Book Title: Are You Really Vegetarian
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Are you really vegetarian? Any man-made thing in this world can be non-vegetarian now! Read the shocking truths in these slides. Data is gathered from various websites (big thanks to PETA and, and some magazines. Data compiled in this deck is only a sample list! Data collected and collated by Darshan Bavisi. For suggestions, further inclusions, etc. send email at Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ List of vegetarian looking products that may contain nonvegetarian ingredients (i.e. animals, birds, insects, sea creatures, etc.) cos Product Adhesives (like for plywood) Allergen (substance causing allergies) Antiperspirants, Deodorants Body organs / extract used Blood of slaughtered animals Rubbery protein in vertebrates from animal tissue Fiber from crustacean shells (shellfish, lobster, prawn, shrimp, oyster, etc.), Bee pollen (by hurting or even cutting legs of bees) Animal bone ash for water filtering Amino acid from hair of animals Amino acid from urine of animals and horse hair Aquarium Bakery products Balms Bedcovers, Beddings, Blankets, Pillows, Comforters, Sleeping Bags Birth control pills Bubble bath, Detergents Feathers of slaughtered or cruelly exploited goose or duck for insulation Pregnant horses and ponies' urine (female hormones) Animal fats Cheese-making Blood of slaughtered animals, and also innermost layer of stomach of calf taken out after killing, then dried with salt then added to milk to make cheese Animal bone powder or bone ash Chinaware items (food-plates, bowls, mugs, etc.) Collagen (proteins) Neck ligaments and veins of cows Pigments from animal, insects (some colors also tested on various animals due to its cancer-causing, toxic, poisonous, and hazardous properties) Colors (general), Dyes, and food colors Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ List of vegetarian looking products that may contain nonvegetarian ingredients (i.e. animals, birds, insects, sea creatures, etc.) 63 Cosmetics Creams Diet products Eye creams Product Eye shadows, Face creams, Face makeups, Lip balms, Lipsticks, Mascara, Nail whiteners Fertilizers Foam rubber Food (some) Foods (like lecithin) Fruits (covered or coated with) Body organs / extract used Blood, insects (for coloring), nervous tissue, oils from ratite birds, oils from animals, amino Acids (proteins) derived from animals, beeswax, pigment from animal tissues (for coloring cosmetics), animal fats, lanolin, egg yolk Amino acid from urine of animals and horse hair, oils from ratite birds, pregnant horses', ponies' urine (female hormones) Fiber derived shellfish, lobster, prawn, shrimp, oyster, etc. Animal fats, lanolin, oils, nervous tissue, blood, egg yolk, beeswax (by ruthlessly removing bees from their hard effort home, i.e. honeycomb, and stealing their home, bees suffer tremendously at that time and also go into loss of memory for at least 24 to 48 hours. They have to restart all over in building their home that humans took away ruthlessly.) Beeswax (read details above), Fish bones, Fish muscles Crushed or ground animal bones (for calcium) Blood of slaughtered animals Animal fats Blood of slaughtered animals Beeswax or larvae of insects Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ List of vegetarian looking products that may contain nonvegetarian ingredients (i.e. animals, birds, insects, sea creatures, etc.) 63 Hair care products Incense Insulin (used by diabetes patients) Intravenous feedings Lotions Product Makeups Medicines Menopausal or reproductive problems Milk with vitamin D Moisturizers Musical instruments, Surgical sutures (joins, stitches, etc.), Tennis racket strings Nutritional Supplements Body organs / extract used Fiber derived from crustacean shells (shellfish, lobster, prawn, shrimp, oyster, etc.), amino acid from hair of animals Creamy substance from muskrat and beaver genitals (only some companies use it) Extract from hog pancreas Blood of slaughtered animals Pregnant horses' and ponies' urine (female hormones), amino acid from urine of animals and horse hair, beeswax Fish scales Blood of slaughtered animals, digestive tracts of cows and pigs Pregnant horses' and ponies' urine (female hormones) Fish liver oil Brain tissues of animals, fatty acids and sugars from nerves of animals, amino acid from urine of animals and horse hair Intestines of sheep, horses, etc. Urine of animals and horse hair (to extract amino acids), fish liver oil, amino Acids (proteins) from animals, bee pollen (by hurting or even cutting legs of bees), crushed or ground animal bones (for calcium) Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ List of vegetarian looking products that may contain nonvegetarian ingredients (i.e. animals, birds, insects, sea creatures, etc.) s Product Body organs / extract used Ointments Oral care products Amino acid from urine of animals and horse hair Fiber derived from crustacean shells (shellfish, lobster, prawn, shrimp, oyster, etc.) Slaughtered and exploited bird feathers Ornaments Perfume Creamy substance from muskrat and beaver genitals (some companies only use it now). Oily greasy secretion painfully scraped from a gland very near the genital organs of cats. Pregnant horses' and ponies' urine (female hormones) Shampoos Skin-care products Soap Sugar white Slaughtered and exploited bird feathers, oils from animals, nervous tissue, blood of slaughtered animals, amino acids (proteins), bee pollen (by hurting or even cutting legs of bees), animal fats, lanolin, egg yolk Fiber derived from crustacean shells (shellfish, lobster, prawn, shrimp, oyster, etc.), egg proteins Animal fats, fish and marine mammal oil Animal bone ash to make sugar white Bee pollen (by hurting or even cutting legs of bees), crushed or ground animal bones (for calcium) Pigment from animal tissues Toothpastes Vitamin A Vitamins tablets Digestive tracts of cows and pigs, crushed or ground animal bones (for calcium), fish liver oil, amino acids (proteins) derived from animals Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ever wondered? os Check these facts Ever wondered that you may be sometimes applying blood, muscles, brain, skin, veins, urine, etc. of an animal on your body or eating them in your food or consuming them in medicines or supplements? Ever wondered why there are no green square marks in India) on many of the cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, deodorants, face creams, moisturizers, etc. (the list will go on)? Ever wondered the fertilizers used to grow vegetables could be non-veg? So vegetables could be actually not vegetarian?!?! Ever wondered the strings of tennis racket, musical instruments are made from intestines of sheep, horses, etc.? You may have thought of it being rubber, plastic or synthetic probably. Ever wondered millions of diabetics inject hog pancreas in their body (i.e. probably most of insulin is made from hog pancreas), which means even vegetarian or vegan are consuming it in their body? Ever wondered that everything i.e. skin, veins, blood, eyes, bones, muscles, brain, etc. i.e. everything and every part of slaughtered animals and birds is used in something or the other? Nothing 'wasted'! Every animal slaughtered in few thousand bucks is 'disassembled' and finally sold for millions? Ever wondered how most of the manufacturers are able to hide all this information from people? Ever wondered the ingredients list may either won't tell this or mislead layman by giving it a different name and purposely use chemical terms? Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ever wondered? cos Check these facts Ever wondered even when we call ourselves 'advanced' we still eat food or drink liquids (e.g. tea, milk, coffee) in bones almost everyday like in stone-age era? So many food-plates now-a-days have bone powder in it even if they don't disclose it, or 'Bone China' is not written on the back of the food-plate? Anyone manufacturing such falsified products claiming to be vegetarian or vegan should be severely punished under laws. Are they also fooling the people, lawmakers and FDA by claiming these are chemicals and 'natural substances' (which means it can be either derived from plants or animals or birds or sea creatures or insects, etc.) making them approve their products as vegetarian or vegan? Is there a chain of suppliers from one to another to another to another to another, finally diluting the non-veg products and claiming these as vegetarian or vegan at the end? But big companies & some government laws don't want to reveal that! Many of these products are first brutally tested on animals that even kill, blind, impair or terribly make them suffer. Some believe that killing animals and birds can cause increased flooding, typhoons, earthquakes, other natural and man-made physical and mental disasters due to the negative and painful vibrations and harmful chain reactions gets activated. That sounds logical as it is proven that killing animals causes more greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases increases the temperature on Earth, and also leads to more drought, flooding, melting of glacier and snow, increase in sea level, untimely weather changes, unseasonal rains, etc. We probably don't know yet the complete chain reaction happening due to such killings. Every day millions of cows, hogs, birds, sea creatures, etc. other animals and birds are killed. Imagine how much negativity is generated on Earth everyday. How can the humans live happily by creating massive pain and suffering to innocent animals and birds? The world is more unstable and unhappy then probably ever before, and all this is man-made only. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Which animals, birds, etc. are we'consuming' the most? Many of the products that we cluelessly think are vegetarian and use (externally) or consume (internally), may contain any of the below generally used animals, birds, insects, etc. in it, Cats, Cows, Dogs, Ducks, Eggs, Fishes (even sharks, whales), Geese, Hogs, Horses, Insects (many types of), Lobster, Marine mammals, Oyster, Pigs, Prawn, Sheep, Shellfish, Shrimp, and many others An unthought-of reality For the 7 Billion humans, far more than 150 Billion animals, birds, etc. are killed EACH YEAR (Source: (150 billion does not include other millions killed for various researches). Making on an average for every person (knowingly or knowingly, directly or indirectly related or responsible) the killings of 21.5 Billion of these creatures each year. Considering an average age of a person to be 65 years, killings of 1.4 Trillion of these living creatures happen in one lifetime of each person on an average through use of various products and consumption in different forms. And these does not include the innumerable bees and various other insects. So for every single lifetime of 7 billion human lives, there can be about 9,800,000,000,000,000,000,000 animals, birds, etc. killed. There are millions more killed each year for various researches. These are minimum currently, and growing, because population is growing and our use of various such products are growing, possibly due to lifestyle changes and massive marketing of such products by large companies (and generating desire to purchase things that we may not even need, for their profit). Other than killing live 'creatures' for non-living product 'creation', we all also happen to kill various forms of creatures in too many different ways in our day-to-day life other than above types of 'consumptions'. Note: Everything in this document is only data collection not meant to hurt anyone's feelings. Some people may not care about any of such things, but many may care of such facts. It has also nothing to do with those eating non-veg or being vegetarian or vegan, but is just for understanding and knowledge or its possible long term effect on our mother Earth. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Who can stop this? Should we wait for others to stop this? We can stop this by either not using these products or by contacting the manufacturer to reveal what non-veg item they have added in their product. Let us send letters, emails, phone calls, etc. to manufacturers and governments and ask them about all this. Let us ask the governments to change laws to directly name and disclose the animals, birds, insects, etc. used in a product instead of using chemical names or as 'natural substances'. These living creatures are termed as 'substances' like any other non-living chemical substance? Is that not a shame on the humanity? Are we able to imagine where are we leading our world and future generations towards? It is already proven world over that ritha (soapnut), shikakai (acacia concinna), amla (Indian gooseberry), kesar (saffron), haldi (turmeric), chandan (sandalwood), etc. are truly the best products for human hair, skin and body. Water from overnight soaked 'bhendi' (okra) can be insulin for diabetes patients. There are already all the least harmless ways for everything we need, and we just need to find them through various vegetarian based pre-existing methods, home remedies, pre-existing medical sciences, etc., instead of killing and using animals for every such things. Hello (cruel) World, please live and let live every living being!