Book Title: Bibliographie J W De Jong
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ J.W. DE JONG BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Abbreviations Bulletin of the Adyar Library ALB AM = = Asia Major AS = Bespr. BSOAS CAJ Asiatische Studien Besprechung Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) Central Asiatic Journal Compte rendu Far Eastern Quarterly Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies) CR FEO HAS ІВК ILJ JA Indo-Iranian Journal Journal Asiatique Journal of the American Oriental Society Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies JAOS JIABS ЛР OLZ = TP ZAS Journal of Indian Philosophy Orientalistische Literaturzeitung T'oung Pao Zentralasiatische Studien Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft ZDMG Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 1949 Cinq chapitres de la Prasannapada (= Buddhica. Documents et Travaux pour l'etude du Bouddhisme. Collection fondee par Jean Przyluski, publiee sous la direction de Marcelle Lalou,premiere serie: Memoires, tome [X). Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1949. XVI + 167 pp. (Ph.D. thesis, University of Leiden). Contributions a Bibliographie bouddhique, IX-XX, Paris, 1949. 1950 3. Le probleme de l'absolu dans l'ecole Madhyamaka, Revue philosophique de la France et de l'etranger, Paris, 1950, pp. 322-327. [Cf. no. 200]. 1951 4. 5. Suggestions for a Polyglot Buddhist Dictionary, Vak, I (Poona, Dec. 1951), pp. 5-7. Review of L. Petech, China and Tibet in the early 18th century, Leiden, 1950. --- FEO, 11 (1951), pp. 114-116. 1952 Contributions a Bibliographie bouddhique, XXI-XXIII, Paris, 1952. CR de J. Nobel, Suvarmaprabhasottamasutra. Bd. II, Leiden, 1950. --- TP, 41 (1952), pp. 247-250. 1953 CR de J. Ensink, The Question of Rastrapala, Zwolle, 1952. --- JA, 241 (1953), pp. 545-549. CR de P. Hacker, Untersuchungen uber Texte des fruhen Advaitavada, I, Wiesbaden, --- Museum, 58 (1953), cols. 3-4. 1951. CR de E. Waldschmidt, Das Mahaparinirvanasutra, Berlin, 1950-1951. --- OLZ, 48 (1953), Sp. 178-180. 1954 L'episode d'Asita dans le Lalitavistara, Asiatica. Festschrift F. Weller, Leizpig, 1954, pp. 312-325. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ # * ( 14 ) Three Notes on the Vasudevahindi, Samjnavyakaranam. Studia Indologica Internationalia, I (1954), Centre for International Indological Research, Poona and Paris, 12 pp. CR de R. Yamada, "Hannyakyotenrui no keisei-sareta jidai no haikei", Tohoku Daigaku bungakubukenkyunempo, II, Sendai, 1951, pp. 1-41. --- TP, 42 (1954), pp. 345-347. CR de D.R. Shackleton Bailey, The Satapancasatka of Matceta, Cambridge, 1951. --- ibid., pp. 397-405. CR de Y. Kanakura et al., A Catalogue of the Tohoku University Collection of Tibetan Works on Buddhism, Sendai, 1953. --- TP, 43 (1954), pp. 121-125. CR de L. Petech, I Missionari Italiani nel Tibet e nel Nepal , I-IV, Rome, 1952-1953. --- ibid., pp. 125-129. CR de F. Weller, Tibetisch-Sanskritischer Index zum Bodhicaryavatara, Heft I, Berlin, 1952. --- ibid., pp. 129-132. 1955 Fonds Pelliot tibetain Nos. 610 et 611, Studies in Indology and Buddhology, presented to S. Yamaguchi, Kyoto, 1955, pp. 59-67. CR de E. Conze, Abhisamayalankara, Rome, 1954. --- Museon, 68 (1955), pp. 394-397. CR de H. Luders, Beobachtungen uber die Sprache des buddhistischen Urkanons. Aus dem Nachlass hrsg. von E. Waldschmidt, Berlin, 1954. --- Museum, 60 (1955), cols. 144-147. CR de F. Weller, Zwei zentralasiatische Fragmente des Buddhacarita, Berlin, 1953. --- OLZ, 50 (1955), Sp. 404-406. CR de Bibliographie bouddhique, XXI-XXIII, Paris, 1952. --- TP, 43 (1955), p. 297. CR de T. Schmid, The Cotton-clad Mila, Stockholm, 1952. --- ibid., pp. 298-301. CR de W. Heissig, Die Pekinger lamaistischen Blockdrucke in mongolischer Sprache, Wiesbaden, 1954. --- ibid., pp. 301-318. CR de R. Shafer, Ethnography of Ancient India, Wiesbaden, 1954. --- ibid., pp. 318-320. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 26. CR de Dawa-Samdup, Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa, London, 1951. --- ibid., pp. 320-324. 1956 De Studie van het Boeddhisme. Problemen en Perspectieven (Rede, Leiden, 28 Sept. 1956), The Hague, Mouton & Co., 1956, 25 pp. CR de E. Frauwallner, Geschichte der indischen Philosophie, I, Salzburg, 1953. --- Museum, 61 (1956), cols. 84-85. CR de E.O. Reischauer, Ennin's Diary, New York, 1955. Ennin's Travels in Tang China, New York, 1955. --- OLZ, 51 (1956), Sp. 461-463. 1957 Sanskrit Studies in the Netherlands, Indo-Asian Culture, V,4, New Delhi, April 1957, pp. 421-427. (Cf. Nos. 31 and 107.) Sanskrit Studies in the Netherlands, A.I.R. Selections. A quarterly journal consisting of important talks broadcast from the various stations of All India Radio, New Delhi, Goverment of India, Dec. 1957, pp. 45-48 and 64. [Cf. Nos. 30 and 107.) De Buddha Jayanti-vieringen in India, Mens en Kosmos, 13, Deventer, 1957, pp. 149-157. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de sinologie, 1, Paris-La Haye, 1957. CR de H. Hoffmann, Die Religionen Tibets, Freiburg-Munchen, 1956. --- CAJ, 3 (1957), pp. 79-80. CR de J. Nobel (ed. and tr.), Udrayana, Konig von Roruka, 2 Bde., Wiesbaden, 1955. --- IIJ, 1 (1957), pp. 312-314. CR de H. Siiger, From the Third Danish Expedition to Central Asia, Copenhagen, 1956. --- Museum, 62 (1957), col. 189. CR de D. Schlingloff, Buddhistische Stotras aus ostturkistanischen Sanskrittexten, Berlin, 1955. --- OLZ, 52 (1957), Sp. 73-74. CR de R. Robinson, Chinese Buddhist Verse, London, 1954. --- ibid., Sp. 175-176. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ***Itse (14) CR de R.A. Stein, L'epopee tibetaine de Gesar. Par r. Paris, 1956. --- TP, 45 (1957), pp. 270-272. CR de Mgr. Giraudeau et R.P. Francis Gore, Dictionnaire francais-tibetain, Paris, 1956. --- ibid., pp. 272-274. 1958 Contributions a Bibliographie bouddhique, XXIV-XXVII, Paris, 1958. CR. de R. Shafer (ed.), Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan Languages, Wiesbaden, 1957. --- IIJ, 2 (1958), pp. 74-77. CR de Dans les pas du Bouddha. Presentation de J. Filliozat, Introd:, notices et photogr. de Louis-Frederic, Paris, 1957. --- ibid., p. 77. CR de E. Bryner, Thirteen Tibetan Tankas, Indian Hills, 1956. --- ibid., pp. 77-79. CR de F.A. Bischoff, Contribution a l'etude des divinites mineures du Bouddhisme tantrique. Arya Mahabala-nama-mahayanasutra, Paris, 1956. --- ibid., pp. 159-162. CR de F. Kern, Asoka. Kaiser und Missionar, Bern, 1956. --- Museum, 63 (1958), cols. 210-212. 1959 Mi la ras pa'i mam thar. Texte ribetain de la vie de Milarepa, The Hague, Mouton & Co., 1959, 218 pp. Rene Mario von Nebesky-Wojkowitz, 29.VI.1923-9.VII.1959, IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 306-309. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de sinologie, 2, Paris-La Haye, 1959. Review of L. Giles, Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Manuscripts from Tunhuang in the British Museum, London, 1957. --- AM, 7 (1959), pp. 228-230. CR de Tribus, No. 7, Stuttgart, 1957. --- IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 75-78. CR de M. Monier-Williams, A Dictionary English and Sanskrit, Delhi-Varanasi-Patna, 1956. --- ibid., p. 78. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 CR de Pandita Durveka Misra's Dharmottarapradipa, ed. by Pandita D. Malvania, Patna, 1955. --- ibid., pp. 151-153. CR de C.E. Godakumbura, Sinhalese Literature, Colombo, 1955. --- ibid., pp. 153-154. CR de J.J. Poortman, Ochema. Geschiedenis en zin van het Hylisch Pluralisme, II, Assen, 1958. --- ibid., pp. 154-155. CR de N. Simonsson, Indo-tibetische Studien, I, Uppsala, 1957. --- ibid., pp. 216-219. CR de A. Ferrari, Mk'yen brtse's Guide to the Holy Places of Central Tibet, compl. and ed. by L. Petech with the coll. of H. Richardson, Rome, 1958. --- ibid., pp. 220-221. CR de D. Snellgrove, Buddhist Himalaya, Oxford, 1957. --- ibid., pp. 221-223. CR de W.Y. Evans-Wentz (ed.), Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines, 2nd ed., London-New York-Toronto, 1958. --- ibid., pp. 223-225. CR de L. Petech, Mediaeval History of Nepal, Roma, 1958. --- ibid., pp. 225-226. CR de G. Tucci, Storia della filosofia indiana, Bari, 1957. --- ibid., pp. 226-227. CR de Yamada Ryuja, Bongo butten no bunkengaku josetsu, Sendai, 1957, pp. 222-410. --- ibid, pp. 227-228. CR de K.E. Neumann, Die Reden Gotamo Buddhos, 3 Bde., Zurich-Wien, 1957. --- ibid., pp. 229-230. CR de L. Sternbach, Canakya's Aphorisms in the Hitopadesa (I-IV); A New Canakya-raja-niti-sastra Manuscript, Bombay, 1958. --- ibid., pp. 230-232. CR de D. Schlingloff, Chandoviciti, Berlin, 1958. --- OLZ, 54 (1959), Sp. 619-620. CR de Contributions to Ethnography, Linguistics and History of Religion, Stockholm, 1954. --- TP, 47 (1959), pp. 146-154. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ##*ILUS (147) CR de W. Pachow, A Comparative Study of the Pratimoksa, Santiniketan, 1955. --- ibid., pp. 155-157. CR de R.J. Miller, Monasteries and Culture Change in Inner Mongolia, Wiesbaden, 1959. --- ibid., pp. 157-160. CR de W. Kirfel, Symbolik des Hinduismus und des Jinismus; Symbolik des Buddhismus, Stuttgart, 1959. --- ibid., pp. 160-162. CR de W. Heissig, Die Familien- und Kirchengeschichtsschreibung der Mongolen, I, Wiesbaden, 1959. --- ibid., pp. 162-167. 1960 Vitarati, III, 4 (1960), pp. 65-67. CR de M. Hermanns, Die Familie der A mdo-Tibeter, Freiburg-Munchen, 1959. --- CAJ, 5 (1960), p. 330. CR de Lokesh Chandra, Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary, I: Ka, New Delhi, 1958. --- IIJ, 4 (1960), pp. 73-74. CR de E. Conze (ed. and tr.), Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita, Rome, 1957. . --- ibid., p. 75, with corrigenda by E.Conze himself, pp. 75-76. CR de E. Conze, Buddhist Wisdom Books, London, 1958. --- ibid., pp. 76-77. CR de T. Schmid, The Eighty-five Siddhas, Stockholm, 1958. --- ibid., pp. 191-193. CR de G. de Roerich, Le parler de l'Amdo, Roma, 1959. --- ibid., pp. 194-195. CR de A. Thakur (ed.), Ratnakirtinibandhavali, Patna, 1957, --- ibid., pp. 196-197. CR de H.V. Guenther (tr.), The Jewel Omament of Liberation, London, 1959. --- ibid., pp. 197-198. CR de D.L. Snellgrove, The Hevajra Tantra, London, 1959. --- ibid., pp. 198-203. CR de J. Bacot, Zuginima, texte et traduction, Paris, 1957. --- ibid., pp. 203-207. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 CR de S. Srirama Sastri and S.R. Krishnamurthi Sastri (eds.), Pancapadika of Sri Padmapadacarya with Prabodhaparisodhini of Atmasvarupa and Tatparyarthadyotini of Vijnanatman and Pancapadikavivarana of Sri Prakasatman with Tatparyadipika of Citsukhacarya and Bhavaprakasika of Nrsinhasrama, Madras, 1958. --- ibid., pp. 208-209. 1961 83. Contributions a Bibliographie bouddhique, XXVIII-XXXI, Paris, 1961. George N. de Roerich, 1902-1960, IIJ, 5 (1961), pp.146-152. CR de J. May, Candrakirti, Prasannapada madhyamakavstti, Paris, 1959. --- ibid., pp. 161-165. Review of L. Silburn (tr.), Vatulanatha Sutra avec le commentaire d'Anantasaktipada, Paris, 1959. --- JAOS, 81 (1961), pp. 159-161. CR de F.D. Lessing (gen.ed.), Mongolian-English Dictionary, Berkeley-Los Angeles, 1960. --- TP, 49 (1961-62), pp. 105-109. CR de H. Clarke, The Message of Milarepa, London, 1958. --- ibid., pp. 109-112. CR de A.K. Gordon, The Hundred Thousand Songs, Rutland-Tokyo, 1961. --- ibid., pp. 113-114. CR de W. Heissig, Mongolische Handschriften - Blockdrucke -Landkarten, Wiesbaden, 1961. --- ibid., pp. 217-220. 1962 La Madhyamakasastrastuti de Candrakirti, Oriens Extremus, 9 (1962), pp. 47-56. The Absolute in Buddhist Thought, Essays in Philosophy, presented to Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan, Madras, 1962, pp. 56-64. Review of P.S. Jaini (ed.), Milinda-tika, PTS, 1961. --- BSOAS, 25 (1962), pp. 375-376 Review of G.P. Malalasekera (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, Fasc.: A-Aca, Colombo, 1961 --- ibid., pp. 380-381. Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ## $il ( 14 ) CR de A. Thakur (ed.), Jnanasrimitranibandhavali, Patna, 1959. --- IIJ, 6 (1962), pp. 75-76. CR de R.O. Meisezahl, Alttibetische Handschriften der Volkerkundlichen Sammlungen der Stadt Mannheim im Reiss-Museum, Kopenhagen, 1961. (Sonderdruck aus Libri, XI, 1, 48 pp., 33 ills. --- ibid., pp. 76-77. CR de Biography of Dharmasvamin (Chag-lo-tsa-ba Chos-rje-dpal). Deciphered and tr. by G. Roerich, Patna, 1959. --- ibid., pp. 167-173. CR de P.S. Jaini (ed.), Abhidharmadipa with Vibhasaprabhavsto, Patna, 1959. --- ibid., pp. 173-175. CR de Studia Sino-Altaica. Festschrift fur E. Haenisch zum 80. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden, 1961. --- TP, 49 (1962), pp. 431-433. 1963 100. CR de G.H. Sasaki, Abidatsuma shiso kenkyu, Tokyo, 1959. --- IIJ, 6 (1963), pp. 304-305. 101. CR de W. Geiger, Culture of Ceylon in Mediaeval Times, ed. by H. Bechert, Wiesbaden, 1960. --- ibid., pp. 305-306. 102. CR de A.F. Wright, Buddhism in Chinese History, Stanford-London, 1959. --- OLZ, 58 (1963), Sp. 403-404. 103. CR de Walther Heissig, Beitrage zur Ubersetzungsgeschichte des mongolischen buddhistischen Kanons, Gottingen, 1962. --- ZDMG, 113 (1963), pp. 426-427. 1964 104. The Background of Early Buddhism, IBK, 12, 1 (Jan. 1964), pp. 437-424. [English translation of No. 105]. 105. Het ontstaan van het Boeddhisme in India, Forum der Letteren, V,4 (Leiden, Nov. 1964), pp. 177-190. (CF. Nos. 104 and 106). 106. Podloze wczesnego buddyzmu, Euhemer. Przeglad Religioznawczy, 1964, Nr. 2 (39), pp. 3-12. (Polish translation of No. 104). Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 11 107. Sanskrit Studies in the Netherlands, Indian Studies Abroad, ed. by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi, (Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1964), pp. 60-64. Japanese translation with notes by A. Yuyama: J. Jong-cho: Oranda no Indogaku Bukkyogaku, IBK, XIV,1 (Dec. 1965), pp. 382(73)-359(96). 108. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de sinologie, 4, Paris-La Haye, 1964. 109. Introduction to Hiranyagarbha (Volume in honour of F.D.K.Bosch), The Hague, 1964, p.7 (With P.H.Pott and F.B.J. Kuiper). 110. Voor Voorwoord ad Profiel van een Incarnatie. Het leven en de conflicten van een Tibetaanse geestelijke in Tibet en Europa, door F. Sierksma, Amsterdam, 1964, pp. 5-6. 111. CR de H. Bechert, Bruchstucke buddhistischer Verssammlungen aus zentralasiatischen Sanskrithandschriften, I: Die Anavataptagatha und die Sthaviragatha, Berlin, 1961. --- IUJ, 7 (1964), pp. 232-235. 112. CR de H. Luders, Mathura Inscriptions, ed. by K.L.Janert, Gottingen, 1961. : --- ibid., p.236. 113. CR de J.F.Rock, A Na-2khi - English Encyclopedic Dictionary, Part I, Roma, 1963. --- ibid., pp. 236-238. 114. CR de H. Scharfe, Die Logik im Mahabhasya, Berlin, 1961. . --- ibid., pp. 330-331. 