Book Title: Agam 20 Upang 09 Kalpvatansika Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Namo Namo Nimmal-Dansanass Shree Anand-Kshama-Lalit-Sushil-SudharmaSagar Guroobhyo Namah Kalpavatansika [Aagam sootra- 20, Upang sootra- 9] Meaning with Commentary Compiled by JAIN MUNI DEEPRATNASAGAR [M.Com. M.Ed. Ph.D.] Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Baal brahmchaari shree Neminaathaay namah Namo Namo Nimmal-Dansanass Shree Anand-Kshma-Lalit-Sushil-SudharmaSagar Guroobhyo Namah Kalpavatansika [Aagam Sootra-20, Upang Sootra- 9] Meaning with Commentary Compiled by → MUNI DEEPRATNASAGAR [M.Com. M.Ed., Ph.D.] It's a net Publication Jain Aagam (English) Online Series Publication Date: 01/11/2013 Aagam - 20 - Kalpavatansikaka Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [2] Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kalpavatansika Anukkam Page 04 04 No. Chapter - [Ajjhayanam] 01 Padhamam [First] - Padma 02 --Introduction 03 --Dream of Padmavati --Ascetic Padma 05 Beeiam (Second] - Mahapadma 06 Taiam jav Dasamam (Chapter- 3 to 10] 04 05 06 0205 3 to 5 06 Aagam -20 - Kalpavatansikaka Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [3] Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Something about This Publication o We have already published 45 Aagams in Four languages Prakrut, Sanskrut (Satik), Hindi and Gujarati. Now a day for new generation & abroad living people, English translation has become a necessity. So we have planned to translate or compile Jain-Aagam in English. We gave priority to Nandi Sootra because it's known as wellbeing & auspicious sootra. The Theme of Nandi is knowledge; Nandisootra mainly describes five types of "TH-(Jnanas)" After that we have started Niraayavalika panchak, from that panchak, here we are giving meaning with commentary of Kalpavatansika. Kalpavatansika is an "Ang-bahya"Aagam, at present it is known as "Upang" Sootra. Shree Chandra-Suri has written Vrutti [commentary] on kalpavatansika Here, we have compiled Translation done by Surendra Bothara, which is originally edited in to Hindi by Shree Am ar-Muni & Shree Chandra Surana, We have two motives for publishing this book. [1] To provide Aagam literature in English & [2] It should be given in Microsoft Word format so people can do Cut, Paste & Editing by themselves also. At present this Book is published as a Net-Publication with the help of the organization of America. In future we may publish it as a Book also. We are also planning to put more Aagams in English before you. We also invite learned persons to translate more & more 'authentic Jain literature in English for kids and youths, so the ignorant people of regional languages can also read or learn our "Shashtra & Granth". We are very much thankful to Shree Pravinbhai, Sudeshbhai, Late Mr. Krupal Shah and all other known-unknown persons who helpd us for this project directly or indirectly. Dharm-Labh Muni deepratnasagar (01/11/2013) Aagam -20 - Kalpavatansikaka Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [4] Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ KALPAVATANSIKA (Meaning with Commentary) INTRODUCTION: The first section titled Niryaavalika contains the stories of King Shrenik's ten sons from his ten queens including Queen Kaali. As a result of their indulgence in extreme violence, sin, and evil conduct they all were born in hell after their death. As it contains the description of hell-bound beings this section is named Niryaavalika. When the ten queens including Kaali listened from Bhagavan Mahavir about the sad demise of their sons and their passage to hell, they got detached from mundane pleasures. They all got initiated in Bhagavan Mahavir's order. They attained salvation by indulging in rigorous austerities. The description of their initiation and austerities is available in Antakrid-dashanga Sutra. It is quite possible that when the sons of these princes including Kaal Kumar heard the description of the bad end of their fathers, they were also filled with aversion for the mundane and regal pleasures and got detached. After that these princes also attended Bhagavan Mahavir's discourse and got initiated. After their death, King Shrenik's ten sons went to hell due to their covetousness for the throne. But his grandsons renounced the regal grandeur and went to heaven after dressing intense austerities. Brief description of initiation of these princes including Padma is given in this second section titled Kalpavatansika. As this contains the story of those destined to the Kalp Vimans (celestial vehicles), this section named Kalpavatansika is known as a ninth UPANG now-a-days. It seems to be an upang of ninth Ang-Sootra named Anuttaropapaatikdasa. This Aagam contains ten chapters. Chapter (Adhyayan) -1- Padma [1] Meaning- Jambu Swami asked "Bhante ! When aforesaid is the text and meaning of the first section of the Upanga named Niryavalika as given by Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, who has attained the eternal abode of theSiddha-state, how many chapters are said to be there in the second section called Kalpavatansika ?" Sudharma Swami replied "Jambu ! Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir has preached ten chapters of Kalpavatansika, the second section. They are (1) Padma, (2) Mahapadma, (3) Bhadra, (4) Subhadra, (5) Padmabhadra,(6) Padmasen, (7) Padmagulma, (8) Nalinigulma, (9) Anand, and (10) Nandan. Jambu- "Bhante! If there are ten chapters in Kalpavatansika, as given by Shraman Bhagavan. Mahavir, what is the text and meaning of the first chapter of Kalpavatansika ?" Sudharma Swami-"Jambu ! During that period of time there was a city called Champa. There was a garden called Purnabhadra (outside this city in the north-east direction). The ruler of the city was King Kunik. His consort was queen Padmavati. (detailed description as in Aupapatik Sutra) Also in Champa city lived Kaali Devi, wife of King Shrenik and a step mother of King Kunik. She too had delicate limbs and was very beautiful. Kaali Devi had son named Kaal Kumar. This Kaal Kumar's consort was Padmavati, who was very delicate. She lived happily enjoying comforts of life. Aagam - 20 - Kalpavatansikaka [5] Compiled by - Deepratnasagar Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kalpavatansika-Upang-9- Chapter-1 Once Padmavati Devi was sleeping in her royal bedroom which was beautifully decorated with a variety of paintings. During the night, while comfortably sleeping, she woke up after seeing a lion in her dream. In due course she gave birth to a son. His birth was celebrated like that of Mahabal. It was announced "As this child is the son of Kaal Kumar and Padmavati, he should be named Padma." Thus the boy was given this name. All other details should be taken exactly as those in case of Mahabal; that is: He was brought up in regal grandeur and was sent to a teacher where he learned seventy two arts. When he grew mature he was married to eight princesses and his parents gave him marriage gifts in sets of eight. Padma Kumar lived in the upper portion of a grand mansion and enjoyed all comforts of life. Once the samavasaran (religious assembly) of Bhagavan Mahavir was held in Champa city. People came to attend the discourse. King Kunik also came to pay his homage. Like Mahabal, Padma Kumar also came to pay homage and obeisance. Like Mahabal, Padma Kumar (on listening to the sermon) also sought permission from his parents and got initiated,... and so on up to... and wandered around after becoming a completely celibate anagaar (ascetic). [Story of Mahabal since his birth is in Bhagavati Sutra] After getting initiated by Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, that ascetic Padma studied all the eleven Angas (canons) including Samayik from the senior ascetics... and so on up to... he wandered around enriching his soul by observing various austerities including one, two, and three day fasts. As Megh Kumar (JnataDharmakatha Sutra,) resolved to none ahead on the spiritual path by observing serial fasts so did Padma. After seeking permission from Bhagavan Mahavir he climbed the Vipul-giri hill and commenced his spiritual accent by observing padopagaman anashan (lifelong fasting keeping the body motionless like a fallen tree). Due to these rigorous austerities his body got extremely weak and emaciated and he was reduced to a mere skeleton. After studying all the eleven Angas (canons) including Samayik from the senior ascetics he immaculately observed the ascetic code for five years. After that he took the ultimate vow (sallekhana) of one month duration and met his end at the conclusion of the month long fast (avoiding sixty meals). When senior ascetics accompanying him saw that he was dead they came and placed his ascetic equipment before Bhagavan. Then Gautam Swami asked about the future of ascetic Padma. Bhagavan Mahavir replied, "Gautam ! This ascetic Padma, after rejecting sixty meals (doing a month long fast) and doing pratikraman (critical review), has met his end. His soul has gone beyond Jyotishk Vimans (the stellar celestial vehicles) including the moon and has taken birth as a god in the Saudharma kalp (a dimension of gods). His life span there is two Sagaropam." Gautam Swami again asked, "Bhagavan ! completing the age, state, and life of the dimension of gods and descending from there, where will god Padma be born ?" Bhagavan said, "Gautam ! He will be born as a human being in the Mahavideh area and terminate the cycles of rebirth like Dradhapratijna." Sudharma Swami told Jambu, "Jambu ! Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, who has attained nirvana, has narrated this text and meaning of the first chapter of Kalpavatansika. As I have heard from him and so I state." Chapter -1 - Compiled by Muni DeepratnaSagar is finished Aagam - 20 - Kalpavatansikaka Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [6] Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kalpavatansika-Upang-9- Chapter-2 Chapter (Adhyayan) -2- Mahapadma [2] Meaning- Jambu Swami asked- "Bhante ! I have heard the text and meaning of the first chapter of Kalpavatansika as told by Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, who has attained nirvana. Bhante ! Now please tell me the text and meaning of the second chapter of Kalpavatansika." SudharmaSwami replied- "Long lived Jambu ! It is as follows - During that period of time there was a city called Champa. (Outside this city in the northeast direction) There was a garden called Purnabhadra. The ruler of the city was King Kunik. His consort was queen Padmavati. Also in Champa city lived Sukaali Devi, wife of King Shrenik and a step mother of King Kunik. Sukaali Devi had a son named Sukaal Kumar. This Sukaal Kumar's consort was Mahapadmaa. Once Mahapadmaa while sleeping in her comfortable bed saw a dream. Remaining details are same as in the first chapter. A son was born and was named Mahapadma. In due course he got initiated and finally he will reincarnate as a god ill the Ishan kalp (a dimension of gods having a life span of maximum two Sagaropam. After completing the life-span there he will be born in the Mahavideh area and get perfection, enlightenment and liberation. "Long lived Jambu ! Bhagavan Mahavir has narrated this text and meaning of the second chapter of Kalpavatansika. As I have heard from him and so I state." Meaning [with Commentaryl of Chapter -2- Mahapadmal Compiled by Muni DeepratnaSagar is Finished 0-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-0 Chapter (Adhyayan) - 3 to 10 [2] Meaning- The stories given in the following eight chapters are same as the preceding ones. The name of the mothers are similar to those of the sons, for example mother of Bhadra Kumar is Bhadra, that of Subhadra Kumar is Subhadra, and so on. All these were sons of the ten princes including Kaal Kumar respectively. The span of the part of their life they spent as ascetics was as follows [2] Meaning- (1) Padma and (2) Mahapadma- five years each. (3) Bhadra, (4) Subhadra, and (5) Padmabhadra- four years each. (6) Padmasen, (7) Padma gulma and (8) Nalinigulma—three years each. (9) Anand and (10) Nandan- two years each. They all were grandsons of King Shrenik. [2] Meaning- Additional information to be known about their life is- They progressed in this order:- they were born, got initiated and after death were instantaneously reincarnated as gods in this order—first in Saudharma kalp, second in Ishan kalp, third in Sanatkumar kalp, fourth in Mahendra kalp, fifth in Brahma kalp, sixth in Lantak kalp, seventh in Mahashukra kalp, eighth in Sahasrara kalp, ninth in Pranat kalp, and tenth in Achyut kalp. There life-span there is maximum of the specific kalp. They will descend from the heavens to reincarnate in Mahavideh area and become Siddhas (liberated souls). Aagam - 20 - Kalpavatansikaka Compiled by - Deepratnasagar Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kalpavatansika-Upang-9- Chapter-3 to 10 Commentary- A foresaid information contained in ten chapters compiled in tabular form is as follows T.A.B.L.E No. Father Mother Name Ascetic Reborn-Kalp 1 Kaal Padmavati Padma 5-years Saudharma Sukaal Mahapadmaa Mahapadma 5-Years Ishan 3 Mahakaal Bhadraa Bhadra 4-Years | Sanatkumar Krushna Subhadraa Subhadra 4-Years Mahendra Sukrushna Padmabhadraa Padmabhadraa 4-Years Brahma Mahakrushna Padmasena Padmasen 3-Years Lantak 7 Virakrushna Padmagulmaa Padmagulma l 3-Years Mahashukra 8 Ramakrushna Nalinigulmaa Nalinigulma 3-Years Sahasrara 9 Pitrusenkrushna Anandaa Anand 2-Years Pranat 10 Mahasenkrushna Nandanaa Nandan 2-Years Achyut Chapter -3 to 10- Compiled by Muni DeepratnaSagar is finished End of Aagam Sootra -20- Kalpavatansika [upang-9] Compiled by Muni DeepratnaSagar Aagam - 20 - Kalpavatansikaka Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [8]