
Publisher: Z_Jain_Dharm_Vigyan_ki_Kasoti_par_002549.pdf
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Gaurav Choudhary, XII-SC Blood donation is the highest development of humanity. to survive. If the victim is a local one, he can get blood from his near and dear ones, but suppose he is from some other place or say a "foreigner," where from he will get blood if there is no blood at the centre of treatment and there will be obviously no blood at the centre of treatment, if we don't donate blood because there is no such mechanical or technical process by which blood can be synthesised artificially. Hence the victim will die in want of blood. Is it good? Is it not the stigma on our motherland rather on us who are the successor of the predecessor like "DADHICHI" who had given his bone to emancipate the human beings from the tyranny of "BRITRASURA" by eradicating him along with his atrocity? Obviously it is. So by taking inspiration from our splendid and rich culture and civilization we have to donate blood. No body knows what is in store for him. He may also meet with such on accident in other cities where he has no known person, he will be also in the same plight as a foreigner. Thus, we find that we are indirectly benefitted by this action. Every act has bright and dark side. This action gives divine satisfaction to doner and a new life to donee. The donar also gets immune from certain psychological complexions and certain diseases. Thus it is beneficial to its both ends. We donate blood and it is submitted to Blood Bank. If we donate blood to donee by making him aware of this, the donee will be obliged, but no obligation is here because it is always given to an unknown person who may be a man of letters or a criminal or the accused. If a criminal or accused is dying, our first act is to save him, as our humanity dictates so we can easily see that blood-donation is the zenith of the development of humanity. This act of ours will strengthen our integrity and our civilization, too which is a harmonious expansion of worth of human nature. Here it is beyond religion, as religion is generally conceived by us. Thus blood donation is also a realization of self-perfection. This is the age of inter-dependence. No man is an island. One can't live entirely by oneself. The act of blood donation strengthens the thread of inter-de pendence. The beauty of body enhances when its soul consists of beauty. The great poet of medical period of Hindi Literature named "Tulsidas" expresses his view regarding religion. We can easily be aware of the degree of development of human civilization by going through the ancient annals. A commandable volte-face has been brought about by man due to his technique. In this race from the point of view of intellectual development, the modern man has become giant but from the view point of spiritual development the modern man has become pigmy as T.S. Eliot has said in his book, "The waste Land" The modern man has become hollow, Shape without form, Form without gesture, Gesture without motion But here we find a great example of spiritual development of a modern man and that is "Blood Donation" which is the zenith of development of humanity or spirituality. Now-a-days there occurs a lot of accidents. In these accidents some people succumb to their injuries and some get severely injured. These persons are hospitalised. If blood flows out in an alarming by large quantity from the body of the victim, he must need the blood of his group hIraka jayantI smArikA vidyArthI khaNDa / 28 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The best form of expression of benevolence is blood donation. Blood-donation is a work of mercy. According to shakespeare, "Mercy Can't be forced and spontaneity is the hall mark of mercy." So one should be inspired but never compelled to donate blood. To make this donation spontaneous, it should be launched as movement to make the people aware of the fact that we are living in deeds not in years. The stream of benevolence with bright beams has been continuously flowing in West-Bengal in keeping with the rich, splendid culture and civilization of India in general and that of Bengal in particular, nowadays blood donation campaign is being launched as a movement by clubs and associations. We are proud of the expression of the highest development of humanity in West Bengal .which will be external source of inspiration for the rest of India. hIraka jayantI smArikA vidyArthI khaNDa / 29