115. CR de R. Shafer (ed.), Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan Languages, II, Wiesbaden, 1963. --- ILJ, 8 (1964), pp. 154-155. 1965 116. Boeddhistische opvattingen van goed en kwaad, Wijsgerig Perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap, Jaargang 5, No.4 (Maart 1965), pp. 140-157. 117. Beknopte bibliografie van het Boeddhisme, ibid., pp.158-164. 118. CR de G.M. Bongard-Levin i O.F. Volkova, Legenda o Kunale, Moskva, 1963. --- ILJ, 8 (1965), pp. 233-240. 119. CR de E. Chavannes, Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du Tripitaka chinois, Paris, 1962, 4 tomes. --- ibid., pp. 240-242. 120. CR de B.V. Semicov, et al., Kratkij tibetsko-russkij slovar', Moskva, 1963. --- ibid., pp. 242-245. [Cf. No. 123]. Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 ##*1 # (145) 121. CR de S. Lienhard, Manicalavadanoddhrta, Stockholm-Goteborg-Uppsala, 1963. --- ILJ, 9 (1965), pp. 74-75. 122. CR de Th. Aufrecht, Catalogus Catalogorum, 2 Vols., Wiesbaden, 1962. --- ibid., p. 76. 123. CR de B.V. Semicov et al., Kratkij tibetsko-russkij slovar, Moskva, 1963. --- Materialy po istorii i filologii central'noj Azii, vyp.2 (Ulan-Ude, 1965), pp. 255-257. [Russian translation of No. 120]. 1966 124. The Dasottarasutra, Kanakura Hakushi Koki Kinen: Indogaku Bukkyogaku Ronshu, Kyoto, Heirakuji Shoten, 1966, pp.3-25. 125. CR de H.V. Guenther, The Life and Teaching of Naropa, Oxford, 1963. --- IIJ, 9 (1966), pp. 161-163. 126. CR de J.K. Balbir, L'histoire de Rama en tibetain, Paris, 1963. --- ibid., pp. 227-235. 127. CR de L. de La Vallee Poussin, Catalogue of the Tibetan Manuscripts from Tun-huang in the India Office Library, O.U.P., 1962. --- ibid., pp. 308-309. 128. CR de U. Oppenberg, Quellenstudien zu Friedrich Schlegels Ubersetzungen aus dem Sanskrit, Marburg, 1965. --- ibid., pp. 309-311. 129. CR de E.O. Reischauer, Die Reisen des Monchs Ennin, Stuttgart, 1963. --- OLZ 61 (1966), Sp. 89. 1967 130. L'auteur de l'Abhidharmadipa, TP, 52 (1966), pp.305-307. 131. Sum-pa mkhan-po (1704-1788) and his works, HJAS, 27 (1967), pp. 208-217. 132. A propos du Vamarhavarnastotra de Matrceta, IIJ, 10 (1967), pp. 181-183. 133. Review of S. Matsunami, A Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Tokyo University Library, Tokyo, 1965. --- IIJ, 10 (1967), pp. 191-192. 134. Review of F. Wilhelm, Prufung und Initiation im Buche Pausya und in der Biographie des Naropa, Wiesbaden, 1965. --- ibid., pp. 192-197. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 135. CR. de K. Mittal, Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im alteren Buddhismus, I: Fragmente des Dasottarasutra aus zentralasiatischen Sanskrit-Handschriften , Berlin, 1957; D.Schlingloff, Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im alteren Buddhismus, la: Dasottarasutra IX-X, Berlin, 1962. --- ibid., pp. 197-198. 136. CR de Chandrabhal Tripathi, Funfundzwanzig Sutras des Nidanasamyukta, Berlin, 1962. --- ibid., pp. 198-199. 137. CR de J. Brough, The Gandhari Dharmapada, London, 1962. --- ibid., pp. 199-203. 138. Review of Annual of Oriental and Religious Studies, I, Tokyo, 1965. --- ibid., pp. 203-204. 139. Review of W. Rau, Bilder hundert deutscher Indologen, Wiesbaden, 1965. ---ibid., p. 204. 140. CR de Garma C.C.Chang (tr.), The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, New York, 1962. --- ibid., pp. 204-212. 14.1. CR de R.O.Meisezahl, Tibetische Prajnaparamita-Texte im Berischen Historischen Museum, Kopenhagen, 1964. * --- ibid., pp. 212-215. 142. Review of E. Conze, Buddhist Thought in India, London, 1962. --- ibid., pp. 215-217., 143. Review of Temenos. Studies in Comparative Religion presented by Scholars in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, Vol.1, Helsinki, 1965. ---ibid., pp. 217-218. 144. CR de E. Waldschmidt, Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden, Teil I, Wiesbaden, 1965. --- OLZ, 62 (1967), Sp. 498-499, 1968 145. The Magic Wall of the Fortress of the Ogresses: Apropos of asiyadi (Mahavastu H, 86.3), Pratidanam. Indian, Iranian and Indo-European Studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper on his sixtieth birthday, The Hague, 1968, pp. 484-487. 146. Buddha's Word in China. 28th George Ernest Morrison Lecture, Canberra, 1968, 26 pp. 147. Encore une fois le fonds Pelliot tibetain no. 610, CAJ, 12 (1968), pp. 1-7. 148. Les Sutrapitaka des Sarvastivadin et des Mulasarvastivadin, Melanges d'indianisme a la memoire de Louis Renou, Paris, 1968, pp. 395-402. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ #**Ilha (14) 149. Remarks on the text of the Rastrapalapariprccha, ALB, 31-32 (1968), pp. 1-7. 150. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de sinologie, 7, Paris-La Haye, 1968. 151. Review of J.D. Pearson, Oriental and Asian Bibliography, Melbourne-Canberra-Sydney, 1966. --- ILJ, 10 (1968), pp. 292-295. 152. CR de Vagbhata's Astangahedayasamhita. The first 5 chapters of its Tibetan version, ed. and rend. into Engl. with the original Sanskrit by C. Vogel, Wiesbaden, 1965. --- ibid., pp. 295-297. 153. CR de Biswadeb Mukherjee, Die Uberlieferung von Devadatta, dem Widersacher des Buddha in den kanonischen Schriften, Munchen, 1966. --- ibid., pp. 297-298. 154. Review of W.N. Brown (ed. & tr.), The Mahimnastava or Praise of Shiva's Greatness,. Poona, 1965. --- ibid., pp. 299-300. 155. Review of K.L.Janert, An Annotated Bibliography of the Catalogues of Indian Manuscripts, Part 1, Wiesbaden, 1965. --- ibid., pp. 300-302. 156. CR de D.S.Ruegg, The Life of Bu ston Rin po che, Roma, 1966. --- TP, 54 (1968), pp. 168-172. 157. CR de S. Bira, O "Zolotoj knige" S.Damdina, Ulan-Bator, 1964. --- ibid., pp. 173-189. 158. CR de D.A. Birman i G.G. Kotovskij, Bibliografija Indii, Moskva, 1965. --- IIJ, 11 (1968), p.34. 159. Review of F.Kielhorn, Grammatik der Sanskrit Sprache. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt von Wilhelm Solf. Wiesbaden, 1965. ---ibid., p.35. 160. Review of L. Sternbach, Supplement to O. Bohtlingk's Indische Spruche, Wiesbaden, 1965. --- ibid., pp. 35-36. 161. Review of R.Hauschild, Register zur Altindischen Grammatik von J.Wackernagel und A.Debrunner (Bd.I-III). Gottingen, 1964. --- ibid., p. 36. 162. Review of J.Takasaki, A Study on the Ratnagotravibhaga, Roma, 1966. --- ibid., pp. 36-54. 163. Review of Studies on Esoteric Buddhism and Tantrism, KOyasan, 1965. --- ibid., pp. 54-56. . Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 15 164. Review of The Catalogue of the Tibetan Texts in the Bihar Research Society, vol. I. Edited by A.Jha. Compiled by G.R. Choudhary, Patna, 1965. --- ibid., pp. 56-57. . 1969 165. Dharmasamuccaya. Compendium de la Loi. 2e partie (chapitres VI a XII). Texte sanskrit edite avec la version tibetaine et les versions chinoises et traduit en francais par Lin Li-kouang. Revision de Andre Bareau, J.W. de Jong et Paul Demieville. Avec des Appendices par J.W. de Jong. Paris, 1969. 416 + 27 pp. 166. Korea's edition of the Chinese Buddhist Canon, Hemisphere, vol.13, number 4 (April . 1969), pp. 26-29. * 167. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de Sinologie, 8, Paris-La Haye, 1969. 168. Review of G. Tucci, Tibetan Folk Songs from Gyantse and Western Tibet, 2nd rev. enl. ed., Ascona, 1966... --- IIJ, 11 (1969), pp. 151-153. 169. Review of O. Bohtlingk u. R. Roth, Sanskrit Worterbuch. Neudruck der Ausgabe St. Petersburg, 1855-1875. 7 vols. * --- ibid., p. 212. 170. Review of Panchadashi. A Treatise on Advaita metaphysics by Swami Vidyaranya, tr. fr. the Sanskrit by H.P. Shastri. 2nd ed., London, 1966. --- ibid., p. 213. 171. Review of Tattva-kaumudi. Vacaspati Misra's Commentary on the Samkhya-Karika, tr. into Engl. by G. Jha. Rev. and re-edited by Dr. M.M. Patkar. Poona, 1965. --- ibid., p. 308. 172. Review of J.F. Rock, Na-khi Manuscripts, ed. by K.L. Janert, Wiesbaden, 1965; J.F. Rock, The Life and Culture of the Na-Khi Tribe of the China-Tibet Borderland. M.Harders-Steinhauser und G. Jayme, Untersuchung des Papiers acht verschiedener alter Na-Khi-Handschriften auf Rohstoff und Herstellungsweise. Wiesbaden, 1963. -- ibid., pp. 308-310. 173. Review of R. Shafer, Introduction to Sino-Tibetan, part I, Wiesbaden, 1966. --- ibid., pp. 310-311. 174. Review of Yutaka Iwamoto, Bukkyo setsuwa kenkyu josetsu, Kyoto, 1967. --- IIJ, 12 (1969), pp. 52-60. 175. Review of J. Przyluski, The Legend of Emperor Asoka in Indian and Chinese Texts. Calcutta, 1967. --- JAOS, 89 (1969), pp. 793-794. Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 &#XIL * ( 14 ) 1970 176. Review of R. Pischel, Comparative Grammar of the Prakrit Languages. Tr. by Dr. S. Jha. 2nd ed., Delhi-Varanasi-Patna, 1965. --- IIJ, 12 (1970), p. 144. 177. Review of Hermann Oldenberg, Kleine Schriften, Wiesbaden, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 224-226. 178. CR de Sujitkumar Mukhopadhyaya, The Asokavadana. Sanskrit text compared with Chinese Versions. New Delhi, 1963. --- ibid., pp. 269-274. 179. Review of J. Kolmas, A Genealogy of the Kings of Derge, Sde-dge'i rgyal-rabs. Tibetan Text edited with Historical Introduction. Prague, 1968. --- ibid., pp. 274-275. 180. Review of E. Lamotte, La concentration de la marche heroique , Bruxelles, 1965. --- OLZ, 65 (1970), Sp. 72-83. 1971 181. 182. Un fragment de l'histoire de Rama en tibetain, Etudes tibetaines dediees a la memoire de Marcelle Lalou, Paris, 1971, pp. 127-141. Lhasa, Grote Winkler Prins, Zevende druk, deel 12, Amsterdam-Brussel, 1971, pp. 6-7. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de Sinologie, 9, Paris-La Haye, 1971. 183. 184. 185. Review of R.E. Emmerick, The Khotanese Surangamasamadhisutra, London, 1970. --- AM, 16, parts 1-2 (January 1971), pp. 207-210. Review of W. Liebenthal, Chao Lun. The Treatises of Seng-chao. Hongkong, 1968. ---ibid., pp. 220-221. Review of E. Lamotte, Le Traite de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nagarjuna (Mahaprajnaparamitasastra), Tome III, Louvain, 1970. --- AM, 17, part 1 (December 1971), pp. 105-112. 186. 187. Review of Festschrift fur Wilhelm Eilers. Ein Dokument der internationalen Forschung zum 27. September 1966, Wiesbaden, 1967; Die Sprache. Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft, XII. Band, 2. Heft (1966): Festgabe fur Wilhelm Eilers, Wiesbaden, Wien, 1966. --- IIJ, 13 (1971), pp. 62-63. 188. Review of E. Waldschmidt, Von Ceylon bis Turfan. Schriften zur Geschichte, Literatur, Religion und Kunst des indischen Kulturraumes. Festgabe zum 70. Geburtstag am 15. Juli 1967. Gottingen, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 63-64. Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 189. Review of O. Zeller, Problemgeschichte der vergleichenden (indogermanischen) Sprachwissenschaft. Osnabruck, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 64-65. 190. 191. Review of Rata Handurukande, Manicudavadana being a Translation and Edition and Lokananda, a Transliteration and Synopsis. London, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 140-143. Review of E. Conze, Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies, Oxford, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 143-144. Review of Dvadasaram Nayacakram of Acarya Sri Mallavadi Ksamasramana. With the Commentary Nyayagamanusarini of Sri Simhasuri Gani Vadi Ksamasramana, Part I (1-4 Aras). Ed. with crit. notes by Muni Jambuvijayaji. Bhavnagar, 1966. --- ibid., pp. 144-150. 192. 193. CR de L. Alsdorf, Les etudes jaina. Etat present et taches futures, Paris, 1965; L. Alsdorf, Die Arya-Strophen des Pali-Kanons metrisch hergestellt und textgeschichtlich untersucht, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 207-212. 194. Review of Lalmani Joshi, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture of India (During the 7th and 8th Centuries A.D.). Delhi-Patna-Varanasi, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 212-213. Review of Tilak Raj Chopra, The Kusa-jataka. A critical and comparative study. Hamburg, 1966. --- ibid., pp. 214-215. 196. 197. CR de K. Sagaster, Subud Erike. Ein Rosenkranz aus Perlen. Herausgegeben, ubersetzt und kommentiert von K.S. Wiesbaden, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 215-220. Review of D.L. Snellgrove, The Nine Ways of Bon. Excerpts from gZi-brjid edited and translated. London, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 220-222. Review of R.E. Emmerick, Tibetan Texts concerning Khotan. London, 1967. --- ibid., pp. 222-225. 198. 199. Review of Buddhist Yearly 1966. Jahrbuch fur Buddhistische Forschungen. Halle, 1966; 267. Jahrbuch fur Buddhistische Forschungen, ibid., 1967; Bibliography of Literature on Buddhist topics published on the territory of the G.DR. since 1945; Studia Asiae. Festschrift fur Johannes Schubert. Part I, ibid., 1969. --- ibid., p.225. 200. CR de Tso Sze-bong, Chung-kuo fo-chiao shih-chuan yi mu-lu yuan-chu lu-hsieh sha-men chih t'an-t'ao. (A study of Chinese Buddhist biographies and bibliographies derived from the Vinaya sect), Hsin Ya hsueh-pao, VI,1 (1964), pp.415-486; VII,1 (1965), pp. 305-361; VII,2 (1966), pp. 79-155. --- TP, 56 (1970), pp. 314-321. Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 # its ( 14 ) 1972 201. The Problem of the Absolute in the Madhyamaka School, JIP, 2 (1972), pp. 1-6 (English translation of No. 3). Emptiness, ibid., pp. 7-15. 202. 203. A brief survey of Chinese Buddhist historiography, Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture, Vol. 1 (Commemoration Volume on the 69th birthday of Acharya Raghu Vira). New Delhi, 1972, pp. 101-110. 204. 205. 206. 207. An Old Tibetan Version of the Ramayana, TP, 58 (1972), pp. 190-202. Notes a propos des colophons du Kanjur, ZAS, 6 (1972), pp. 505-559. Review of The Elders' Verses, I: Theragatha. Translated with an introduction and notes by K.R. Norman. London, 1969. --- IIJ, 13 (1972), pp. 297-301. Review of Karunapundarika. Edited with Introduction and Notes by Isshi Yamada.. London, 1968. --- ibid., pp. 301-313. CR de Saigusa Mitsuyoshi, Studien zum Mahaprajnaparamita-(upadesa)sastra, Tokyo, 1969. --- ibid., pp. 314-315. Review of Lives of Eminent Korean Monks. The Haedong Kosung Chon. Translated with an introduction by Peter H. Lee. Cambridge, Mass., 1969. --- ibid., pp. 315-317. CR de Lore Sander, Palaographisches zu den Sanskrithandschriften der Berliner Turfansammlung. Wiesbaden, 1968. --- ibid., pp. 317-318. 208. 209. 210. 211. Review of Beitrage zur Geistesgeschichte Indiens. Festschrift fur Erich Frauwallner. Aus Anlass seines 70. Geburtstages herausgegeben von G. Oberhammer. Wien, 1968. --- IIJ, 14 (1972), pp. 77-81. 212. Review of O. Botto (ed.), Storia delle letterature d'Oriente. Milano, 1969. 4 volumes. --- ibid., pp. 83-84. 213. Review of H. Jacobi, Kleine Schriften, herausgegeben von B. Kolver. 2 Teile. Wiesbaden, 1971. --- ibid., pp. 84-85. Review of R.E. Emmerick, The Sutra of Golden Light. Being a Translation of the Suvarnabhasottamasutra. London, 1970. --- ibid., pp. 118-121. 214. Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 19 215. Review of E.Frauwallner, Materialien zur altesten Erkenntnislehre der Karmamimamsa. Wien, 1968. --- ibid., pp. 122-123. 216. Review of F. Kielhorn, Kleine Schriften mit einer Auswahl der epigraphischen Aufsatze. 2 Teile. Herausgegeben von W. Rau. Wiesbaden, 1969. --- ibid., pp. 254-255. 217. Review of Helmuth von Glasenapp, Bibliographie. Bearbeitet von Zoltan Karolyi. Wiesbaden, 1968. --- ibid., pp. 255-256. CR de L. Boulnois et H. Millot, Bibliographie du Nepal, Volume 1: Sciences humaines. References en langues europeennes. Paris, 1969. --- ibid., pp. 256-257. 218. 219. 220. Review of Tsuji Naoshiro, Genson Yajuru-veda bunken - Kodai Indo no saishiki ni kansuru konpon shiryo no bunkengakuteki kenkyu. Tokyo, 1970; H.S. Ananthanarayana, Verb Forms of the Taittiriya Brahmana. Poona, 1970; Maitrayani Samhita. Die Samhita der Maitrayaniya-Sakha. Herausgegeben von L. von Schroeder. Erstes Buch. Wiesbaden, 1970. Zweites Buch. Ibid., 1971; Kathaka. Die Samhita der Katha-Sakha. Herausgegeben von L. von Schroeder. Erstes Buch. Wiesbaden, 1970. Zweites Buch. Ibid., 1971. --- ibid., pp. 260-262. CR de L. Silburn, Hymnes de Abhinavagupta. Traduits et commentes par L.S. Paris, - 1970. --- ibid., pp. 262-264. CR de F. Bourgeois, Venisamhara. Drame sanskrit edite et traduit par F.B. Paris, 1971. --- ibid., pp. 264-265. Review of A.F.R. Hoernle (ed.), Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature found in Eastern Turkestan. Facsimiles with transcripts, translations and notes. Vol. I, parts 1-2. Amsterdam, 1970. --- ibid., p. 265. 221. 222. 223. Review of B. Bergmann, Nomadische Streifereien unter den Kalmuken in den Jahren 1802 und 1803. Reprint. Mit einer Einfuhrung von S. Hummel. New York, 1969. --- ibid., pp. 265-267. 224. Review of G.R. Welbon, The Buddhist Nirvana and its Western Interpreters. The University of Chicago Press, 1968. --- JIP, 1 (1972), pp. 396-403. 225. CR de Fujita Kotatsu, Genshi jodo shisa no kenkyu, 2eme ed., Tokyo, 1970. --- TP, 58 (1972), pp. 352-366. Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 # # $il ( 14 ) 1973 226. Dharmasamuccaya. Compendium de la Loi. 3e partie (chapitres XIII a XXXVI). Texte sanskrit edite avec la version tibetaine et les versions chinoises et traduit en francais par Lin Li-louang. Revision de Andre Bareau, J.W. de Jong et Paul Demieville. Avec des Appendices par J.W. de Jong, Paris, 1973. VI + 567 + 48 pp. 227. An Old Tibetan Version of Ramayana. Cultural Forum, 15, 2, Jan.,1973, pp. 22-32 [uncorrected and unauthorised reprint of No. 204]. 228. Tibetan blag-pa and blags-pa, BSOAS, 36, part 2 (1973), (volume in honour of Walter Simon), pp. 309-312. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. The Discovery of India by the Greeks, AS, 27.2, 1973, pp. 115-142. Girisha-nin ni yoru Indo no hakken, Minoru Hara yaku. Suzuki gakujutsu zaidan kenkyu nenpo, 10, 1973 (Tokyo), pp. 59-76. [Japanese translation of No. 229.] Contributions a Revue bibliographique de Sinologie, 10, Paris-La Haye, 1973. Review of Samten G. Karmay (ed. and 61.), The treasury of good sayings: a Tibetan history of Bon. London, 1972. --- BSOAS, 36 (1973), pp. 488-489. Review of Garma C.C. Chang, The Buddhist Teachings of Totality. London, 1972. --- AM, 18 (1973), pp. 118-119. Review of K.L.Janert and N.Narasimhan Poti, Indische und Nepalische Handschriften. Teil 2. Wiesbaden, 1970. --- IIJ, 15 (1973), pp. 61-62. Review of Journal of Indian Philosophy, ed. by B.K.Matilal, vol.1, no. 1. Dordrecht, 1970. --- ibid., pp. 62-63. CR de A.W.Macdonald et M. Lalou, L'oeuvre de Jean Przyluski. Paris, 1970. --- ibid., p. 63. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. Review of O. von Hinuber, Studien zur Kasussyntax des Pali, besonders des Vinaya-pitaka.. Munchen, 1968. --- ibid., pp. 64-66. Review of D.L. Snellgrove, Four Lamas of Dolpo, I and II. Oxford, 1967. --- ibid., pp.68-74. Review of D.N. MacKenzie (ed. and tr.), The 'Sutra of the Causes and Effects of Actions' in Sogdian. London, 1970. --- ibid., pp.74-75. Review of A.J.Alston (tr.), The Realization of the Absolute. London, Shanti Sadan, 1971. --- ibid., pp.233-236. 240. Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 21 241. Review of P.Thieme, Kleine Schriften. Wiesbaden, 1971. --- JAOS, 93 (1973), pp. 109-110. 242. 243. Review of Madeleine Biardeau, La philosophie de Mandana Misra vue a partir de la Brahmasiddhi. Ecole francaise d'Extreme Orient, Paris, 1969, and Mandanamisra's Brahmasiddhih Brahmakandah. Ubersetzung, Einleitung und Anmerkungen by Tilmann Vetter, Wien, 1969. --- Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol.9, nos. 1 & 2, 1972-73, pp. 109-110. Bespr. von L. Frederic, Sudost-Asien. Essen, 1968. --- OLZ, 68 (1973), Sp.93-94. Bespr. von Lama Anagarika Govinda, Der Weg der weissen Wolken. Zurich und Stuttgart, 1969. --- ibid., Sp.612-613. CR de Walpola Rahula (tr), Le compendium de la super-doctrine (philosophie) (Abhidharmasamuccaya) d'Asarga. Paris, 1971. --- TP, 59 (1973), pp.339-346. 244. 245. 1974 246. A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America (Part I), The Eastern Buddhist, N.S., VII, 1, May 1974, pp.55-106. A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America (Part II), ibid., no.2, October 1974, pp.49-82. Chugoku ni okeru Butsuda no kotoba, Komazawa daigaku bukkyogaku-bu kenkyu kiyo, vol: 32 (1974), pp.50-72. (Japanese translation of No.146 by Okabe Kazuo.] Tibetaanse Literatuur, Moderne Encyclopedie der Wereldliteratuur, vol.8, 's-Gravenhage, 1974, pp.432b-437a. 248. 249. 250. Notes on the sources and the text of the Sang Hyang Kamahayanan Mantranaya, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, deel 130, 's-Gravenhage, 1974, pp.465-482. A propos du Nidanasamyukta, Melanges de Sinologie offerts a Monsieur Paul Demieville, II, Paris, 1974, pp. 137-149. 251. 252. 253. Notes on the Bhiksuni-vinaya of the Mahasamghikas, Buddhist Studies in Honour of I.B. Horner, Dordrecht, 1974, pp.63-70., Review of Karl H. Potter, Bibliography of Indian Philosophies. Delhi-Patna-Varanasi, 1970. --- TIJ, 16 (1974), pp.145-147. Review of A.K.Warder, Outline of Indian Philosophy. Delhi-Patna-Varanasi, 1971. --- ibid., pp.147-149. 254. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ##*1 # (#145) 255. 256. 257. eview of Gustav Roth (ed.). Bhiksuni-vinaya including Bhiksuni-prakiraka and a summary of the Bhiksu-prakirnaka of the Arya-Mahasamghika-Lokottaravadin (= Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series, vol.XII). Patna, K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute, 1970. ---ibid., pp.149-150. Review of B. Jinananda (ed.), Abhisamacarika (Bhiksuprakirnaka] (= Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series, vol.IX). Patna, K.P.Jayaswal Research Institute, 1969. --- ibid., pp 150-152. CR de E. Waldschmidt, Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden. Teil II. Wiesbaden, 1968. --- OLZ 69 (1974), Sp. 74-75. . Review of V.Stache-Rosen, Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im alteren Buddhismus, II. Berlin, 1968. --- ibid., Sp 80-84. Review of McDermott, A.C.Senape, An Eleventh-Century Buddhist Logic of 'Exists'. Dordrecht, 1969. --- ibid., Sp. 587-589. 258. 259. 1975 260. 261. 262. Bukkyo kenkyu no rekishi. Tokyo,Shunjusha Press, 1975.208 pp. (Japanese translation of nos. 202, 224, 246, 247 + author's bibliography 1949-1973.) The Study of Buddhism. Problems and Perspectives. Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture, vol.4 (1975), (Acharya Raghu Vira Commemoration Volume), pp.13-26. (English translation of No. 27.] Bukkyo Kenkyu, Mondai to Mitoshi, Hokke-Bunka Kenkyu, No.1, Tokyo, 1975, pp.1-12. (Japanese translation of no. 261.] La Legende de Santideva, IIJ, 16 (1975), pp.161-182. Notes on Prajnaparamita texts, Indologica Taurinensia, vol. II (1974), Torino, 1975, pp. 107-119. Recent Russian publications on the Indian Epic, ALB, 39 (1975), pp.1-42. . 263. 264. 265. 266. Review of Bernhard Kolver, Textkritische und philologische Untersuchungen zur Rajatarangini des Kalhana (= Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, Supplementband 12). Wiesbaden, 1969. --- IIJ, 16 (1975), pp.225-227. Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 23 267. Review of J.F.Staal (ed.), A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians. Cambridge, Mass. and London, 1972. --- ibid., pp.227-229. Review of Herbert V. Guenther, The Tantric View of Life. Berkeley and London, 1972. --- ibid., pp.229-231. 268. 269. Review of G.M.Bongard-Levin, Studies in Ancient India and Central Asia (= Soviet Indology Series 7). Calcutta, 1971. --- ibid., pp.231-232. Review of T.Venkatacharya (ed.), The Sriharicarita-mahakavya of Srihari Padmanabhasastrin (= The Adyar Library Series 102). Adyar, The Adyar Library and Research Centre, 1972. ---ibid., pp.302-303. 270. 271. Review of V.Raghavan, Studies on Some Concepts of the Alamkara Sastra (= The AdyaF Library Series 33). Adyar, The Adyar Library and Research Centre, 1973. Revised edition. --- ibid., p.303. 2. Review of Franz Laszlo, Die Parallelversion der Manusmrt im Bhavisyapurana (= Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, XL,2), Wiesbaden, 1971. --- ibid., pp.307-308. 273. Review of Heinz Bechert, Buddhismus, Staat und Gesellschaft in den Lander des Theravada-Buddhismus, I: Grundlagen, Ceylon. Frankfurt am Main und Berlin, 1966. II: Birma, Kambodscha, Laos, Thailand (= Schriften des Instituts fur Asienkunde in Hamburg XVII:1-2). Wiesbaden, 1967. --- ibid., pp.308-310. Review of The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra (Wei Mo Chieh So Shuo Ching), transl. by Lu Kuan Yu (Charles Luk). Berkeley and London, 1972. --- ibid., pp.310-311. 274. 275. CR de Anne-Marie Blondeau, Materiaux pour l'etude de l'hippologie et de l'hippiatrie tibetaines (a partir des manuscrits de Touen-houang), Geneve-Paris, 1972. --- ibid., pp.311-313. 276. Review of Giuseppe Tucci, Il libro tibetano dei morti (Bardo Todol) (= Classici delle religioni N.22. Sezione prima diretta da Oscar Botto; Le religioni orientali). Torino, 1972. --- ibid., pp.314-316. 277. Review of Myoho-renge-kyo. The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law. Transl. by Bunno Kato. Rev. by W.E.Soothill and Wilhelm Schiffer. Rissho Kosei-Kai, Tokyo, 1971. The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law. Transl. by Senchu Murano. Nichiren Shu Headquarters, Tokyo, 1974. --- The Eastern Buddhist, N.S., VIII, 2, October 1975, pp. 154-159. Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ #** * ( 14 ) 278. Review of N.H. Samtani (ed)., The Arthaviniscaya-sutra and Its Commentary (Nibandhana). (= Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series, Vol. XIII). Patna, K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute, 1971. --- IIJ, 17 (1975), pp.115-118. 279. Review of India Maior. Congratulatory Volume presented to J. Gonda ( J.Ensink and P.Gaeffke). Leiden, 1972. --- ibid., p.118. 280. 281. Review of Maitrayani Samhita. Die Samhita der Maitrayaniya-Sakha. Herausgegeben von Leopold von Schroeder. Vols. 3 and 4, Wiesbaden, 1972; Kathaka. Die Samhita der Katha-Sakha. Herausgegeben von Leopold von Schroeder. Vols. 3 and 4, Wiesbaden, 1972. --- ibid., p.119. Review of Sankara's Upadesasahasri. Critically edited with an introduction and indices by Sengaku Mayeda. Tokyo, 1973. --- ibid., pp.261-262. CR de Paul Martin-Dubost, Cankara et le Vedanta (= Maitres spirituels No.39). Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1973. --- ibid., p.263. Review of Giuseppe Tucci, Opera minora. Roma, 1971. --- ibid., pp.263-264. 282. 283. 284. CR de Wilhelm Geiger, Kleine Schriften zur Indologie und Buddhismuskunde: Herausgegeben von Heinz Bechert (= Glasenapp-Stiftung Band 6). Wiesbaden, 1973. --- ibid., pp.264-265. 285. 286. CR de Sanskrit Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden. Begonnen von Ernst Waldschmidt. Herausgegeben von der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen unter der Leitung von Heinz Bechert. I.Lieferung: a-, an-lantar-vasa. Gottingen, 1973. --- ibid., pp.273-276. Review of Sprachwissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Turfan-Forschung, 2 Bde. Leipzig 1972. --- ibid., pp.288-290. Review of Michael Silverstein (ed.), Whitey on Language, Selected Writings of William Dwight Whitney, MIT Press, 1971. --- ibid., pp.290-291. 287. 288. 1976 A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America.. Varanasi, Bharat-Bharati, 1976. 94 pp. [Reprint of Nos. 246 and 247 with the addition of two indices, pp. 89-94.) Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 25 289. CR de Waldschmidt, Ernst, Clawiter, Walter u. Lore Sander-Holzmann (Hrsg.): Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden 3: Die Katalognummern 802-1014. Wiesbaden, 1971. --- OLZ, 71 (1976), Sp.75-76. 290. Review of Nakamura Hajime, Bukkyo-go Daijiten. Tokyo, 1975. Vols. I, I and index. --- The Eastern Buddhist N.S., LX, 1, May 1976, pp.131-135. 291. Review of The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana-Sutra. A Complete Translation from the Classical Chinese Language in 3 volumes. Annotated and with Full Glossary, Index, and Concordance by Kosho Yamamoto. The Karinbunko, Oyama, 1973-75. --- ibid., 2, October 1976, pp. 134-136. Review of L. Alsdorf, Kleine Schriften [= Glasenapp-Stiftung, Band 10]. Wiesbaden, 1974. --- IIJ 18 (1976), p. 297. 292. 293. CR de Raniero Gnoli (tr.), Luce delle Sacre Scritture (Tantraloka) di Abhinavagupta [= Classici delle religione N.25]. Torino, 1972. --- ibid., pp. 298-300. 294. 295. Review of L. Sternbach, Maha-subhasita-samgraha. Volume I: ao-anveo [= Vishveshvaranand Indological Series 64). Hoshiarpur, 1974. --- ibid., pp.300-302. Review of Volker Moeller, Symbolik des Hinduismus und des Jainismus. Tafelband .[= Symbolik der Religionen, Band XIX]. Stuttgart, 1974. --- ibid., p.303. Review of Esther A. Solomon (ed.), Samkhya-Saptati-Vrtoi (V1), Ahmedabad, 1973, and Esther A. Solomon (ed.), Samkhya-Vrtti (V2), Ahmedabad, 1973. --- ibid., pp.303-304. CR de Jean Filliozat, Laghu-prabandhah. Choix d'articles d'Indologie. Leiden, 1974. --- ibid., pp.304-305. 296. 297. 297. CR de 298. 299. CR de R.O. Meisezahl, 'Smasanavidhi des Luyi. Textkritik nach der tibetischen Version des Kommentars Luyipadabhisamayavitti Sambarodaya nama von Tathagatavajra', Zentralasiatische Studien 8 (1974), 9-127. --- ibid., pp.305-307. Review of Karunesha Shukla (ed.), Sravakabhumi of Acarya Asanga (= Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series, vol. XIV]. Patna, 1973. --- ibid., pp.307-310. Review of Robert Shafer, Introduction to Sino-Tibetan, Parts 3, 4, 5. Wiesbaden, 1968-1974. --- ibid., pp. 310-311. Review of Takasaki Jikido, Nyoraizo-shiso ni keisei [The formation of the tathagatagarbha theory). Tokyo, 1974. --- ibid., pp.311-315. 