Book Title: Bibliography Of F B J Kuiper
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ F. B. J. KUIPER: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1967-1976 On July 7, 1977 F. B. J. Kuiper celebrates his seventieth birthday. It seems appropriate to note this day in the Indo-Iranian Journal, for which he has done so much since its foundation in 1955. It is a great pleasure for me to offer him the congratulations of his friends, colleagues and pupils on this occasion. The following bibliography is a continuation of the one published in Pratidanam (The Hague-Paris, 1968). J. W. DE JONG 1967 'Herdenking van Louis Marie Joseph Renou (28 oktober 1896-18 augustus 1966)', Jaarboek KNAW 1966-1967 (1967), pp. 412-417.* 1968 'Comments', Current Anthropology 9, 2/3 (April-June 1968), pp. 137 and 141-142. [apropos of contributions by J. H. Greenberg and Mary R. Haas to the 3rd volume of Current Trends in Linguistics, edited by T. A. Sebeok, The Hague, 1966.) 'Dutch students of Tamil', Tamil Studies Abroad , Kuala Lumpur, 1968, pp. 15-21. (also published in Proceedings of the First International Conference of Tamil Studies, volume II, Kuala Lumpur, 1969, pp. 309-314.] 'Herdenking van F. D. K. Bosch (17 juni 1887-20 juli 1967)', Jaarboek KNAW 1967-1968 (1968), pp. 338-345. 'Pre-Hellenic Labio-Velars?', In Honour of Anton Reichling on the occasion of his 70th birthday (= Lingua, 21), pp. 269-277. 'Rapport over het 27e Internationale Orientalistencongres', Rapporten KNAW, XX, pp. 118-126. (With R. de Bruin and J. D. Thijs]. 'Textcritical Notes on the Jaiminiya Brahmana', Melanges d'Indianisme a la memoire de Louis Renou (= Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, 28), Paris, 1968, pp. 427-431. 'Sailusa- and Kusilava-', Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft und Kulturkunde, Gedenkschrift fur Wilhelm Brandenstein (= Innsbrucker Beitrage zur Kultur wissenschaft, 14), Innsbruck, 1968, pp. 77-84. *Abbreviation: KNAW = Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Indo-Iranian Journal 19 (1977) 1-4. All Rights Reserved Copyright (c) 1977 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ F. B.J. KUIPER: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1967-1976 Reviews H. C. Bhayani, Studies in Hemacandra's Desinamamala, Varanasi, 1966. IIJ 10, pp. 305-307. M. Mole, L'Iran ancien (Religions du Monde), Paris, 1965. IIJ 11, pp. 57-59. J. Varenne, Zarathushtra et la tradition mazdeenne, Paris, 1966. IIJ 11, pp. 59-60. P. Saran, Descriptive Catalogue of Non-Persian Sources of Medieval History (covering Rajasthan and adjacent regions), London, 1966. IIJ 11, p. 60. 1969 Reviews A. Dahlquist, Megasthenes and Indian Religion. A Study in Motives and Types, Stockholm-Goteborg-Uppsala, 1962. IIJ 11, pp. 142-146. . . X. S. Thani Nayagam, A Reference Guide to Tamil Studies: books, Kuala Lumpur, 1966. IIJ 11, p. 150. J. Duchesne-Guillemin, Symbols and Values in Zoroastrianism, Their Survival and Renewal (= Religious Perspectives, XV), New York, 1966. IIJ 11, pp. 153-157., G. P. Majumdar and S. C. Banerji (editors and translators), Krsi-Parasara (= Bibliotheca Indica, work n. 285, issue n. 1579), Calcutta, 1960, IIJ 11, pp. 213-216. J. Gonda, A Concise Elementary Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, with Exercises, Reading Selections and a Glossary, translated from the German by Gordon B. Ford Jr., Leiden, 1966. IIJ 12, pp. 37-38. 1970 'Cosmogony and Conception: a Query', History of Religions 10, (Nov. 1970), pp. 91-138. Reviews D. N. Shankara Bhat, Descriptive Analysis of Tulu (= Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series, 15), Poona, 1967. IIJ 12, pp. 276-278. R. Gordon Wasson, Soma, Divine Mushroom of Immortality, New York/Bern, 1968 (1969). IIJ 12, pp. 279-285. 