300. 301. Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ## # ( 14 ) 302. 303. Review of Helmut Hoffmann, Symbolik der tibetischen Religionen und des Schamanismus (= Symbolik der Religionen, Band XI). Stuttgart, 1967. --- ibid., pp.315-316. Review of Heinz Zimmermann, Die Subhasita-ratna-karandaka-katha (dem Aryasura zugeschrieben) und ihre tibetische Ubersetzung. (= Freiburger Beitrage zur Indologie, Band 8]. Wiesbaden, 1975. --- ibid., pp.316-320. Review of Mikkyo jiten. Sawa Ryuken hen. Kyoto, 1975. --- ibid., pp. 320-321. Review of Ria Kloppenborg, The Paccekabuddha. A Buddhist Ascetic. A Study of the concept of the paccekabuddha in Pali canonical and commentarial literature [= Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina, vol. 20]. Leiden, 1974. --- ibid., pp. 322-324. 304. 305. 306. Review of The Sutra on the Foundation of the Buddhist Order (Catusparisatsutra) translated by Ria Kloppenborg (= Religious Texts Translation Series Nisaba, volume one). Leiden, 1973. --- ibid., pp. 324-327. 1977 307. Nagarjuna, Mulamadhyamakakarikah (The Adyar Library Series, Vol. 109). The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Adyar, Madras, 1977, vi, 57 pp. 308. 309. 310. F.B.J. Kuiper: Bibliography 1967-1976, IIJ, 19 (1977), pp.1-4. The Tun-huang manuscripts of the Tibetan Ramayana story, ibid., pp. 37-88. Jatakamala II.17, ibid., p. 97. Yamaguchi Susumu 27.1.1895 - 21.10.1976, ibid., pp. 99-103. The Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata and the Saddantavadana, Buddhist Thought and Asian Civilization. Essays in Honor of Herbert V. Guenther on His Sixtieth Birthday, Emeryville, Cal., 1977, pp. 27-38. 311. 312. 313. Sanskrit Fragments of the Kasyapaparivarta, Beitrage zur Indienforschung. Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet. (Veroffentlichungen des Museums fur Indische Kunst Berlin, Band 4), 1977, pp. 247-255. 314. Notes on the Second Chapter of the Madhyantavibhagatika, CAJ, 21, 2 [in honor of the 65th birthday of Professor Helmut Hoffmann], 1977, pp. 111-117. 315. Notes on Prajnaparamita Texts: 2. The Suvikrantavikramipariprccha, Prajnaparamita and related systems. Studies in honor of Edward Conze. Edited by Lewis Lancaster, Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series 1, 1977 (published in 1980], pp. 187-199. 316. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de Sinologie, 11. Paris, 1977. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 27 317. The Background of Early Buddhism, D.D. Kosambi Commemoration Volume. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 1977, pp. 55-65 [Repr. of No. 104]. 318. Review of Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma (The Lotus Sutra). Translated from the Chinese of Kumarajiva. By Leon Hurvitz. Columbia U.P., 1976. --- The Eastern Buddhist, N.S.,X,2 (1977), pp. 169-174. 319. Review of Sonam Angdu (ed.), Tibeto-Sanskrit Lexicographical Materials. The Sgra sbyor bam po gnis pa, the Dag yig Za ma tog, and the Dag yig li si'i gur khan (= Tibeto-Sanskrit-Hindi Grammars and Dictionaries, vol. 1). Leh (Ladakh), 1973. --- IIJ, 19 (1977), pp. 120-121. 320. Review of Ngawang Gelek Demo (ed.), The Collected Works of 'Jam-dbyaris bzad-pa'i rdo-rje (Gedan Sungrab Minyam Gyunphel Series, vols. 40-54). New Delhi, 1972-1974. --- ibid., pp. 124-125. 321. Review of Horiuchi Kanjin (ed.), Bonzokan taisho Shoe Kongochogya no kenkyu. Bonpon koteihon (ge). Koyasan, 1974. --- ibid., pp. 125-127. 322. 323. Review of Charles S. Prebish, Buddhist Monastic Discipline: The Sanskrit Pratimoksa Sutras of the Mahasamghikas and Mulasarvastivadins. The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1975. --- ibid., pp. 127-130. CR de Pierre Python, Vinaya-viniscaya-Upali-pariprccha (Collection Jean Przyluski, tome V). Paris, 1973. --- ibid., pp. 131-135. Review of Ludwik Sternbach, Indian Riddles (Vishveshvaranand Indological Series, 67). Hoshiarpur, 1975. --- ibid., pp. 296-297. 324. 325. CR de Armelle Pedraglio, Un drame allegorique sanskrit. Le Prabodhacandrodaya de Krsnamisra (Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, fasc. 36). Paris, 1974. --- ibid., pp. 297-300. 326.. Review of Mikkyo jiten. Kyoto, 1975. --- Koyasan jiho, nr. 2151 (1.9.1977), p.3 (Japanese translation of No. 304 by Murakami Ryokai]. 327. CR de H. Bechert, Buddhismus, Staat und Gesellschaft in den Landern des Theravada-Buddhismus, III. Wiesbaden, 1973. --- OLZ, 72 (1977), Sp. 623-625. 1978 328. Textcritical Notes on the Prasannapada, IIJ, 20 (1978), pp. 25-59, 217-252. Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 # ILUS (14) 329. Ou-mei fo-hsueh yen-chiu hsiao-shih, Nei Ming, 80-93 (Hongkong, Nov. 1978Dec.1979). [Chinese translation of Nos. 246 and 247]. 330. Review of Biswanath Bhattacharya, Asvaghosa. Santiniketan, 1976. --- IIJ, 20 (1978), pp. 124-127. 331. 332. CR de Willibald Kirfel, Kleine Schriften. Wiesbaden, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 127-128. Review of Berthold Laufer, Kleinere Schriften. Teil 1: Publikationen aus der Zeit von 1894 bis 1910. Wiesbaden, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 129-130. Review of Walther Heissig, Die mongolischen Handschriften-Reste aus Olon sume, Innere Mongolei (16.-17. Jhdt). Wiesbaden, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 130-134. 333. 334. Review of K.L. Janert, Abstande und Schlussvokalverzeichnungen in Asoka-Inschriften. Wiesbaden, 1972. --- ibid., pp. 134-136. 335. Review of The Precious Garland and The Song of the Four Mindfulnesses. Tr. and ed. by J. Hopkins and Lati Rimpoche with Anne Klein. London, 1975. --- ibid., 136-140. 336. Review of Jan Gonda, Vedic Literature (Samhitas and Brahmanas) (History of Indian Literature, Vol. I, fasc. 1). Wiesbaden, 1975. --- ibid., pp. 305-306. 337. Review of Erhardt Hanefeld, Philosophische Haupttexte der alteren Upanisaden. (Freiburger Beitrage zur Indologie, Band 9). Wiesbaden, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 306-308. 338. Review of Theodor Zachariae, Opera Minora. Zur indischen Wortforschung, zur Geschichte der indischen Literatur und Kultur, zur Geschichte der Sanskritphilologie. Herausgegeben von Claus Vogel (Glasenapp-Stiftung Band 12, 1-2). Wiesbaden, 1977. ---ibid., pp. 308-309. 339. 340. Review of Patrick Olivelle, Vasudevasrama Yatidharmaprakasa. (Publications of the De Nobili Research Library, III). Vienna, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 309-310. Review of Johann Jakob Meyer, Das altindische Buch vom Welt- und Staatsleben. Das Arthacastra des Kautilya. Graz, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 310-312. Review of Ludwik Sternbach, Maha-subhasita-samgraha Volume II: apah-ahni. Hoshiarpur, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 312-313. Review of Hirofusa Amano, A Study on the Abhisamaya-alamkara- karika-sastra-vrtti. Tokyo, 1975. --- ibid., pp. 313-314. 341. 342. Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 29 343. CR de Katsumi Mimaki, La refutation bouddhique de la permanence des choses (Sthirasiddhidusana) et La preuve de la momentaneite des choses (Ksanabhangasiddhi) (Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, fasc. 41). Paris, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 314-316. 344. CR de Sanskrit-Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden. 2. Lieferung: antar-halavadata-varna. Gottingen, 1976. --- ibid., pp 316-317. 345. Review of Dieter Schuh, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke sowie Tonbandaufnahmen tibetischer Erzahlungen. Teil 5, Wiesbaden, 1973. Teil 6. Wiesbaden, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 317-31.9. 346. Review of Bhikkhu Telwatte Rahula, A Critical Study of the Mahavastu. Delhi, 1978. --- Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, Vol. 13, 1978, pp. 95-98. 347. A propos de Antonino Forte, Political Propaganda and Ideology in China at the end of the Seventh Century. Napoli, 1976. --- TP, 64 (1978), pp. 158-161. 348. CR de Etienne Lamotte, Le Traite de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nagarjuna (Mahaprajnaparamitasastra ). Tome IV, chapitres XLII (suite)-XLVIII. Louvain, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 168-173. 1979 349. Textcritical Remarks on the Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata (Pallavas 42-108) (Studia Philologica Buddhica: Monograph Series, D). Tokyo, The Reiyukai Library, 1979. x + 303 pp. 350. Review of Minoru Kiyota (ed.), Mahayana Buddhist Meditation: Theory and Practice. Honolulu, 1978. --- The Eastern Buddhist, N.S. XII,2 (1979), pp. 153-161. Review of Tsuji Naoshiro, Vedagaku ronshu. Tokyo, 1977. --- IIJ, 21 (1979), pp. 44-45. 351. 352. Review of Jan Gonda, Medieval religious literature in Sanskrit (A History of Indian Literature, Vol. II, fasc. 1). Wiesbaden, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 45-46. 353. Review of J.'Duncan M. Derrett, Bharuci's Commentary on the Manusmrti (The Manu-Sastravivarana, Books 6-12). Vol. I: Text; Vol. II: The translation and notes. Wiesbaden, 1975. --- ibid., pp. 57-61. Review of Ludwik Sternbach, Maha-subhasita-sangraha. Volume III. a-i-i. Hoshiarpur, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 62-64. 354. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. *** * (145) Review of Michael Coulson, Sanskrit An Introduction to the Classical Language. London, 1976. -- ibid., pp. 64-67. Review of Walther Schubring, Kleine Schriften. Wiesbaden, 1977. --- ibid., p. 67. Review of T'oung Pao. Index to volumes XXXVIII-LV (1948-1969). Leiden, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 78-79. Review of Beitrage zur Indienforschung. Erst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet. Berlin, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 147-148. Review of Barbara Stoler Miller, Love Song of the Dark Lord. Jayadeva's Gitagovinda. New York, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 288-291. CR de Stella Sandahl-Forgue, Le Gitagovinda.. Tradition et innovation dans le kavya. Stockholm, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 291-292. Review of J.F. Sprockhoff, Samnyasa. Quellenstudien zur Askese im Hinduismus. I. Wiesbaden, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 292-294. Review of P. Olivelle, Vasudevasrama, Yatidharmaprakasa. A treatise on world renunciation. Critically ed. with intr., annotated tr. and appendices. Part two: Translation, Vienna, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 294-295. Review of Adalbert Gail, Parasurama, Brahmane und Krieger. Wiesbaden, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 296-297. Review of M. Cone and R.F.Gombrich, The Perfect Generosity of Prince Vessantara, O.U.P., 1977. --- ibid., pp. 297-300. Review of Claus Oetke, Die aus dem Chinesischen ubersetzten tibetischen Versionen des Suvarnaprabhasasutra. Wiesbaden, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 300-304. CR de Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Das Hung-ming chi und die Aufnahme des Buddhismus in China. Wiesbaden, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 304-306. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. CR de M. van Velthem, Le Traite de la descente dans la profonde loi (Abhidharmavatarasastra) de l'Arhat Skandhila.. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1977. --- TP, 65 (1979), pp. 294-303. 1980 368. Obituary Edward Conze 1904-1979, IIJ, 22 (1980), pp. 143-146. Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 369. Review of G.R. Welbon, The Buddhist Nirvana and its Western Interpreters, Nei Ming, 96 (Hongkong, March 1980), pp. 12-16. [Chinese translation of No. 224). Review of The Mahabharata. Volume III: 4. The book of Virata. 5. The Book of the Effort. Tr. and ed. by J.A.B. van Buitenen. Chicago, 1978. --- IIJ, 22 (1980), pp. 58-62. 370. 371. Review of Lee Siegel, Sacred and Profane Dimensions of Love in Indian Traditions as Exemplified in the Gitagovinda of Jayadeva. O.U.P., 1978. --- ibid., pp. 62-64. 372. Review of G. Steermann-Imre, Untersuchung des Konigswahlmotivs in der indischen Marchenliteratur: Pancadivyadhivasa (Beitrage zur Sudasien-Forschung, 35). Wiesbaden, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 64-66. Review of Sanskrit Love Poetry. Tr. by W.S. Merwin and J. Moussaieff Masson. New York, 1977. -- ibid., pp. 66-68. 373. 374. Review of Carl Cappeller, Kleine Schriften und Sanskrit-Gedichte. Herausgeg. von Siegfried Lienhard. Wiesbaden, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 69-70. 375. CR de Eugene Denis, La Lokapannatti et les idees cosmologiques du bouddhisme ancien. Paris, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 70-73. Review of R.O. Franke, Kleine Schriften. Herausgeg. von Oskar v. Hinuber. Wiesbaden, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 73-75. 376. 377. 378. Review of W.B. Bollee, Studien zum Suyagada. Die Jainas und die anderen Weltanschauungen vor der Zeitenwende. Wiesbaden, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 75-77. Review of Bansidhar Bhatt, The Canonical Niksepa. Studies in Jaina Dialectics. Leiden, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 77-78. Review of P. Hacker, Kleine Schriften. Herausgeg. von Lambert Schmithausen. Wiesbaden, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 78-79. 379. 380. Review of John R. Hinnells (ed.), Mithraic Studies. Proceedings of the First International Congress of Mithraic Studies. Two volumes. Manchester, 1975. Etudes mithraiques. Actes du 2e Congres International Teheran, du 1er au 8 septembre 1975. Leiden, 1978. Journal of Mithraic Studies, 1,1 (1976), 1,2 (1976), II,1 (1977). --- ibid., pp. 80-84. Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 ## $il ( 14 ) 381. Review of Ludwik Sternbach, Bibliography on dharma and artha in Ancient and Mediaeval India. Wiesbaden, 1973. --- ibid., pp. 84-85. 382. Review of Roy A. Miller, Studies in the Grammatical Tradition in Tibet (Studies in the History of Linguistics, Vol. 6). Amsterdam, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 86-88. 383. Review of W. Norman Brown, India and Indology. Selected articles, edited by Rosane Rocher, Delhi-Varanasi-Patna, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 153-154. 384. Review of Transzendenzerfahrung. Vollzugshorizont des Heils. Herausgeg. von Gerhard Oberhammer. Wien, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 154-155. 385 CR de Henri Quellet, Le Gitagovinda de Jayadeva. Texte, Concordance et Index. Hildesheim, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 164-165. 386. 387. Review of Herman Lommel, Kleine Schriften., Wiesbaden, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 237-238. Review of Etienne Lamotte (tr.), The Teaching of Vimalakirti. London, 1976; Robert A.F. Thurman (tr.), The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti. The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 254-256. 388. CR de Ariane Macdonald et Yoshiro Imaeda, Choix de documents tibetains conserves a la Bibliotheque Nationale, Tome 1. Paris, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 257-258. 389. 390. 391. 392. CR de Essais sur l'art du Tibet. Paris, 1977. -- ibid., pp. 258-259. Review of Tibetan Tripitaka, Sde dge edition, Bstan hgyur. Dbu ma. Tokyo, 1977--- ibid., pp. 260-261. Review of Tsong-ka-pa, Tantra in Tibet The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra. London, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 261-262. Review of Manfred Taube, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, 1-4, Wiesbaden, 1966. --- ibid., pp. 263-264. Review of Charles Willemen, The essence of metaphysics. Abhidharmahrdaya. Bruxelles, 1975; I. Armelin, Le coeur de la loi supreme. Traite de Fa-cheng. Abhidharmahrdayasastra de Dharmasri. Paris, 1978. --- The Eastern Buddhist, N.S., XIII,1 (1980), pp. 151-158. Review of Buddhism in Ceylon and Studies on Religious Syncretism in Buddhist Countries. Gottingen, 1978. --- IIJ, 22 (1980), pp. 311-313. 393. 394. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 33 395. Review of Th. Damsteegt, Epigraphical Hybrid Sanskrit., Leiden, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 313-316. 396. Review of Kabutogi Shoko, Stein Pelliot shushu Tonko Hokkekyo mokuroku. Tokyo, 1978; Kabutogi Shoko, Tonko mokuroku taisho teihon Hokkekyo hakkan Kasuga-ban Toshodaijizo. Tokyo, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 316-317. 397. Review of G. Grimm, Buddhist Wisdom. The Mystery of the Self. Delhi, 1978. --- South Asia, II, 1-2 (1979), p. 187. 398. Review of L. Joshi, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture of India (During the 7th and 8th Centuries A.D.). Delhi, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 187-188. 399. Review of S. Zimmer, Tocharische Bibliographie: 1959-1975. Heidelberg, 1976. --- OLZ, 75 (1980), Sp. 381-383. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de Sinologie, 12-13. Paris, 1980. 400. 1981 401. Buddhist Studies. Berkeley, Asian Humanities Press, [1979] 717 pp. Fa-hsien and Buddhist Texts in Ceylon, Journal of the Pali Text Society, vol. IX, 1981, pp. 105-116. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. The Sanskrit text of the Saddantavadana, Indologica Taurinensia, vol. VII (1979), Torino, 1981, pp. 281-297. Review of Phyllis Granoff, Philosophy and Argument in Late Vedanta, Dordrecht, 1978. --- IIJ, 23 (1981), pp. 63-65. Review of Louis Ligeti (ed.), Proceedings of the Csoma de Koros Memorial Symposium. Budapest, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 75-79. Review of Practice and Theory of Tibetan Buddhism. Translated and Annotated by Geshe Lhundup Sopa & Jeffrey Hopkins. London, 1976. --- ibid., pp. 79-80. CR de Helene Brunner-Lachaux, Somasambhupaddhati, I-II. Pondichery, 1963, 1968, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 159-161. Review of Ludwik Sternbach, Unknown Verses Attributed to Ksemendra. Lucknow, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 161-163. 407. 408. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 *#* 145) 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. Review of Einfuhrung in die Indologie. Stand, Methoden, Aufgaben. Herausgegeben von H. Bechert und G. von Simson. Darmstadt, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 219-220. Review of Claus Vogel, Indian Lexicography. Wiesbaden, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 220-221. Review of Peter Thomi, Cudala. Wichtrach, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 221-227. Review of Mervyn Sprung, Lucid Exposition of the Middle Way: London, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 227-230. Review of Buddhist Research Information, Number 1 (April 1979); Buddhist Text Information, Number 20 (June 1979); Sikh Religious Studies Information, Number 1 (July 1979), Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, New York. --- ibid., pp. 231-232. Review of Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, Teil 7. Beschrieben von Friedrich Wilhelm und Jampa Losang Panglung. Wiesbaden, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 232-234. Review of Heinz Zimmermann, Wortart und Sprachstruktur im Tibetischen. Wiesbaden, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 234-236. Review of Annemarie von Gabain, Einfuhrung in die Zentralasienkunde. Darmstadt, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 236-238. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. Review of Burmese Manuscripts, Part 1, Compiled by Heinz Bechert, Daw Khin Khin Su and Daw Tin Tin Myint. Wiesbaden, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 238-239. Review of R.K. Heinemann, Der Weg des Ubens im ostasiatischen Mahayana. Wiesbaden, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 240-242. Review of A.F.P. Hulsewe, China in Central Asia. The early Stage: 125 B.C. - A.D. 23. Leiden, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 242-244. 419. 420. CR de Jose van den Broeck, La saveur de l'immortel (A-p'i-t'an Kan Lu Wei Lun). Louvain-la-Neuve, 1977. --- TP 66 (1980), pp. 277-283. Review of Rune E.A. Johansson, The Dynamic Psychology of Early Buddhism, London, 1979. ---South Asia, N.S., IV,1, June 1981, pp. 83-84. 421. Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 35 1982 422. 423. 424. K'ung, Fo-kuang hsueh-pao 5 (1981), pp. 287-294. [Chinese translation of No. 202). Review of Leslie S. Kawamura (ed.), The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism. Waterloo, Ontario, 1981. --- The Eastern Buddhist, N.S., XV,1 (1982), pp. 146-151. Review of A.J. Alston, Samkara on The Absolute. London, 1980. --- IIJ, 24 (1982), pp. 60-62. Review of Joseph E. Schwartzberg, A Historical Atlas of South Asia. Chicago and London, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 62-64. Review of Richard Simon, Kleine Schriften. Wiesbaden, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 64-65. 425. 426. 427. Review of Helmuth von Glasenapp, Von Buddha zu Gandhi. Wiesbaden, 1962; Helmuth von Glasenapp, Ausgewahlte kleine Schriften. Wiesbaden, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 65-67. 428. Review of Mikkyo daijiten, Vols. I-VI, Kyoto, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 67-68. 429. Review of Hartmut Walravens (hrsg.), Kleinere Schriften von Berthold Laufer. Teil 2, :: Wiesbaden, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 68-69. 430. Review of Bernfried Schlerath, Sanskrit Vocabulary. Leiden, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 135-136. 431. CR de J.-M. Verpoorten, L'ordre des mots dans l'Aitareya-brahmana. Paris, 1977. --- ibid., pp. 136-138. 432. Review of T. Venkatacharya, The Rasarnavasudhakara of Simhabhupala. Madras, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 138-139. 433. Review of Heidrun Bruckner, Zum Beweisverfahren Samkaras. Berlin, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 158-161. 434 Review of Peter Zieme und Gyorgy Kara, Ein uigurisches Totenbuch. Wiesbaden, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 162-166. Review of Heinz Bechert (ed.), Die Sprache der altesten buddhistischen Uberlieferung. Gottingen, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 215-218. 435. 436. Review of R. Ananthakrishna Sastry, Visnusahasranama. Adyar, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 218-219. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 ###ILUX (145) 437. Review of J. Harmatta (ed.), Prolegomena to the Sources on the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia. Budapest, 1979; J. Harmatta (ed.), Studies in the Sources on the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia. Budapest, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 219-223. 438. Review of Piotr Klafkowski, The Secret Deliverance of the Sixth Dalai Lama as Narrated by Dharmatala. Wien, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 223-225. 439. Review of Jacob Wackernagel, Kleine Schriften. Gottingen, 1969-1979. --- ibid., pp. 308-309. 440. Review of Henry Danielson, Adisesa. The essence of supreme truth. Leiden, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 310. 441. CR de Indianisme et bouddhisme. Melanges offerts a Mgr Etienne Lamotte. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 311-314. 442. Review of Buddhist Studies in honour of Walpola Rahula. London, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 314-316. 443. Review of The Stupa: its religious, historical and architectural significance. Wiesbaden, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 316-318. 444. Review of Michael Aris, Bhutan, The Early History of a Himalayan Kingdom. Warminster, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 318-321. 445. CR de Paul Magnin, La vie et l'oeuvre de Huisi (515-577). Paris, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 322-323. 446. Review of Fok Tou-hui, An-hui 'San-shih wei-shih shih'. Hongkong, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 324-325. 447. Review of Wilhelm Rau, Bharoharis Vakyapadiya. Wiesbaden, 1977. --- OLZ, 77 (1982), Sp. 184-186. 448. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de Sinologie, 14-15. Paris, 1982. 1983 449. Review of A.T. Hatto (ed.), Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry. Volume One: The Traditions. London, 1980. --- IIJ, 25 (1983), pp. 133-134. 450. Review of Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty (ed.), Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions. University of California Press, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 135-136. Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 37 451. Review of Paul Deussen, Sixty Upanisads of the Veda. Delhi-Varanasi-Patna, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 136-137. 452. Review of Nakamura, Hajime, Shoki no Vedanta tetsugaku. Tokyo, 1981 --- ibid., pp. 137-138. 453. Review of Ludwik Sternbach, A Descriptive Catalogue of Poets quoted in Sanskrit Anthologies and Inscriptions. Wiesbaden, 1978-1980; Ludwick Sternbach, Poesie sanskrite conservee dans les anthologies et les inscriptions. Paris, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 138-140. 454. Review of Rucklaufiges Worterbuch des Altindischen / Reverse Index of Old Indian. Ausgearbeitet von Wolfgang Schwarz. Wiesbaden, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 140-141. 455. Review of Renate Sohnen, Untersuchungen zur Komposition von Reden und Gesprachen im Ramayana. Reinbek, 1979. --- ibid., pp. 141-144. 456. Review of Klaus Bruhn und Albrecht Wezler (Hrsg.), Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhismus. Gedenkschrift fur Ludwig Alsdorf,, Wiesbaden, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 145-147. 457. Review of Padmanabh S. Jaini (ed.), Amatacandrasuri's Laghutattvasphota. Ahmedabad, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 147-150. 458. Review of Heinz Bechert and Heinz Braun, Pali Niti Texts of Burma. London, 1981; and Padmanabh S. Jaini, Pannasa-Jataka or Zimme Pannasa. Vol. I. London, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 150-152. 459. Review of C.E. Godakumbura, Catalogue of Ceylonese Manuscripts. Copenhagen, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 152-153. 460. Review of Tibetan Tripitaka. Sde dge edition. Bstan hgyur. Dbu ma. Compiled and edited by K. Hayashima, J. Takasaki, Z. Yamaguchi and Y. Ejima. Volumes 15-17. Sems tsam. Compiled and edited by K. Hayashima, J. Takasaki, Z. Yamaguchi and N. Hakamaya. Volumes 1-16 published by the Seiten Kanko Kyokai Co. Ltd. for the Faculty of Letters, * University of Tokyo, 1979-1981. --- ibid., pp. 154-155. 461. Review of Gudrun Buhnemann, Der allwissende Buddha. Wien, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 155-158. 462. Review of Dieter Schuh, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, 8. Wiesbaden, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 158-160. 463. Review of Vimalakirtinirdesasutra. Tibetan Version, Sanskrit Restoration and Hindi Translation. Edited and Translated by Bhiksu Prasadika and Lal Mani Joshi. Sarnath, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 160-161. 464. Review of Mukunda Madhava Sharma, Inscriptions of Ancient Assam. Assam, 1978. --- ibid., pp. 211-212. Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 38 *#*t (14 ) 465. Review of Teun Goudriaan and Sanjukta Gupta, Hindu Tantric and Sakta Literature (A History of Indian Literature, Vol. II, Fasc. 2). Wiesbaden, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 212-213. 466. Review of Candrakirti. Madhyamakavatarah und Madhyamakavatarabhasyam (Kapitel VI, Vers 166-226). Ubersetzt und kommentiert von Helmut Tauscher. Wien, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 214-215. 467. Review of Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson. Edited by Michael Aris and Aung San Suu Kyi., Warminster, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 217-218. 468. Review of Monumenta Tibetica Historica, Sankt Augustin, 1976-1981. --- ibid., pp. 218-222. 469. Review of Yoshiro Imaeda, Histoire du cycle de la naissance et de la mort. Geneve-Paris, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 222-224. 470. Review of Sinasi Tekin, Buddhistische Uigurica aus der Yuan-Zeit, Wiesbaden, 1980. --- ibid., pp. 225-226. 471. Ou-mei fo-hsueh yen-chiu hsiao-shih. Hongkong: Fo-chiao fa-chu hsueh-hui, 1983. XI + 165 pp. [Chinese Translation of 246, 247, 224, 202 and 201 + bibliography of author 1949-1980. Translated by Fok Tou-hui.] 472. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de Sinologie, Nouvelle Serie I. Paris, 1983. 1984 473 A new history of Tantric literature in India, Acta Indologica 6 (Naritan Shinshoji, 1984), pp. 91-113. 474. Recent Buddhist studies in Europe and America: 1973-1983, The Eastem Buddhist, N.S.,.., XVII, 1 (1984), pp. 79-107. 475. The Study of the Mahabharata. A brief survey (Part I), Hokke bunka kenkyu, 10 (1984), pp. 1-19. 476. The Story of Rama in Tibet, Asian Variations in Ramayana (Delhi, 1983), pp. 163-182. 477. CR de Lilian Silburn, Sivasutra et Vimarsini de Ksemaraja. Paris, 1980. --- II, 27 (1984), pp. 70-71. 478. Review of Richard Fox Young, Resistant Hinduism. Sanskrit sources on anti-Christian apologetics in early nineteenth-century India, Vienna, 1981.. --- ibid., pp. 213-214. Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 39 479. CR de Nalini Balbir, Danastakakatha. Recueil jaina de huit histoires sur le don. Paris, 1982. --- ibid., pp. 215-217. 480. Review of Wilhelm Halbfass, Indien und Europa. Perspektiven ihrer geistigen Begegnung. Basel/Stuttgart, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 217-219. 481. Review of Jion Abe, Sarikhepatthajotani Visuddhimaggaculladika Sila-dhutanga. Poona, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 219-220. 