1971 'An Indian Prometheus?', Etudes Asiatiques/Asiatische Studien 25, pp. 85-98. 'The Origin of the Sanskrit Drama' (Summary), Proceedings of the XXVII Inter national Congress of Orientalists, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 13th-19th August 1967, edited by D. Sinor, Wiesbaden, 1971, pp. 298-299. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ F. B.J. KUIPER: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1967-1976 Reviews B. Kolver, Tulu. Texts with glossary: Dravidian tales from the South of India, Wiesbaden, 1969. Die Sprache 17, pp. 72-73. R. L. Turner, A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages. Indexes compiled by Dorothy Rivers Turner, Oxford, 1969. IIJ 12, p. 60. W. P. Schmid, Alteuropaisch und Indogermanisch (= Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, Abh. der geistes- und sozialwiss. Klasse, Jg 1968, n. 6), Wiesbaden, 1968. IIJ 13, pp. 126-128. 1972 'The Heavenly Bucket, India Maior (Congratulatory volume presented to J. Gonda), Leiden, pp. 144-156. Reviews M. Mayrhofer, Die Rekonstruktion des Medischen (Sonderabdruck aus dem Anzeiger der phil.-hist. Kl. der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jg 1968, So. 1). IIJ 13, pp. 277-279. H. P. Schmidt, Brhaspati und Indra, Untersuchung zur vedischen Mythologie und Kulturgeschichte, Wiesbaden, 1968. IIJ 13, pp. 279-286. E. A. S. Butterworth, The Tree at the Navel of the Earth, Berlin, 1970. IIS 14, pp. 85-88. W. Rau, Weben und Flechten im Vedischen Indien (= Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, Abh. der geistes- und sozialwiss. Klasse, Jg 1970, n. 11), * Wiesbaden, 1971. IIJ 14, pp. 88-89. A. Venkatasubbiah, Vedic Studies, vol. II, Madras, 1968. IIJ 14, pp. 89--91. B. Krishnamurti (ed.), Studies in Indian Linguistics (= Professor M. B. Emeneau sastipurti volume), Poona, 1968. IIJ 14, pp. 144-147. T. A. Sebeok (ed.), Current Trends in Linguistics, vol. 5: Linguistics in South Asia, The Hague/Paris, 1969, IIJ 14, pp. 285-294. 1973 *Four word studies', IIJ 15, pp. 179-204. [Part 1: Vedic ayas- "not to be injured" also published in Charu Deva Shastri Felicitation Volume, Delhi, 1974, pp. pp. 94-105). Review J. Gonda, The Vedic God Mitra (= Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina XIII), Leiden, 1972. IIJ 15, pp. 223-232. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ F. B.J. KUIPER: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1967-1976 1974 'Two notes on Sanskrit lexicography', Anantaparam kila sabdasastram, Ksiega pamiatkowa ku czci Eugeniusza Sluszkiewicza, Warsaw, 1974, pp. 125-128. "The Aytam Problem', Indian Linguistics 35, 3 (October 1974), pp. 205-217. 1975 "Vi dayate and vidatha-', Indologica Taurinensia 2 (1974 [1975]), pp. 121-132. 'The Basic Concept of Vedic Religion', History of Religions 15, Nov. 1975, pp. 107-120. 'The worship of the jarjara on the stage', IIJ 16, pp. 241-268. 'Comments', Current Anthropology 16 (1 March 1975), pp. 110-111 (apropos of D. McAlpin, 'Elamite and Dravidian, Further Evidence of Relationship', ibid., pp. 105-109). Review C. Hooykaas, Cosmogony and Creation in Balinese Tradition, The Hague, 1974. JAOS. 95,3 (July-September 1975), pp. 549-550. * 1976 'Ahura Mazda 'Lord Wisdom'?', IIJ 18, pp. 25-42. 'Old East Iranian Dialects', IIJ 18, pp. 241-253. Reviews Melanges linguistiques offerts a Emile Benveniste, Paris, 1975. IIJ 18, pp. 96-100. Distribution of Languages in India and Union Territories, Mysore, 1973; M. V. Sreedhar, Naga Pidgin, Mysore, 1974; N. Ravindran, Angami Phonetic Reader, Mysore, 1974;N. K. Sinha, Mundari Phonetic Reader, Mysore, 1974; D. P. Pattanayak, M. S. Thirumalai, K. Rangan, Advanced Tamil Reader, Mysore, 1974. IIJ 18, pp. 107-112. Ulrich Schneider, Der Somaraub des Manu, Mythus und Ritual, Wiesbaden, 1971.. IIJ 18, pp. 117-120.