482. Review of Index to the Kathavatthu. London, 1982. --- ibid., pp. 220-221. 483. Review of Padmanabh S. Jaini (ed.), Pannasa-Jataka or Zimme Pannasa (in the Burmese Recension). Vol. II (Jatakas 26-50]. London, 1983. --- ibid., pp. 221-222. 484. Review of Erich Frauwallner, Kleine Schriften. Wiesbaden, 1982. --- ibid., pp. 222-223 485. Review of M. Nagatomi, B.K. Matilal, J.M. Masson and E.C. Dimock Jr. (eds.), Sanskrit and Indian Studies. Essays in Honour of Daniel H.H. Ingalls, Dordrecht, 1980. . -- ibid., pp. 223-227. 486. Review of David Seyfort Ruegg, The Literature of the Madhyamaka School of Philosophy in India. Wiesbaden, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 227-229. 487. Review of A Buddhist Paradise. The Murals of Alchi Western Himalayas. Hongkong, 1982. --- ibid., pp. 229-230. 488. Review of The Prince Who Became a Cuckoo. A tale of liberation by the Lama Lo-dro of Drepung. Translated by the Lama Geshe Wangyal. New York, 1982. --- ibid., pp. 230-231. 489. Review of G.W. Houston (tr.), Wings of the White Crane. Poems of Tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho (1683-1706). Delhi-Varanasi-Patna, 1982. * --- ibid., pp. 231-232. 490. CR de Lore Sander, u. Ernst Waldschmidt, Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden, IV. Wiesbaden, 1980. --- OLZ, 79 (1984), Sp. 391-393. 1985 491. The Study of the Mahabharata. A Brief Survey (Part II), Hokke bunka kenkyu, 11 (1985), pp. 1-21. 492. Madhyadesika, Madhyoddesika and Madhy'uddesika, Zur Schulzugehorigkeit von Werken der Hinayana-Literatur, Hrsg. von Heinz Bechert, Erster Teil, Gottingen, 1985, pp. 138-143. Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ##*ILUX (14) 493. Le Gandavyuha et La Loi de la naissance et de la mort, Indiske Studier 5: Miscellanea Buddhica, Copenhagen, 1985, pp. 7-24. 494. The Over-burdened Earth in India and Greece, JAOS 105/3 (Indological Studies dedicated to Daniel H.H. Ingalls), 1985, pp. 397-400. 495. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de sinologie, II (1985), Paris. 496. Review of Karl H. Potter (ed.), Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology. The Tradition of Nyaya-Vaisesika up to Gargesa. Princeton, 1977; Advaita Vedanta up to Samkara and His Pupils. Princeton, 1981. --- ILJ, 28 (1985), pp. 218-220. 497. CR de Francis Zimmermann, La jungle et le fumet des viandes, Paris, 1982. --- ibid., pp. 220-222. 498. CR de Jacques Scheuer, Siva dans le Mahabharata. Paris, 1982. --- ibid., pp. 222-224. 499. Review of Wilhelm Rau, Bilder 135 deutscher Indologen. Wiesbaden, 1982. --- ibid., p. 224. 500. Review of Friedrich Otto Schrader, Kleine Schriften. Wiesbaden, 1983. --- ibid., pp. 224-225. 501. Review of R.E. Emmerick, The Siddhasara of Ravigupta. Volume 2. Wiesbaden, 1982. --- ibid., p. 226. 502. Review of Hilko Wiardo Schomerus, Arunantis Sivajnanasiddhiyar. Die Erlangung des Wissens um Siva oder um die Erlosung. Wiesbaden, 1981. --- ibid., pp. 227-228. 503. Review of Hsueh-li Cheng, Nagarjuna's Twelve Gate Treatise. Dordrecht, 1982. --- ibid., pp. 228-230. 504. Review of Akira Yuyama, Kacchapa-jataka. Tokyo, 1983. --- ibid., pp. 230-232. 505. Review of Fumimaro Watanabe, Philosophy and its Development in the Nikayas and Abhidhamma. Delhi-Varanasi-Patna, 1983. --- ibid., pp. 232-234. 506. Review of Janice Dean Willis, On Knowing Reality. The Tattvartha Chapter of Asanga's Bodhisattvabhumi. New York, 1979. --- OLZ 80 (1985), Sp. 195-198. 1986 507. Indo bunka kenkyushi ronshu . O-Bei no Mahabarata to bukkyo no kenkyu (Collected articles on the history of the study of Indian culture. Western Studies of Buddhism and the Mahabharata). Translated by Tsukamoto Keisho. Kyoto, Heirakuji shoten, 1986. 8, 309, 24 pp. (Japanese translation of lectures given in Japan in 1983]. Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 508. Contributions a Revue bibliographique de sinologie, IV (1986), Paris. 509. Review of Siglinde Dietz, Die Buddhistische Briefliteratur Indiens. (Asiatische Forschungen, Band 84]. Wiesbaden, 1984. --- Buddhist Studies Review 3, 1(1986), pp. 76-79. 510. CR de Inde et litteratures. Etudes reunies par Marie-Claude Porcher, Paris, 1983. --- IIJ., 29, (1986) pp. 49-50. 511. CR de Mahabhasyapradipavyakhyanani. Commentaires sur le Mahabhasya de Patanjali et le * Pradipa de Kaiyata. Edition par M.S. Narasimhacarya.Pondichery, 1973-1983. ---ibid., pp. 50-51. 512. CR de N.R. Bhatt (ed.)., Sardhatrisatikalottaragama avec le commentaire de Bhatta Ramakantha, Pondichery, 1979; N.R. Bhatt (ed.)., Matangaparamesvaragama (Kriyapada, Yogapada et Caryapada) avec le commentaire de Bhatta Ramakantha, Pondichery, 1982; N.R. Bhatt (ed.), Rauravottaragama, Pondichery, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 51-52. 513. Review of The Bhagavad Gita. Translated by Winthrop Sargeant. Rev.Ed. edited by Christopher Chapple, Albany, 1984. ---ibid., pp. 53-55. 514. Review of Gustav Roth, Malli-jnata. Wiesbaden, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 55-57. 515. Review of Otto Strauss, Kleine Schriften. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Wilhelm, Wiesbaden, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 57-58. 516. CR de Sanskrit-Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden. Begonnen von Emst Waldschmidt. 4. Lieferung: atma-dvipa / idam. Gottingen, 1984. ---ibid., pp. 59-60. 517. CR de Jean Dantinne, La splendeur de l'inebranlable (Aksobhyavyuha) Tome I. Chapitres I-DI: les auditeurs (Sravaka). Louvain-la-Neuve, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 60-63. 518. * Review of Sprachen des Buddhismus in Zentralasien. Wiesbaden, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 63-64. 519. Review of Reinhold Grunendahl, Visnudharmah. Precepts for the Worship of Visnu. Part 1, Adhyayas 1-43. Wiesbaden, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 64-65. 520. Review of Ch.Willemen, The Chinese Hevajratantra. Leuven, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 65-68. 521. Review of Inklusivismus. Eine indische Denkform. Herausgegeben von Gerhard Oberhammer. Wien, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 68-70. Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42 # ILTA (14) 522. Review of John S. Strong, The Legend of King Asoka. A study and Translation of the Asokavadana. Princeton, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 70-73. 523. Review of The Writings of Professor Bruno Petzold (1873-1949). Buddhist Research Information Numbers 4-8. October 1980-October 1982. ---ibid., pp. 74-75. Review of Rainer von Franz, Die unbearbeiteten Peking-Inschriften der Franke-Lauferschen Sammlung. Wiesbaden, 1984. ---ibid., pp. 148-150. Review of J. Terjek (ed.), Collected Works of Alexander Csoma de Koros. Budapest, 1984. Tibetan-English Dictionary. Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary. Grammar of the Tibetan Language. Tibetan Studies. ---ibid., pp. 150-151. 526. Review of Lal Mani Joshi, Disceming the Buddha. A Study of Buddhism and of the Brahmanical Hindu Attitude to It. New Delhi, 1983. ---ibid., pp. 151-153. 527. Review of C.E. Godakumbura, Catalogue of Cambodian and Burmese pali Manuscripts. Copenhagen, 1983. --- ibid., pp. 324-325. 528. Review of A.K. Warder, Introduction to Pali. London, 1984. --- ibid., pp. 325-326. 529. Review of Jeffrey Hopkins, Meditation on Emptiness. London, 1983. --- JIABS 9,1 (1986), pp. 124-128. 530. Review of Diana Paul, Philosophy of Mind in Sixth Century China. Paramartha's 'Evolution of Consciousness! Stanford, 1984. --- ibid., pp. 129-133, 135-136. 531. Review of Valentina Stache-Rosen (tr.), Upalipariprcchasutra: ein Text zur buddhistischen Ordensdisziplin. Gottingen 1984. --- BSOAS 40,3 (1986), pp. 591-592. 532. Cajyate and Yayajyate, JAOS, 106 (1986), p. 803. Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 INDEX BOOKS AND ARTICLES 92 251 130 104 and 317 106 117 312 116 Absolute in Buddhist Thought, The A propos du Nidanasamyukta Auteur de l'Abhidharmadipa, L' Background of Early Buddhism, The --- [Polish translation] Beknopte bibliografie van het Boeddhisme Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata and the Saddantavadana, The Boeddhistische opvattingen van goed en kwaad Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America, A., Part I ibid., part II ibid., reprint + indices Brief survey of Chinese Buddhist historiography, A Buddha Jayanti-vieringen in India Buddha's Word in China Buddhist Studies Bukkyo Kenkyu, Mondai to Mitoshi Bukkyo kenkyu no rekishi Chugoku ni okeru Butsuda no kotoba Cinq chapitres de la Prasannapada. [Ph.D. thesis Leiden, 1949] Contributions a Bibliographie Bouddhique, IX-XX Ibid., XXI-XXIII ibid., XXIV-XXXVII ibid., XXVIII-XXXI Conze, Edward [Obituary] Dasottarasutra, The Dharmasamuccaya. Compendium de la Loi. 2e partie ibid. 3e partie Discovery of India by the Greeks, The Emptiness Encore une fois le fonds Pelliot tibetain no. 610 Episode d'Asita dans le Lalitavistara, L' Fa-hsien and Buddhist Texts in Ceylon Fonds Pelliot tibetain Nos. 610 et 611 Fragment de l'histoire de Rama en tibetain, Un Gandavyuha et La Loi de la naissance et de la mort, Le 246 247 288 203 32 146 401 262 260 248 1 124 165 226 229 202 147 11 402 18 181 493 Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ #** * ( 14 ) 230 507 109 310 422 166 308 263 182 492 91 Girisha-nin ni yoru Indo no hakken Indo bunka kenkyushi ronshu Introduction to Hiranyagarbha Jatakamala II.17 K'ung (Chinese tr. of Emptiness') Korea's edition of the Chinese Buddhist Canon Kuiper, F.B.J.: Bibliography 1967-1976 Legende de Santideva, La Lhasa Madhyadesika, Madhyoddesika and Madhy'uddesika Madhyamakasastrastuti de Candrakirti, La Magic Wall of the Fortress of the Ogresses: Apropos of asiyati ( Mahavastu III, 86.3), The Mi la ras pa'i mam thar. Texte tibetain de la vie de Milarepa Nagarjuna, Mulamadhyamakakarikah Nebesky-Wojkowitz, Rene Mario von [Obituary] Notes a propos des colophons du Kanjur Notes on Prajnaparamita texts ibid., part 2 Notes on the Bhiksuni-vinaya of the Mahasamghikas Notes on the sources and the text of the Sang Hyang Kamahayanan Mantranaya Notes on the Second Chapter of the Madhyantavibhagatika Old Tibetan Version of the Ramayana, An Ontstaan van het Boeddhisme in India, Het Ou-mei fo-hsueh yen-chiu hsiao-shih Over-Burdened Earth in India and Greece, The Problem of the Absolute in the Madhyamaka School ( 3] Probleme de l'absolu dans l'ecole Madhyamaka, Le Recent Buddhist Studies in Europe and America: 1973-1983 Recent Russian publications on the Indian Epic Remarks on the text of the Rasgrapalapariprccha Roerich, George N. de [obituary] Sanskrit Fragments of the Kasyapaparivarta Sanskrit Studies in the Netherlands Sanskrit text of the Saddantavadana, The Story of Rama in Tibet, The Studie van het Boeddhisme. Problemen en Perspectieven, De Study of Buddhism. Problems and Perspectives, The Study of the Mahabharata, The (part I) ibid., part II Suggestions for a Polyglot Buddhist Dictionary Sum-pa mkhan-po (1704-1788) and his works 145 47 307 .48 205 264 315 252 250 314 204 and 227 105 329 and 471 494 201 3 474 265 149 84 313 30, 31, 107 403 476 27 261 475 491 4 131 Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 Sutrapitaka des Sarvastivadin et des Mulasarvastivadin Tantric Literature in India, A new history of Textcritical Notes on the Prasannapada Textcritical Remarks on the Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata Three Notes on the Vasudevahindi Tibetaanse Literatuur Tibetan blag-pa and blags-pa Tun-huang manuscripts of the Tibetan Ramayana story, The Varnarhavarastotra de Maticeta, A propos du Vitarati Voorwoord ad Profiel van een Incarnatie...door F.Sierksma Yamaguchi Susumu 27.1.1895 - 21.10.1976 148 473 328 349 12 249 228 309 132 71 110 311 Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 # ILUS 14) Contributions a Revue bibliographique de sinologie, 1957 1955 1956 1959 IV 1958 1964 VII 1961 1968 VIII 1962 1969 X 1963 1971 X 1964 1973 XI 1965 1977 XII-XIII 1966-1967 1980 XIV-XV 1968-1970 1982 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 433, 434, 438 339, 562, 569, 577,581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 590, 591, 595, 596, 597, 600, 605, 620 856, 881 690, 691, 708, 711, 712, 724 751, 752, 759, 760, 768, 770, 773, 777, 778 776, 780, 781, 782, 784, 794, 798, 809, 813, 854 787, 790, 794, 796, 800, 801, 802, 805, 817 690, 697, 712, 713, 751 931, 944, 947, 955, 956, 964 493, 498, 508, 509, 510, 512, 527, 536, 540, 546, 547, 567, 570 Nouvelle serie: I DI 1983 1985 1986 315 533, 535, 537, 543, 545 417, 418, 425, 426, 430, 431, 432, 433, 445, 446, 447 IV Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 INDEX of * Reviews 481 193 193 Abe, Jion, Sankhepatthajotani Visuddhimaggacullatika Sila-dhutanga Alsdorf, L., Die Arya-Strophen des Pali-Kanons metrisch hergestellt und textgeschichtlich untersucht --- Les etudes jaina. Etat present et taches futures ---, Kleine Schriften ---, Gedenkschrift fur L.A., see Klaus Bruhn Alston, A.J. (tr.), The Realization of the Absolute . ---, Samkara on the Absolute Amano, Hirofusa, A Study on the Abhisamaya-alamkara-karika-sastra-vitti Ananthanarayana, H.S., Verb Forms of the Taittiriya Brahmana Angdu, Sonam (ed.), Tibeto-Sanskrit Lexicographical Materials Annual of Oriental and Religious Studies, I Aris, Michael, Bhutan. The Early History of a Himalayan Kingdom ---, see Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson Armelin, I., Le coeur de la loi supreme. Aufrecht, Th., Catalogus Catalogorum, 2 vols. 292 455 240 424 342 219 319 138 444 467 393 122 81 14 126 479 Bacot, J., Zuginima, texte et traduction Bailey, D.R., The Satapancasatka of Matlcela Balbir, J.K., L'histoire de Rama en tibetain Balbir, Nalini, Danastakakatha Bechert, Heinz, Buddhismus, Staat und Gesellschaft in den Landern des Theravada-Buddhismus, I, II ---, ibid., III ---, Bruchstucke buddhistischer Verssammlungen aus zentral-asiatischen Sanskrithandschriften ---, Die Sprache der altesten buddhistischen Uberlieferung --- and Heinz Braun, Pali Niti Texts of Burma ---, see Einfuhrung in die Indologie 273 327 111 435 458 409 Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 #* * ( 14 ) 284 285 358 223 513 378 512 330 242 22 199 157 158 45 ---, see Wilhelm Geiger, Kleine Schriften ---, see Sanskrit Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden Beitrage zur Indienforschung, Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet Bergmann, B., Nomadische Streifereien unter den Kalmuken in den Jahren 1802 und 1803 Bhagavad Gita, The. Transl. by Winthrop Sargeant Bhatt, Bansidhar, The Canonical Niksepa. Studies in Jaina Dialectics Bhatt, N.R., Sardhatrisatikalottaragama; Matangaparamesvaragama; Rauravottaragama Bhattacharya, Biswanath, Asvaghosa Biardeau, Madeleine, La philosophie de Mandana Misra vue a partir de la Brahmasiddhi Bibliographie bouddhique XXI-XXIII Bibliography of Literature on Buddhist topics published on the territory of the G.D.R. since 1945 Bira, S., O "Zolotoj knige" S. Damdina Birman, D.A. i G.G. Kotovskij, Bibliografija Indii Bischoff, F.A., Contribution a l'etude des divinites mineures du Bouddhisme tantrique. Aryamahabalanamamahayanasutra Blondeau, Anne-Marie, Materiaux pour l'etude de l'hippologie et de l'hippiatrie tibetaines Bohtlingk, O. und R.Roth, Sanskrit Worterbuch 169 Bongard-Levin, G.M., Studies in Ancient India and Central Asia --- i O.F. Volkova, Legenda o Kunale Bollee, W.B., Studien zum Suyagada Botto, O. (ed.), Storia delle letterature d'Oriente Boulnois, L. et H. Millot, Bibliographie du Nepal Bourgeois, F., Venisamhara Braun, Heinz, see H. Bechert, Pali Niti Texts of Burma Broeck, Jose van den, La saveur de l'immortel Brough, J., The Gandhari Dharmapada Brown, W.N. (ed.& tr.), The Mahimnastava or Praise of Shiva's Greatness Bruckner, Heidrun, Zum Beweisverfahren Samkaras Bruhn, Klaus und Albrecht Wezler (Hrsg.), Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhismus. Gedenkschrift fur L.Alsdorf Brunner-Lachaux, Helene, Somasambhupaddhati, I-D Bryner, E., Thirteen Tibetan Tankas Buddhism in Ceylon and Studies on Religious Syncretism in Buddhist Countries Buddhist Paradise, A. The Murals of Alchi Western Himalayas Buddhist Research Information 275 269 118 377 212 218 221 . 458 420 137 154 433 456 407 44 394 487 413 Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 442 413 199 Buddhist Studies in honour of Walpola Rahula Buddhist Text Information Buddhist Yearly 1966 and 1967 Buhnemann, Der allwissende Buddha Buitenen, J.A.B. van, see Mahabharata, The Burmese Manuscripts 461 370 417 466 374 73 140 233 119 503 195 164 Candrakirti, Madhyamakavatarah und Madhyamakavatarabhasyam Cappeller, Carl, Kleine Schriften und Sanskrit-Gedichte Chandra, Lokesh, Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary, I, Ka Chang, Garma C.C., The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa ---, The Buddhist Teachings of Totality Chavannes, E, Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du Tripitaka chinois Cheng, Hsueh-li, Nagarjuna's Twelve Gate Treatise Chopra, Tilak Raj, The Kusa-jataka Choudhary, G.R. (compilor), The Catalogue of the Tibetan Texts in the Bihar Research Society Clarke, H., The message of Milarepa Clawiter, Walter, see Waldschmidt, E., Sanskrit Handschriften aus den Turfanfunden Cone, M. and R.F. Gombrich, The Perfect Generosity of Prince Vessantara Contributions to Ethnography, Linguistics and History of Religion Conze, E., Abhisamayalankara ---, Buddhist Thought in India ---, Buddhist Wisdom Books ---, Thirty years of Buddhist Studies ---, (ed.& tr.), Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Coulson, Michael, Sanskrit. An Introduction to the Classical Language 88 289 364 66 19 142 75 191 74 355 D Damsteegt, Th., Epigraphical Hybrid Sanskrit Danielson, Henry, Adisesa. The essence of supreme truth Dantinne, Jean, La splendeur de l'inebranlable (Aksobhyavyuha) Dawa-Samdup, Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa Demo, Ngawang Gelek (ed.), The Collected Works of 'Jam-dbyans bzad-pa'i rdo-rje Denis, Eugene, La Lokapannatti et les idees cosmologiques du bouddhisme ancien 395 440 517 26 320 375 Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 # ILS 14 ) 353 451 Derrett, J.Duncan M., Bharuci's Commentary on the Manusmrti Deussen, Paul, Sixty Upanisads of the Veda Dharmottarapradipa, Pandita Durveka Misra's, ed. by Pandita D. Malvania Dietz, Siglinde, Die Buddhistische Briefliteratur Indiens 53 509 E Eilers, Wilhelm, Festschrift fur + Festgabe fur W.E. Einfuhrung in die Indologie. Stand, Methoden, Aufgaben Emmerick, R.E., The Khotanese Surargamasamadhisutra ---, Tibetan Texts concerning Khotan ---, The Siddhasara of Ravigupta, vol. 2 ---, The Sutra of Golden Light Ensink, J., The question of Rasgrapala ---,see India Maior Essais sur l'art du Tibet Etudes mithraiques Evans-Wentz, W.Y. (ed.), Tibetan Yoga and secret doctrines 187 409 184 198 501 214 - 8 389 380 59 57 43 297 446 347 376 Ferrari, A., Mk'yen brtse's Guide to the Holy Places of Central Tibet Filliozat, Jean, Dans les pas du Bouddha ---, Laghu-prabandhah Fok, Tou-hui, An-hui 'San-shih wei-shih shih' Forte, Antonino, Political Propaganda and Ideology in China at the end of the Seventh Century Franke, R.O., Kleine Schriften Franz, Rainer von, Die unbearbeiteten Peking-Inschriften der Franke-Lauferschen Sammlung Frauwallner, E., Beitrage zur Geistesgeschichte Indiens (Festschrift fur E.F:) Hrgs. v. G. Oberhammer ---, Geschichte der indischen Philosophie, I ---, Kleine Schriften ---, Materialien zur altesten Erkenntnislehre der Karmamimamsa Frederic, L., Sudost-Asien Fujita, Kotatsu, Genshi jodo shiso ni kenkyu 524 211 28 484 215 243 225 Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 51 416 279 363 101 284 20 40 217 427 427 293 54 Gabain, Annemarie von, Einfuhrung in die Zentralasienkunde Gaeffke, P., see India Maior Gail, Adalbert, Parasurama, Brahmane und Krieger Geiger, Wilhelm, Culture of Ceylon in Mediaeval Times ---, Kleine Schriften zur Indologie und Buddhismuskunde Giles, L., Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Manuscripts from Tunhuang in the British Museum Giraudeau, P.F. et R.P. Francis Gore, Dictionnaire francais-tibetain Glasenapp, Helmuth von, Bibliographie. Bearbeitet von Zoltan Karolyi ---, Von Buddha zu Gandhi ---, Ausgewahlte kleine Schriften Gnoli, R. (tr.), Luce delle Sacre Scritture (Tantraloka) di Abhinavagupta Godakumbura, C.E., Sinhalese. Literature ---, Catalogue of Ceylonese Manuscripts ---, Catalogue of Cambodian and Burmese Pali Manuscripts Gombrich, R.F., see M.Cone, The Perfect Generosity of Prince Vessantara Gonda, Jan, India Maior. Congratulatory Volume presented to ---, Vedic Literature ---, Medieval religious literature in Sanskrit Gordon, A.K., The Hundred Thousand Songs Goudriaan, Teun and Sanjukta Gupta, Hindu Tantric and Sakta Literature Govinda, Lama Anagarika, Der Weg der weissen Wolken Granoff, Phyllis, Philosophy and Argument in late Vedanta Grimm, G., Buddhist Wisdom. The Mystery of the Self Grunendahl, Reinhold, Visnudharmah. Precepts for the Worship of Visnu, I Guenther, Herbert V., The Jewel Omament of Liberation ---, The life and teaching of Naropa ---, The Tantric View of Life Gupta, Sanjukta, see Teun Goudriaan 459 527 364 279 336 352 89 465 244 404 397 519 79 125 268 465 H Hacker, P., Untersuchungen uber Texte des fruhen Advaitavada ---, Kleine Schriften Halbfass, W., Indien und Europa. Perspektiven ihrer geistigen Begegnung 9 379 480 Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 # ILU 14 ) 99 190 337 172 Haenisch, E., Studia Sino-Altaica. Handurukande, Ratna, Maniculavadana being a Translation and edition and Lokananda, a Transliteration and Synopsis Hanefeld, Erhardt, Philosophische Haupttexte der alteren Upanisaden Harders-Steinhauser, M. and G.Jayme, Untersuchung des Papiers acht verschiedener alter Na-Khi-Handschriften auf Rohstoff und Herstellungsweise Harmatta, J. (ed.), Prolegomena to the Sources on the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia --- (ed.), Studies in the Sources on the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia Hatto, A.T.(ed.), Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry, Vol.I: The Traditions Hauschild, R., Register zur altindischen Grammatik Heinemann, R.K., Der Weg des Ubens im ostasiatischen Mahayana Heissig, Walther, Die Pekinger lamaistischen Blockdrucke in mongolischer Sprache ---, Die Familien- und Kirchengeschichtsschreibung der Mongolen, I ---, Mongolische Handschriften - Blockdrucke - Landkarten ---, Beitrage zur Ubersetzungsgeschichte des mongolischen buddhistischen Kanons ---, Die Mongolischen Handschriften-Reste aus Olon sume, Innere Mongolei (16-17. Jhdt) Hermanns, M., Die Familie der A mdo-Tibeter Hinnells, John R. (ed.), Mithraic Studies Hinuber, Oskar v., Studien zur Kasussyntax des Pali, besonders des Vinaya-pitaka --- (ed.), see R.O. Franke, Kleine Schriften Hoernle, A.F.R. (ed.), Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature found in Eastern Turkestan Hoffmann, Helmut, Die Religionen Tibets ---, Symbolik der tibetischen Religionen und des Schamanismus Hopkins, Jeffrey (tr. & ed.), see The Precious Garland and The Song of the 437 437 449 161 418 24 70 90 103 333 72 380 237 376 222 34 302 335 406 529 --- (tr.), see Practice and Theory of Tibetan Buddhism ---, Meditation on Emptiness Horiuchi, Kanjin (ed.), Bonzokan taisho Shoe Kongochogya no kenkyu Houston, G.W. (tr.), Wings of the White Crane Hulsewe, A.F.P., China in Central Asia. The early Stage: 125 B.C. - A.D. 23 Hurvitz, Leon, see Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma 321 489 419 318 Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 53 Imaeda, Yoshiro, see Macdonald, Ariane ---, Histoire du cycle de la naissance et de la mort Inde et litteratures. Etudes reunies par Marie-Claude Porcher Index to the Kathavatthu India Maior, Congratulatory Volume presented to J. Gonda Indianisme et bouddhisme. Melanges offerts a Mgr Et.Lamotte Ingalls, Daniel H.J., Essays in Honour of Inklusivismus, hrsg. von Gerhard Oberhammer Iwamoto, Yutaka, Bukkyo setsuwa kenkyu josetsu 388 469 510 482 279 441 485 521 174 213 98 457 93 458 483 192 334 155 234 Jacobi, H., Kleine Schriften Jaini, Padmanabh S., Abhidharmadipa with Vibhasaprabhavitti ---, Amstacandrasuri's Laghutattvasphota --- (ed.), Milinda-tika ---, Pannasa-Jataka or Zimme Pannasa. Vol.I ---, ibid., vol. II Jambuvijayaji, Muni (ed.), Dvadasaram Nayacakram of Acarya Sri Mallavadi Ksamasramana Janert, K.L., Abstande und Schlussvokalverzeichnungen in Asoka-Inschriften ---, An annotated Bibliography of the Catalogues of Indian Manuscripts, I --- und Narasimhan Poti, Indische und Nepalische Handschriften Jha, Prof. A. (ed.), The Catalogue of the Tibetan Texts in the Bihar Research Society, vol. I Jha, G. (tr.), Tattva-kaumudi. Vacaspati Misra's Commentary on the Samkhya-karika Jinananda, B. (ed.), Abhisamacarika (Bhiksuprakirnaka] Johansson, Rune E.A., The Dynamic Psychology of Early Buddhism Joshi, L.M., Discerning the Buddha ---, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture of India (1967) ---, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture of India (1977) ---, see Vimalakirtinirdesasutra Journal of Indian Philosophy Journal of Mithraic Studies 164 171 256 421 526 194 398 463 235 380 Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 # titus (14) K 396 396 15 434 232 280 277 423 46 159 216 Kabutogi Shoko, Stein Pelliot shushu Tonko Hokkekyo mokuroku ---, Tonko mokuroku taisho teihon Hokkekyo hakkan Kasuga-ban Toshodaijizo Kanakura, Y. et al., A catalogue of the Tohoku University Collection of Tibetan Works on Buddhism Kara, Gyorgy, see Peter Zieme, Ein uigurisches Totenbuch Karmay, Samten G. (ed. & tr.), The Treasury of Good Sayings: A Tibetan history of Bon Kathaka. Die Samhita der Katha-Sakha Kato, Bunno (tr.), see Myoho-renge-kyo Kawamura, Leslie S. (ed.), The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism Kem, F., Asoka, Kaiser und Missionar Kielhorn, F., Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache ---, Kleine Schriften mit einer Auswahl der epigraphischen Aufsatze Kirfel, Willibald, Symbolik des Hinduismus und des Jinismus; Symbolik des Buddhismus ---, Kleine Schriften Kiyota, Minoru (ed.), Mahayana Buddhist Meditation: Theory and Practice Klafkowski, Piotr, The Secret Deliverance of the Sixth Dalai Lama Kloppenborg, Ria, The Paccekabuddha ---, see The Sutra on the Foundation of the Buddhist Order Kolmas, J., A Genealogy of the Kings of Derge Kolver, Bernhard, Textkritische und philologische Untersuchungen zur Rajatarangini des Kalhana K'ung, Fo-kuang hsueh-pao Kyi, Aung San Suu, see Tibetan Studies in honour of Hugh Richardson ' 69 331 350 438 305 306 179 266 422 467 180 387 Lamotte, Etienne, La concentration de la marche heroique --- (tr.), The Teaching of Vimalakirti ---, Le Traite de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nagarjuna (Mahaprajnaparamitasastra) T.III ---, idem, T IV ---, see Indianisme et bouddhisme. Melanges offerts a Mgr Etienne Lamotte Laszlo, Franz, Die Parallelversion der Manusmiti im Bhavisyapurana Lati Rimpoche, see The Precious Garland and The Song of the Four Mindfulnesses 186 348 440 272 335 Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 55 332 127 209 87 Laufer, Berthold, Kleinere Schriften La Vallee Poussin, L. de, Catalogue of the Tibetan Manuscripts from Tun-huang in the India Office Library Lee, Peter H. (tr.), Lives of Eminent Korean Monks. Lessing, F.D. (gen.ed.), Mongolian-English Dictionary Liebenthal, W., Chao Lun. The treatises of Seng-chao Lienhard, Siegfried, Maniculavadanoddhita --- (ed.), see Carl Cappeller, Kleine Schriften und Sanskrit-Gedichte Ligeti, Louis (ed.), Proceedings of the Csoma de Koros Memorial Symposium Lommel, Herman, Kleine Schriften Luders, H, Beobachtungen uber die Sprache des buddhistischen Urkanons ---, Mathura Inscriptions, ed. by K.L. Janert Luk, Charles (Lu Kluan Yu) (tr.), see The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra 185 121 374 405 386 20 112 274 M 236 388 Macdonald, Ariane et M. Lalou, L'oeuvre de Jean Przyluski --- et Yoshiro Imaeda, Choix de documents tibetains conserves a la Bibliotheque Nationale, Tome 1 Mackenzie, D.N. (ed. & tr.), The 'Sutra of the Causes and Effects of Actions' in Sogdian McDermott, A.C. Senape, An Eleventh-Century Buddhist Logic of 'Exists' Magnin, Paul, La vie et l'oeuvre de Huisi (515-577) Mahabharata Vol. III: 4 & 5 Mahabhasyapradipavyakhyanani Mahayana Mahaparinirvana-Sutra, The Maitrayani Samhita, Die Samhita der Maitrayaniya-Sakha Malalasekera, G.P., Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, Fasc.A-Aca Malvania, Padita D. (ed.), Padita Durveka Misra's Dharmottarapradipa Martin-Dubost, Paul, Cankara et le Vedanta Masson, J. M. (tr.), see Sanskrit Love Poetry Matsunami, S., A Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Tokyo University Library May, J., Candrakirti, Prasannapada madhyamakavstti Mayeda, Sengaku, see Sankara's Upadesasahasri Meisezahl, R.O., Alttibetische Handschriften der Volkerkundlichen Sammlungen der Stadt Mannheim im Reiss-Museum ---, Tibetische Prajnaparamita-Texte im Berischen Historischen Museum 239 259 445 370 511 291 280 94 53 282 373 133 85 281 96 141 Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 ##*ILHI ( 14 ) 298 373 340 428 304 326 359 382 68 218 ---, Smasanavidhi des Luyi. Textkritik nach der tibetischen Version des Kommentars Luyipadabhisamayavstti Sambarodaya nama von Tathagatavajra Merwin, W.S. and J. Moussaieff Masson (tr.), see Sanskrit Love Poetry Meyer, J.J., Das altindische Buch vom Welt- und Staatsleben. Das Arthacastra des Kautilya Mikkyo daijiten, vols. I-VI Mikkyo jiten --- (Japanese translation, cf. 304) Miller, Barbara Stoler, Love Song of the Dark Lord Miller, Roy A., Studies in the Grammatical Tradition in Tibet Miller, R.J., Monasteries and Culture Change in Inner Mongolia Millot, H., see L. Boulnois, Bibliographie du Nepal Mimaki, Katsumi, La refutation bouddhique de la permanence des choses (Sthirasiddhidusana) et La preuve de la momentaneite des choses (Ksanabhangasiddhi) Mittal, K., Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im alteren Buddhismus I Moeller, Volker, Symbolik des Hinduismus und des Jainismus Monier-Williams, M., A Dictionary English and Sanskrit Monumenta Tibetica Historica Mukherjee, B., Die Uberlieferung von Devadatta, dem Widersacher des Buddha in den kanonischen Schriften Mukhopadhyaya, Sujitkumar, The Asokavadana, Sanskrit text compared with Chinese versions Murano, Senchu (tr.), The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law Myoho-renge-kyo, The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law (tr. by Bunno Kato) 343 135 295 52 468 153 178 277 277 N 452 : Nakamura, Hajime, Bukkyo-go Daijiten ---, Shoki no Vedanta tetsugaku Na-khi Manuscripts (J.F.Rock) Na-khi Handschriften (M.Harders-Steinhauser und G. Jayme) Neumann, K.E., Die Reden Gotamo Buddhos Ngawang Gelek Demo (ed.), The collected works of 'Jam-dbyans bzad-pa'i rdo-rje Nobel, J., Suvaraprabhasottamasutra, Bd. II --- (ed.& tr.), Udrayana, Konig von Roruka Norman Brown, W., India and Indology. Selected articles Norman, K.R. (tr.), The Elders' Verses, I: Theragatha 172 172 63 320 7 35 383 206 Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949--1986 57 384 521 365 Oberhammer, Gerhard (ed.), see Transzendenzerfahrung ---, (ed.), Inklusivismus Oetke, Claus, Die aus dem Chinesischen ubersetzten Tibetischen Versionen des Suvarmaprabhasasutra O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger (ed.), Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions Oldenberg, Hermann, Kleine Schriften Olivelle, Patrick, Vasudevasrama Yatidharmaprakasa ---, ibid., part I translation Oppenberg, U., Quellenstudien zu Friedrich Schlegels Ubersetzungen aus dem Sanskrit 450 177 339 362 128 67 414 171 530 151 325 5 16 60 Pachow, W., A Comparative Study of the Pratimoksa Panglung, Jampa Losang, see Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke Patkar, M.M., Tattva-kaumudi. Vacaspati Misra's Commentary on the Sainkhya-Karika, tr. into Engl. by G.Jha. Rev. and re-ed. by Dr. M.M. Patkar Paul, Diana, Philosophy of Mind in Sixth Century China. Pearson, J.D., Oriental and Asian Bibliography Pedraglio, Armelle, Un drame allegorique sanskrit. Le Prabodhacandrodaya de Kisnamisra Petech, L., China and Tibet in the early 18th century ---, I Missionari Italiani nel Tibet e nel Nepal ---, Mediaeval History of Nepal Petzold, The Writings of Professor Bruno Petzold (1873-1949) Pischel, R., Comparative Grammar of the Praksit Languages Poortman, J.J., Ochema. Geschiedenis en zin van het Hylisch Pluralisme, II Porcher, Marie-Claude, see Inde et litteratures Potter, Karl H., Bibliography of Indian Philosophies --- (ed.), Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology; Advaita Vedanta up to Samkara and his pupils Practice and Theory of Tibetan Buddhism Prasadika, Bhiksu, see Vimalakirtinirdesasutra Prebish, Charles S., Buddhist Monastic Discipline: The Sanskrit Pratimoksa Sutras of the Mahasamghikas and Mulasarvastivadins 523 176 55 510 253 496 406 463 322 Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 ##*ILE (145) Precious Garland and The Song of the Four Mindfulnesses, The Prince Who Became a Cuckoo, The Przyluski, J., The legend of Emperor Asoka in Indian and Chinese Texts Python, Pierre, Vinaya-viniscaya-Upali-pariprccha 335 488 175 323 Quellet, Henri, Le Gitagovinda de Jayadeva 385 R 129 Raghavan, V., Studies on Some Concepts of the Alamkara Sastra 271 Rahula, Bhikkhu Telwatte, A Critical Study of the Mahavastu 346 Rahula, Walpola (tr.), Le compendium de la super-doctrine (philosophie) (Abhidharmasamuccaya) d'Asanga 245 ---, see Buddhist Studies in honour of Walpola Rahula 442 Rau, Wilhelm, Bhartharis Vakyapadiya 447 ---, Bilder hundert deutscher Indologen 139 ---, Bilder 135 deutscher Indologen 499 Reischauer, E.O., Ennin's Diary; Ennin's Travels in Tang China 29 ---, Die Reisen des Monchs Ennin Richardson, Hugh, Tibetan Studies in honour of 467 Robinson, R., Chinese Buddhist Verse Rocher, Rosane (ed.), see W.Norman Brown, India and Indology Rock, J.F., A 'Na-2khi-English Encyclopedic Dictionary, Part I 113 ---, Na-khi manuscripts, ed. by K.L.Janert ---, The life and Culture of the Na-khi tribe of the China-Tibet borderland 172 Roerich, G., Biography of Dharmasvamin 97 ---, Le parler de l'Amdo Roth, Gustav (ed.), Bhiksuni-vinaya including Bhiksuni-prakimaka and a summary of the Bhiksu-prakirnaka of the Arya-Mahasamghika- Lokottaravadin * 256 ---, Malli-jnata 514 Rucklaufiges Worterbuch des Altindischen/Reverse Index of Old Indian 454 Ruegs, D.S., The life of Bu ston Rin po che 156 ---, The Literature of the Madhyamaka School of Philosophy in India 486 383 172 Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 59 436 Sagaster, K., Subud Erike. Ein Rosenkranz aus Perlen 196 Saigusa Mitsuyoshi, Studien zum Mahaprajnaparamit.(upadesa)sastra 208 Samtani, N.H.(ed.), The Arthaviniscaya-sutra and its Commentary (Nibandhana) 278 Sandahl-Forgue, Stella, Le Gitagovinda 360 Sander, L., Palaographisches zu den Sanskrithandschriften der Berliner Turfansammlung 210 ---, und E.Waldschmidt, Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden, IV 490 Sander-Holzmann, Lore, see Waldschmidt, Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden 289 Sankara's Upadesasahasri 281 Sanskrit Love Poetry 373 Sanskrit Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden, 1 285 ---, ibid., 2 344 ---, ibid., 4 516 Sasaki, G.H., Abidatsuma shiso kenkyu 100 Sastri, S. Srirama and S.R. Krishnamurti Sastri, (eds.), Pancapadika of Sri Padmapadacarya 82 Sastry, R. Ananthakrishna, Visnusahasranama Scharfe, H., Die Logik im Mahabhasya 114 Schiffer, Wilhelm, see Myoho-renge-kyo 277 Schlerath, Bernfried, Sanskrit Vocabulary 430 Scheuer, Jacques, Siva dans le Mahabharata 498 Schlingloff, D., Buddhistische Stotras aus ostturkistanischen Sanskrittexten 37 ---, Chandoviciti ---, Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im alteren Buddhismus 135 Schmid, T., The Cotton-clad Mila 23 ---, The Eighty-five Siddhas 76 Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig, Das Hung-ming chi und die Aufnahme des Buddhismus in China 366 Schmithausen, Lambert (ed.), see P.Hacker, Kleine Schriften 379 Schomerus, H.W., Arunantis Sivajnanasiddhiyar 502 Schrader, F.O., Kleine Schriften 500 Schroeder, Leopold von, (ed.), Maitrayani Samhita. Die Samhita der Maitrayaniya Sakha, Erstes Buch 219 ---, Kathaka. Die Samhita der Katha-Sakha, Erstes Buch 219 ---, ibid., Vols. 3 and 4 280 Schubert, Johannes, Festschrift Studia Asiae 199 Schubring, Walther, Kleine Schriften 356 65 Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ## 14 ) 345 462 425 453 318 120 123 42 115 25 173 300 464 Schuh, Dieter, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, 5 & 6 ---, ibid., 8 Schwartzberg, Joseph E., A Historical Atlas of South Asia Schwarz, Wolfgang, see Rucklaufiges Worterbuch des Altindischen Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of Kumarajiva Semicov, B.V. et al., Kratkij tibetsko-russkij slovar' ---, [Russian translation of 120] Shafer, R. (ed.), Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan languages ---, ibid., II ---, Ethnography of Ancient India ---, Introduction to Sino-Tibetan, part 1 ---, ibid., parts 3,4,5 Sharma, Mukunda Madhava, Inscriptions of Ancient Assam Shastri, H.P. (tr.), Panchadashi. A Treatise on Advaita metaphysics by Swami Vidyaranya Shukla, Karunesha (ed.), Sravakabhumi of Acarya Asanga Siegel, Lee, Sacred and Profane Dimensions of Love in Indian Traditions Siiger, H., From the Third Danish Expedition to Central Asia Sikh Religious Studies Information Silburn, L., Hymnes de Abhinavagupta ---, Sivasutra et Vimarsini de Ksemaraja ---, Vatulanatha Sutra avec le commentaire d'Anantasaktipada Silverstein, Michael (ed.), Whitney on language Simon, Richard, Kleine Schriften Simonsson, N., Indo-tibetische Studien, I Simson, G. von, see Einfuhrung in die Indologie Snellgrove, D., Buddhist Himalaya ---, Four lamas of Dolpo ---, The Hevajra Tantra ---, The nine ways of Bon Sohnen, Renate, Untersuchungen zur Komposition von Reden und . . Gesprachen im Ramayana Solomon, Esther A. (ed.), Samkhya-Saptati-Vitti (V) and Samkhya-vitti (V2) Soothill, W.E., see Myoho-renge-kyo Sopa, Geshe Lhundup, see Practice and Theory of Tibetan Buddhism Sprache, Die, Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft - Festgabe fur W. Eilers Sprachen des Buddhismus in Zentralasien Sprachwissensschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Turfan-Forschung Sprockhoff, J.F., Samnyasa. Quellenstudien zur Askese im Hinduismus, I Sprung, Mervyn, Lucid Exposition of the Middle Way 170 299 371 36 413 220 477 86 287 426 56 409 58 238: 80 197 455 296 277 406 187 518 286 361 412 Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1949-1986 267 258 372 39 381 64 Staal, J.F. (ed.), A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians Stache-Rosen, V., Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im alteren Buddhismus, II Steermann, Imre, Untersuchung des Konigswahlmotivs in der indischen Marchenliteratur: Pancadivyadhivasa Stein, R.A., L'epopee tibetaine de Gesar Sternbach, L., Bibliography on dharma and artha in Ancient and Mediaeval India ---, Canakya's Aphorisms in the Hitopadesa, I-IV ---, A Descriptive Catalogue of Poets quoted in Sanskrit Anthologies and Inscriptions ---, Indian Riddles ---, Maha-subhasita-samgraha, Vol. I ---, ibid., Vol. II ---, ibid., Vol.III . ---, Poesie sanskrite conservee dans les anthologies et les inscriptions ---, Supplement to O. Bohtlingk's Indische Spruche ---, Unknown Verses Attributed to Ksemendra Strauss, Otto, Kleine Schriften Streng, F.J., Emptiness, Strong, John S., The Legend of King Asoka Studia Sino-Altaica, Festschrift fur E.Haenisch zum 80. Geburtstag Studies on Esoteric Buddhism and Tantrism Stupa: its religious, historical and architectural, significance, The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law Sutra on the Foundation of the Buddhist Order, The 453 324 294 341 354 453 160 408 515 202 522 99 163 443 277 306 162 301 392 466 470 Takasaki, Jikido, A study on the Ratnagotravibhaga ---, Nyoraizo-shisa no keisei [The formation of the tathagatagarbha theory] Taube, Manfred, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, 1-4 Tauscher, Helmut, see Candrakirti. Madhyamakavatarah und Madhyamakavatarabhasyam Tekin, Sinasi, Buddhistische Uigurica aus der Yuan-Zeit Temenos. Studies in.Comparative Religion presented by scholars in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, vol. I Terjek, J. (ed.), Collected Works of Alexander Csoma de Koros Thakur, A. (ed.), Jnanasrimitranibandhavali ---, Ratnakirtinibandhavali Thieme, P., Kleine Schriften Thomi, Peter, Cudala Thurman, Robert A.F.(tr.), The Holy Teaching of Vimalakiri 143 525 95 78 241 411 387 Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 *IL ( 14 ) 467 390 414 357 384 51 136 Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson Tibetan Tripitaka, Sde dge edition Bstan hgyur. Dbu ma ---, Dbu ma, vols. 15-17, Sems tsam, vols. 1-16 460 Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke Toung Pao, Index to vols. XXXVIII-LV Transzendenzerfahrung. Vollzugshorizont des Heils Tribus, No. 7 Tripathi, Chandrabhal, Funfundzwanzig Sutras des Nidanasamyukta Tso Sze-bong, Chung-kuo fo-chiao shih-chuan yi mu-lu yuan-ch'u lu-hsueh sha-men chih t'an-t'ao Tsong-ka-pa, Tantra in Tibet. The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra Tsuji, Naoshiro, Genson Yajuru-veda bunken ---, Vedagaku ronshu Tucci, Giuseppe, I libro tibetano dei morti (Bardo Todol) ---, Opera minora ---, Storia della filosofia indiana ---, Tibetan Folk Songs from Gyantse and Western Tibet 200 391 219 351 276 283 61 168 Velthem, M. van, Le Traite de la descente dans la profonde loi Venkatacharya, T. (ed.), The Rasarnavasudhakara of Simhabhupala ---,The Sriharicarita-mahakavya of Srihari Padmanabhasastrin Verpoorten, J.-M., L'ordre des mots dans l'Aitareya-brahmana Vetter, Tilmann (tr.), Mandanamisra's Brahmasiddhih Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra ---, Tibetan version, Sanskrit Restoration and Hindi translation Vogel, C., Vagbhata's Astarigahgdayasamhita. The first 5 chapters of its Tibetan version, ed. and rend. into Engl. with the orig. Sanskrit by C. Vogel ---, Indian Lexicography 367 432 270431 242 274 463 410 w 439 10 Wackernagel, Jacob, Kleine Schriften Waldschmidt, E., Das Mahaparinirvanasutra ---, Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden, I ---, ibid., D ---, ibid., III ---, ibid., IV (see also Sander, L.) 144 257 289 490 Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1040-1986 63 188 285 358 429 254 528 505 224 369 ---, Von Ceylon bis Turfan. ---, see Sanskrit Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden ---, see Beitrage zur Indienforschung . Walravens, Hartmut (Hrsg.), Kleinere Schriften von B.Laufer Warder, A.K., Outline of Indian Philosophy ---, Introduction to Pali Watanabe, F. Philosophy and its Development in the Nikayas and Abhidhamma Welbon, G.R., The Buddhist Nirvana and its Western interpreters ---, (Chinese translation of 224] Weller, F., Tibetisch-Sanskritischer Index zum Bodhicaryavatara ---, Zwei zentralasiatische Fragmente des Buddhacarita Wezler, Albrecht, see Klaus Bruhn Wilhelm, F., Prufung und Initiation im Buche Pausya und in der Biographie des Naropa --- and Jampa Losang Panglung, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke Willemen, Charles, The Essence of metaphysics. Abhidharma-hgdaya ---, The Chinese Hevajratantra Willis, Janice Dean, On Knowing Reality. The Tattvartha Chapter of Asanga's Bodhisattvabhumi Wright, A.F., Buddhism in Chinese History 17 21 456 134 414 393 520 506 102 Yamada, Isshi (ed.), Karunapundarika Yamada, Ryujo, Bongo butten no bunkengaku josetsu ---, Hannyakyotenrui no keisei sareta jidai no haikei Yamamoto, Kosho, see The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana-Sutra Young, Richard Fox, Resistant Hinduism Yuyama, A. Kacchapa-jataka 207 62 13 291 478 504 Zachariae, Theodor, Opera Minora 338 Zeller, O., Problemgeschichte der vergleichenden (Indo-germanischen) Sprachwissenschaft Zieme, Peter, Ein uigurisches Totenbuch 434 Zimmer, S., Tocharische Bibliographie: 1959-1975 399 Zimmermann, Francis, La jungle et le fumet des viandes 497 Zimmermann, Heinz, Die Subhasita-ratna-karandaka-katha 303 ---, Wortart und Sprachstruktur im Tibetischen 415